
The Moon of Xxene: Lunar Petal [MOVED]

Emeravwe has a secret. She has no memories of her past and no idea where she came from. This is already enough to cause her deep inner turmoil. But in a palace where rank and social status are everything, she finds herself in the worst possible situation: at the bottom of the food chain, scrubbing floors. Yet, how can she be satisfied with this meager existence when surrounded by grandeur? So, she sets her sight on the very highest position in the kingdom -- the king. Enlisting the help of her childhood friend, Eunuch Aslan, she enters the Bureau of Court Affairs and meets Mudiaga, a handsome officer of the Palace Guard, along the way. Can Emeravwe achieve her dream of becoming the king's consort? Or will the secrets behind the dark veil of her past be a mountain more insurmountable than any social ladder? And what secrets do Aslan and Mudiaga hold? The story has been moved to a new link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-moon-of-xxene-lunar-petal_23911582605274805

ObadaE · Teen
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31 Chs

Pathfinder (4)

Aslan said slowly, "Sovereignty has rarely taken into consideration whether or not one is willing."

Dismay marked Eunuch Iroro's brow. This was true. Even Aslan, faced with the Queen Dowager's decision to betroth him with the prime minister's daughter, could not defy her in the end.

If it was Aslan's wish, then as long as Emeravwe remained in the Sun's Court, her steps would always lead her to the throne, and to Aslan. Whether it was by her own intention, or by Aslan's hidden guidance. It was best if she could continue these steps with her current enthusiasm. If she faltered...

Eunuch Iroro wondered, Would Ovye be willing to let her go? No. Eunuch Iroro's hazel eyes dimmed with worry; his brow knit as he thought, Though Ovye may be willing, if her existence is revealed, others will not be.

Aslan saw Eunuch Iroro's thick eyebrows furrow, and understood his concern. He repeated, "Iroro, we have our own plans."

Eunuch Iroro looked up to see Aslan's staunch expression. Even the rays from the crescent moon above could illuminate only half his face. The rest was shrouded in unfathomable shadows.


That night, Emeravwe found herself in a dilemma.

Having learned how they could enter the Bureau of Court Affairs, she knew she should inform Akpokene, but this strangely seized her heart.

She did not want to withhold information from Akpokene, but hitherto she met with Aslan alone and had revealed their relationship to no one. She felt if she disclosed their arrangement now, she would lose something special and secret. The thought of telling Akpokene about him surprisingly upset her, yet Aslan was the only one who could help them, and she could not bear to deny Akpokene this help.

"Truly?" Akpokene whispered when Emeravwe told her a Eunuch friend of hers was willing to help them study for the Bureau of Court Affairs' exam.

"Uh-hm," Emeravwe nodded as she polished a table in one of the offices in the Maidens' Compound. She whispered, "He will meet us tonight in the Eunuchs' Compound."

"The Eunuchs'—!" Akpokene looked alarmed, then a mischievous grin took her features, and Emeravwe knew she was excited at the thought of sneaking into the Eunuchs' Compound. "And where did you meet such a kind Eunuch? I daresay it is hard to meet anyone while bent over scrubbing floors!"

"I met him when I was still an Omote-in-training," she lied. "He helped me one day when the other Omote were harassing me."

Akpokene sighed, "Yes, those were difficult days."

That night, Emeravwe met Akpokene in the gardens separating the Maidens' Quarters from the front offices and classrooms of the Maidens' Compound. There, they waited till the first hour of the guard exchange. Then, sneaking along the shadows of the tall walls surrounding the compound, made their way to the gates opening onto the Court of Celestial Wonders.

All was silent in the great courtyard except the rushing of water as it gurgled from the fountains in the center of the crescent ponds, and the sound of the wind weaving playfully through palm trees and flowerbeds.

The luminescent glow of the golden dragon statue at the center of the green island was rivaled only by that of the two crescent ponds that flanked the central island. With the help of these gleaming bodies, Emeravwe and Akpokene quickly made their way across the courtyard. Passing the towering golden gates that led to the Inner Palace, they arrived at the gates leading to the Eunuchs' Compound.

Though the gates stood closed, Emeravwe knew they were not locked. Normally, she used the gates facing the Compound of the Ministry of Defense to enter the Eunuchs' Compound, as they were closer to the garden where she met Aslan. But she knew the only gates which were locked each night were the gates to the Inner Palace, the palace's main gates, and all others leading outside the palace.

She motioned for Akpokene to help her push the gates open, and breathed with relief when they did not squeak. Once inside the compound, they pushed the gates shut again with a soft clunk. Just as they did, a whisper came from the shadows of the wall to their right.

"Eme, I am here."

Emeravwe recognized Aslan's voice and stepped into the wall's shadow with Akpokene.

"Aslan, I—" Emeravwe began in a whisper, but Aslan shushed her.

"Come quickly," he said, taking her by the hand and leading her forward.

Emeravwe took Akpokene's hand as she hurried after Aslan. They walked silently in the safety of the wall's shadow till they came to the rear of a stone building with a door facing the tall granite wall. The lock on it was firmly placed.

"How will we get inside?" Emeravwe asked.

Aslan reached into the inner pocket of his sleeve and pulled out a flat metal key. He flashed a smile.

Emeravwe rolled her eyes. Of course. "I forgot who you are."

"Who, exactly, is he?" Akpokene asked.

Noticing her for the first time, Aslan turned questioningly to Emeravwe.

Emeravwe guided Akpokene forward. "This is Omote Akpokene. Remember I told you, she also wants to change departments with me."

"Ah, yes." Aslan turned back to Akpokene. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Omote Akpokene."

"This is Eunuch Aslan," Emeravwe said to Akpokene.

Akpokene bowed her head and bent her knees. "Miguo for your help, Eunuch Aslan. May you forgive me for not greeting you properly."

"Be at peace, Omote," Aslan said, "it is no trouble. Now, shall we enter?"

Emeravwe nodded and he faced the door.

Akpokene whispered to her, "Just who is he that he has a key to the Eunuchs' Library?"

Emeravwe whispered back, "The Onóturode's son," and Akpokene's mouth opened in surprise.

There were no windows in the rear wall of the Eunuchs' Library, and they found themselves surrounded by pitch darkness when they entered. Aslan instructed Emeravwe and Akpokene to wait where they stood, then trod further into the dark library. He returned with a lit candle, which he placed on the floor.

"We shall study here," he told them. "There are tables at the front where we might be more comfortable, but there are also windows through which candlelight would easily be visible."

Emeravwe and Akpokene nodded, settling on the floor. That night, Aslan began by teaching them the basics of politics.