
The moon King's Favourite

Her name is Heaven, but she's seen nothing sort of hell. she's been hunted, haunted and daunted! She comes from a very large Pack with powerful wolves of all kinds but she's been a slave for the past 15 years and I was going to flee on my Eighteenth birthday. she was the only one born without a wolf and even a little baby wields supreme authority over me. Scratch that, She was caught on my escape journey and sold to a Blind moon Prince. Sebastian, whose beauty was an Adonis and dangerous like a naked wire, his one rule was to never get powerful. He traveled far and near to get me because he believed she was the last powerless human to exist in the wolf world after killing more than 50 women with their wolves who got married to him. She fell hard for this bizzare moon creature but the Moon goddess sat back and laughed at her Have you ever made a plan and God laughs? Well, She discovered that She was the future moon goddess and the next in line on the Moon throne.

Joy_Asuquo · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Under the full moon




I couldn't fathom what Prince Sebastian meant as hell in this pack cause this place was more like a castle.

It had huge gates which opened automatically in our presence and guards were already on standby bowing in the presence of the Prince.

The aura was so primal,and I couldn't help but feel that Sebastian was more than a prince and Alpha.

I cowered in fear as huge pairs of red eyes were glued to my skin and I hid my face at the Prince's neck. I dare not raise my body or my exposed cleavage would make heads turn in a sneer.

This building has huge towers with tiny windows,each window had dangling ropes with different colors.

We walked down a large room whose floors were littered with marble tiles and golden pillars at each intersection of the room.

Women whom I presumed to be maid's bowed the moment they saw him and I couldn't miss the flicker of surprise on their faces when they saw me clinging to him.

Prince Sebastian walked as if none of those people existed. His strides were proud and slow,careful of every step he made and I couldn't help but feel bad. He's blind and I'm on his back,behaving like the blind one.

I should be the one to hold his hands but I guess I would prefer clinging on his back. This place was too huge to know anywhere.

He took a turn by his right and walked towards the long lonely passage,I whipped my head to glance at his men but they disappeared. Maybe this was meant for just the prince.

"It's okay,you can drop me now since no one is here."

I say with guilt rushing over me for straining his back but he chose to ignore me.

"Drop me already,I must have worn you out and it's so unfair to cling onto you when I should be the one to hold your hands."

A slight chuckle escaped his lips.

"You should learn to keep quiet Princess,or I let you down and you get lost in the midst of hungry wolves."

His deep voice sliced through me and I shivered.

Hungry wolves?

I apologized and held onto him like my life support.

I felt good though,I was just feeling sorry for him.

He stopped at a huge door and clicked on a switch by the wall and it gave way automatically.

The room that came into view made me gasp in surprise.

Good Mercy!!

Why is this so beautiful for a blind Prince who couldn't even see different colors?

The large king sized bed was laced in the middle with beautiful white velvets divided into four with a strong hold by the ceiling clip.

It was plaited neatly to the edge of the bed and blue stones stuck by it.

The bed sheets were pure white with royal blue petals scattered on it and a huge fluffy blanket.

The Italian carpet was royal blue with a gold dragon logo in the middle.

The walls were painted with flowery blue designs and I couldn't be more elated.

"Your room is aesthetic!" I gasped as I plunged from him taking a tour of the beautiful view before me.

He snapped his fingers twice and the door opened at one with three maids who came in bowing and greeting.

I stopped abruptly and wondered why that came.

"Give her a bath, massage, and a change of clothes. She needs to look okay for tomorrow's ceremony."

He told them and they all nodded, coming for me.

I wanted to protest and ask him what sort of ceremony is going to take place tomorrow but I kept quiet when I saw these women's sharp glares.

They gestured their hands to a doorway and I followed suit until I reached the magnificent bathhouse.

Its fragrance was so sweet that I was urged to lick the beautiful water that looked like a pool.

I saw them mix liquid baths and ointments in the hot water while the other stripped my clothes.

