
The moon of the night sky and the dwarf's hand

The story of a poor village boy and his incredible journey ..

Ayushman_mohanty · Realistic
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3 Chs

"School isn't for the poor"

Few days later,

Mohan saw a group of boys and girls were going to somewhere wearing same dress on the village road . Mohan eagerly asked one of them "Why are you wearing same dress? Where are you going? "

A boy from the group said "We're going to school and it's our school uniform. "

Mohan asked again "What is school and what is happened there? "

The boy said " Sorry ,Our school time is approaching and we have to go "

Mohan returned home disappointedly. In the evening he described the matter to his mother and asked his mother "Mom, what is school? "

The old lady said "School is the temple of learning and the factory which makes great men. "

After hearing this Mohan excitedly said his mother "Mom, I also want to go to school"

His mom laughed and said her beloved son "School isn't for the poor like us . The rich studies there and becomes great, and the poor are born to work under them. "

By hearing this Mohan's soul was filled with sadness. He didn't expect that answer .

At night when he and his mother went to sleep, he didn't have a wink of sleep. The stories of Lord God came to his mind. He thought he should pray God . So he raised from his bed and went to the room where the photos of Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva are kept. He said "Dear God, I have heard that you bless the poor. But where is my blessing? I want to go to school. But the poverty is the obstruction. Please tell my mother to admit me in a school. I am promising you that I will give my best and I will be a great man. "

But the barking of dogs kept him frightening. By hearing the barking sound he suddenly rushed to his bed. But the poor child didn't know that his mother was hearing all these.