
The moon spider doulou

Yue li is a genius cultivator that was praised for her insight in spiritual cultivation, having an innate spirt energy of seven and a lower hight level martial soul dark arachne, she contended with the best by developing several spirit techniques and even published the green palm healing techniques given her the status of a honorary elder of spirit hall. Unfortunately, the betrayal of Bibi dong over a misunderstanding and the death of her husband and unborn child caused her to snap and lead her into a path of darkness while awakening the ability of a world contract enabling her to reincarnate her soul in another world and reap all kinds of knowledge and wisdom as long as she complete a mission from the world. English isn't my second second language.

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50 Chs

Chapter 47

Kenjaku stood there amidst the chaos and the sudden disappearance of Shinju, feeling an overwhelming surge of anger and rage consuming him from within. Every meticulous plan, every intricate scheme, and every calculated move he had made, all seemingly led to this moment of humiliation and mockery.

The revelation hit him like a relentless storm, hammering into his mind with unrelenting force. Shinju's actions, her meticulous planning, her appearance at crucial moments, and her overall strategy were all crafted meticulously to challenge his intellect, to spit in his face with defiance, mocking his stature as an old relic. It was all an elaborate game orchestrated to showcase her superiority and intelligence.

The realization that he had been outsmarted, manipulated, and toyed with struck him like a lightning bolt, igniting a firestorm of fury and frustration within him. Shinju's every move was a calculated insult, a deliberate affront to his intelligence and planning. The name of her escape technique, 'The father going to bring milk,' resonated like a scornful echo, emphasizing the mocking nature of her actions.

For a man like Kenjaku, whose intelligence was a defining trait, to be outplayed and ridiculed in such a manner was an unfathomable blow to his ego and pride. His anger burned hotter with every passing second, fueled by the realization that he had been an unwitting pawn in her grand scheme, a mere part of her elaborate plan to showcase her superiority.

Every detail fell into place, forming a twisted puzzle of events, all crafted to mock his intellect. The analysis of the prison realm, the ritual sealing of Gojo Satoru, the orchestrated attacks in different cities, all leading up to this climactic moment of Shinju's escape – it was a relentless barrage of calculated moves aimed solely at undermining his intelligence and authority.

The rage that coursed through Kenjaku was both blistering and consuming. It was an unquenchable fire, fueled by the humiliation of being played like a fool by someone he had underestimated, someone he had considered beneath him. Her escape, the very act that spat in the face of his intellect, left him seething with fury, a storm of emotions churning within his being.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, Kenjaku's mind reeled, tormented by the realization that he had been nothing more than a pawn in Shinju's grand scheme. The intensity of his anger matched the ferocity of the storm brewing within him, a tempest of emotions threatening to consume his very soul. As the dust settled and Shinju's escape became a harsh reality, Kenjaku was left alone, tormented by the searing rage of being outsmarted and ridiculed, his pride shattered by the actions of the elusive fallen Himemiko.

At the same time, the sorcerers were dumbfounded to find that the object of their mission had just run away, but the special grade remarqued something the moment the worm appeared, somethinghave came out from within the second talisman.

However, before they gathered themselves, they heard the cry of wrath accompanied by a huge burst of cursed energy.

" HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF MY FATHER, I WILL MAKE DREAD THE DAY YOU WERE BORN !!! " Sreamed Kenjaku at the top of his lungs, wrath visible on his face.

Suddenly, he felt a change in the airwaves from behind before receiving a palm to his back, sending him flying. Urame didn't have the chance to interfere as a black flash hit him right in the guts, sending far away.

In his anger, Kenjaku lost his composure, giving Shinju a small opening to take advantage of.

Her plan began way before the attack. When she analyzed the prison realm, she began deducing a series of rituals to emulate the effects. That's how she won against Gojo Satoru, but that ritual wasn't the only one she figured out.

' The temple cocoon sealing ritual, a ritual that sealed the mind, the body, and the cursed energy of the subject, while giving the owner of the cocoon full access to memories and experiences, of course their is a little problem in practice but it's not much. To use it first you need several preparations, one of them is having the cursed energy of the target, putting several nodes in a location which is full of people, having several hunded thousand humans sacrifices, and lastly, a talisman that mark the target. The good thing is that, the sacrifice don't need to be aware that they are sacrificed, the sealing is near instantaneous the moment the target is hit with the mark, and their can be only one owner. '

Shinju knew that she can't be close to him unless he attacked her, so she played a little mind game, making him remember that she is under a vow as such even if he was attacked he expected she will receive a big loss, or die. The second is her escape and the name of the technique. The third is him figuring out that she never planned to leave the prison realm for him.