My tongue was tied and I felt so awkward with the way they were staring at me.

As if I was some kind of dirt who intruded on their beautiful palace.

"What kind of ceremony are they hosting tomorrow?" I couldn't help the curiosity, at least let me know if I was going to die in this beautiful place.

One of them hesitated before opening her mouth.

"It's an occasion hosted for the new bride of Prince Sebastian. He rejected the option of having a wedding under the full moon so he settled for this"

I gasped.

What the actual fuck!!

A celebration for Sebastian's bride!! I'm going to face those faces tomorrow.

"Can't it be forgiven, like canceled? Is it compulsory?" I asked shakily hoping for a positive answer.

"I doubt that. Prince Sebastian Is the crown prince of the Moon Pack. Taking over his father means indulging in every protocol since you would be a queen too. It cannot be forfeited."

She said but the other two glared at her.

"How many more will you split up with a totally weak stranger about the Prince, Celesta?"

The eldest among them asked with spite and I rolled my eyes. It's so obvious the whole pack is aware that their celebrity Prince came home with a weak Bride.

"She's part of us now and there's nothing anyone can do about it," Celesta replied and I focused on her.

She scrubbed my back smoothly and massaged my breasts with the liquid.

She was really pretty with her short red hair and I assumed her to be in her thirties.

One thing I noticed from their arguing is that I'm not welcome here and everything they've done was for Sebastian.

I was so eager to ask why a blind prince could wield so much power over a mighty Pack and castle but I shove it down my throat. I could be called an Intruder or gold digger who wants to bite more than she can chew.

I was given a sweet massage that made my eyelids struggle as sleep overwhelmed me. I was dressed more like a princess with long attire and precious stones glittering all over.

The only problem I had with the dress was my cleavage, it was too revealing but I kept quiet.

I couldn't even afford a bath comfortably at Athens pack talkless of being treated this way with such attire.

The Prince is blind so that should lessen my worries about him having a sneak peek at me.

He was seated by the far end of the room, sipping his wine and staring at nothing in particular. He had a change of clothes, not casual but more princely, he was dressed in black attire looking like a blind archangel and waiting for his next line of action.

He was so beautiful with his stoic attitude and I sighed inwardly at how someone can be so perfect despite being blind.

Staying in the same room with such a person is a bad idea for me.

Before I could say anything to him, he snapped his hands twice and two maids came in with a large food cart.

My mouth watered instantly at the display of rich nutritious food and fruits even my stomach rumbled with joy.

They set a large table before me and displayed the food neatly and bowed, going out without saying a word.

"Can we skip the ceremony protocols, I might collapse at the event"

I say picking up a fork to pick a piece of meat but this stone Prince ignored me. I rolled my eyes already cause I'm used to his ignorance and cocky attitude.

"Prince Sebastian, I'm not used to this kind of World and I'm not ready to face mighty faces tomorrow, so kindly skip the bride celebration whatsoever".

I'm already feeling frustrated.

"It can't be skipped."

He blurted and I frowned.

"Why?" He sighed as if in frustration not breaking his gaze at the wall and spoke.

"Because I skipped the normal ritual of getting wedded under the full moon, I doubt you would enjoy looking at my wolf staring into you."

I gasped.

What the hell and how considerate of him. But why the heck will they want him to wed under the full moon knowing how powerless my wolf is? I cringe in fear as I imagine a hundred pairs of wolves staring into me.

"Right! I just wish none of this would happen. I would prefer a normal introduction than a grand celebration of a weak person like me."

"It's your fate, My Dad is extremely eager to see you and my brothers can't wait to chop your head off with their claws."


"Eat Princess, you talk too much."

"Just call me Heaven please, I'm no Princess."

I felt his eyes darken as he glanced in my direction at once, his voice emanating a warning tone.

"You're now my Princess and Future queen of the moon Pack!!"

Thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts about Sebastian and add to the Library. it's a free book so let's delve into this together and share our thoughts.

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