
The moon King's Favourite

Her name is Heaven, but she's seen nothing sort of hell. she's been hunted, haunted and daunted! She comes from a very large Pack with powerful wolves of all kinds but she's been a slave for the past 15 years and I was going to flee on my Eighteenth birthday. she was the only one born without a wolf and even a little baby wields supreme authority over me. Scratch that, She was caught on my escape journey and sold to a Blind moon Prince. Sebastian, whose beauty was an Adonis and dangerous like a naked wire, his one rule was to never get powerful. He traveled far and near to get me because he believed she was the last powerless human to exist in the wolf world after killing more than 50 women with their wolves who got married to him. She fell hard for this bizzare moon creature but the Moon goddess sat back and laughed at her Have you ever made a plan and God laughs? Well, She discovered that She was the future moon goddess and the next in line on the Moon throne.

Joy_Asuquo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Playing with death.




I didn't know what happened next but I found myself in a cage.

A big one with iron bars supporting the huge padlocks.

It was pitch dark however I could hear faint noises in the background. My legs and hands were tied together and I felt a numbing pain in my back.

Those silly brothers had made me lose consciousness to kill me here.

I wasn't even scared a bit, gone are those times when I would be scared of death and plead for my life to be spared. What is the need for a useless person like me to live? If I die, let me die, or vice versa.

"She's awake" I heard one of them say as heavy footsteps came closer.

A burning light blinded my vision as I closed my eyes to prevent my pupils from getting blind.

The one I presumed to be Prince Gray strides slowly and squatted to face me. I'll be damned if I lie about his looks, he was ravishingly beautiful but Sebastian was hellish cute.

A slight grin appeared on his face.

"She's a beauty."

He exclaimed.

"Yeah, a useless beauty. Can you just waste her before Sebastian comes lurking around?" One of them said harshly.

"Patience Lucien, Sebastian doesn't even know his way to the underground cage. I need to know if she's powerless."

He said and my heart somersaulted in fear, why does he mean by knowing If I'm powerless?

"Open the cage!" He commanded and Lucien did it in one click.

A beautiful sharp dagger was now visible in Gray's hands as he stepped inside and dragged my hair with force.

I trembled with fear.

I wanted to plead but my mouth was just shaking, they should just kill me.

A sharp piercing pain sliced through my neck and I gave a loud curling cry.

He sliced my arm and blood gushed out, my thighs followed and my back bled from this assault.

"What are you doing Gray?" He gasped.

"Checking her healing powers, we can't underestimate her."

He said and kept checking for another part to cut.

My whole body was on fire as I wept bitterly in pain.

My cheeks followed and blood dripped.

"Just fucking kill her dammit!!" The third one yelled at his brother's experiment.

"Fuck! Someone's coming!"

Lucien's sharp gasp flowed through the air and Panic as he cursed.

"Who the hell is that?" Gray gritted his teeth and tried to have a peek but his brother's body flew and landed before him.

"Damn!! Sebastian!" He growled and my heart leaped in confusion and excitement.

My body was in excruciating pain but I couldn't miss the fear and dread in Gray's eyes.

Well, Lucien disappeared as I couldn't find a trace of him and his other brother suffered blows and injuries from someone who bent low to assault him.

Gray stood by the cage balling his fingers and cursing.

After the severe beatings, the man raised his head and stared at Gray whose feet were dancing to and fro on whether to run or stay but his ego won by staying.


Gosh!! He was so furious and he came forward and lunged at Gray.

Gray dodged his fist and tried hitting me but Salvador was quick enough to bend low and tackle his laps, stabbing him unexpectedly and sending punches to his face.

I gasped.

Isn't he supposed to respect a Prince?

He stopped when he heard me gasping and shook his head in astonishment, his eyes sweeping all over my bloodied skin.


He cursed and left Gray to where I was seated and he untied the strong ropes tied to his hand and legs.

"Are you okay Princess?" I rolled my eyes at the title.

"Yes, just call me Heaven."

"I bet my Prince would like that."

He said and scooped me in his arms and I winced in pain.

He walked on Gray like a piece of trash whose body was lying carelessly on the floor and I gasped in surprise.

Salvador detests these people.

"Is she okay?" His sharp deep voice vibrated through me and I whipped my head at once in his direction.

There he was, staring by the entrance and staring at nothing in particular with those silvery moon eyes.

His face is void of emotion but sensing every part of our moves.

"She is badly Injured, Prince."

He said as if in regret and he sighed.

"Bring her to my chamber and kill anyone that stops you on the way." He said authoritatively and turned his back moving very slowly as his ropes swept the ground.

I was in too much pain to banter words with him so I just stayed put in Salvador's arms until we reached his room.

He bowed to Sebastian and indicated he was leaving.

"Tell the maids to come over with a first aid kit. She needs to get cleaned up." He said sternly and he nodded and left.

I hissed in pain and groaned.

"You shouldn't have run out like, why do you like playing with death?" He said, seething his breath.

"Cause it's what useless people do, why do you care anyway?"

"Heaven…." My name rolled out of his lips for the first time and I almost moaned at how perfectly he called my name.

"Quit being hard-headed! You're bound to live as long as you're here. I'll have you locked up if I have to, your stubbornness is going to get you killed."

"That would be better, don't you think? It will save you the stress of coming to look for me each time I go on a death journey. Are you that scared of losing your powers?"

I asked him challengingly and he became stilled at once.

"I know why you're hell-bent on keeping me safe so shove the facade away. You're so selfish!!"

"Selfish is my middle name so keep quiet."

"I will never be a liability to you Prince Sebastian, I will rather die than be confined to you forever. Just leave me alone!!" I yelled at him with tears sheening down my eyes but he just didn't give a damn about what I was saying.

He was extremely close to me and I stared daggers at him.

"You keep doing this…you keep riling me up…seducing me…" He whispered so low "With your scent"

I wanted to push him off me and yell at him to let me go but for a moment The pain I was feeling was replaced with a sweet sensation that ran down my spine.

The way he's this…this close to me makes me want to .." fuck! "

I moaned when he licked my skin.

I closed my eyes tight and felt his tongue on my neck, licking my wound which felt so jittery.

He went down to my shoulder blades and licked me there going down to my chest and cleavage.

"Sebastian." I moaned out and he cursed tracing my lips with his hands and slamming his hot lips on mine, licking all the blood on my body

Oh goodness, I tug on his hair and kiss him hard.