There was only one part of the plan, how to quickly cover the distance. She first planned to use the bone dust as a medium with three other shekigami to play him, but then the investment that she put on the twins has earned her quite the ability.

Kenjaku didn't fully register what happened before he found himself drowning in countless red threads that come from all directions, his physical strength and cursed energies being blocked, and his thoughts became slower and slower.

At that moment, Shinju walked with a two female headed curse hugging her from behind, catching a small red flying ball in her palm.

" Good work for all the jobs you have done, worry not, your father will take care of it from now on. "

Choso was the first to recognize the curse that was behind her.

" Shinju, you actually killed the twins and made them your curse !! What's that red ball, what's "

" That's a very big accusation that I'm completely denying. " Responded Shinju with righteousness in her voice. " I didn't kill the twins, Sukuna did so go and accuse him if you have the guts. "

" That's because they tried to order Sukuna around with one of his fingers after they fed him to. " Responded Itadori weakly while several other sorcerers cast a glance.

" I just... you know, took advantage of the situation and gave them a promise to stop him from using Suguru Geto's body in exchange for them coming back as curses to serve me. As for how can such a thing happen even after being killed by cursed energy. Well, that's trade secret. " Continued Shinju completely ignoring Itadori Yuji.

" Is that your thing then ? making use of people's weaknesses. " Asked Yuki.

" Yes, I learned it from several renowned politicians, and I must say, it worked beautifully, you know, in ten seconds I will be teleported away to where I had escaped first before, an amazing ability right, as for attacking me, you can try... "

At her words, several sorcerers were ready to attack and on guard against any new tricks.

" And the red ball ? " Asked Choso.

" Ahh, this... remember the prison realm, this one is way stronger, but in truth, the price is also big. " Said Shinju while looking at all the sorcerers, her smile getting creepier and creepier.

" What price ? " Asked Itadori this time.

" Death, hehe... As for how much... hehe, hehe, HAHAHAHA... Why don't you start counting. " She disappeared, leaving her laughter in the air.

From their very first encounter with Shinju, the sorcerers were caught in a whirlwind of astonishment, uncertainty, and a mix of admiration and suspicion. Her arrival at the crucial moments, her strategic intellect, and her enigmatic demeanor left them with a sense of both awe and wariness.

Initially, when Shinju intervened to seal Mahito, the sorcerers were dumbfounded by her unexpected appearance and her swift action. Her ability to outsmart and capture a special grade curse left a strong impression, sparking a blend of admiration for her skill and a tinge of unease at her mysterious persona.

As the events unfolded, Shinju's interactions and statements continually baffled the sorcerers. Her discussion about trust, credibility, and her unique perspective on human nature intrigued some while unsettling others. Her nonchalant demeanor and ability to manipulate situations to her advantage generated a mix of fascination and distrust among the sorcerers.

Shinju's escape from Kenjaku's grasp left the sorcerers astonished yet again. Her cunning tactics, intricate planning, and her ability to evade capture showcased her as a formidable and unpredictable opponent. While some admired her intelligence, others were perturbed by her actions and their implications.

Throughout their encounters, Shinju's actions, speech, and abilities evoked a wide array of emotions within the sorcerers. From awe at her strategic brilliance to suspicion about her true motives, there was a pervasive feeling of uncertainty surrounding her.

The final revelation of her utilization of the twins as curses and the ominous nature of the red ball left the sorcerers reeling with a mix of shock, fear, and confusion. Shinju's unpredictability, her unsettling laughter, and the cryptic warnings about the grave price of her powerful abilities left the sorcerers deeply unsettled.

From start to finish, Shinju's presence elicited a range of conflicting emotions among the sorcerers – admiration for her intelligence, wariness of her unpredictable nature, and a profound sense of unease stemming from her cryptic and ominous actions. Her enigmatic persona and the way she operated in a realm where her every move was part of a grand plan left an indelible mark on the sorcerers, leaving them in awe and apprehension of the elusive fallen Himemiko.

Later statistics showed that more than five hundred thousand humans had died in Nagoya, creating a very large scale crisis.

As of now, the location of Shinju the Himemiko is unknown, several reform have taken place, first, she is to be hunted down immediately, second the prison realm and red cocoon are considered forbidden cursed tools and not to be opened, their the execution of both Itadori Yuji and the master of Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto, Masamichi Yaga to be effective immediately, their head as a proff of death.