
The moon King's Favourite

Her name is Heaven, but she's seen nothing sort of hell. she's been hunted, haunted and daunted! She comes from a very large Pack with powerful wolves of all kinds but she's been a slave for the past 15 years and I was going to flee on my Eighteenth birthday. she was the only one born without a wolf and even a little baby wields supreme authority over me. Scratch that, She was caught on my escape journey and sold to a Blind moon Prince. Sebastian, whose beauty was an Adonis and dangerous like a naked wire, his one rule was to never get powerful. He traveled far and near to get me because he believed she was the last powerless human to exist in the wolf world after killing more than 50 women with their wolves who got married to him. She fell hard for this bizzare moon creature but the Moon goddess sat back and laughed at her Have you ever made a plan and God laughs? Well, She discovered that She was the future moon goddess and the next in line on the Moon throne.

Joy_Asuquo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

My death




Sebastian's jaw twitched angrily as he made me sit on the bed in his room.

His eyes were still blazing red and his nose flared, he wasn't staring directly at me but I knew he was pissed.

"You shouldn't have attacked your brother in that manner." I blurted out slowly.

"Whatever I do with my brother is none of your fucking business! What you should be concerned about is your fragile self not getting killed the next time you come in between whatever shit I do, What the heck were you thinking?" He yelled facing the wall.

"You were going to strangle your mother! I couldn't let that happen when you were not even thinking straight!"

"For all that is the love of what's on this earth, don't interfere with my matters!! She's not my mother and I would have killed you some moments ago…Are you insane?"

He yelled in frustration and tugged his hair balling his fingers.

"You almost killed your brothers too, are you this brutal?"

He chuckled.

"You don't want to know princess, I can be more exciting than you could ever think. Don't you dare intrude again! You're nothing but a liability to fill in space, stop acting like you have an authority or position in this place.

I would have killed you thinking you weren't important to me."

He said and my heart stung. My throat tingled with dry pain and my eyes welled up.

Damn! Those words hurt like hell.

I'm nothing but a liability to fill in space, his brothers were right after all. I'm just a weak habitat with useless traits and features and being their queen is almost like an impossible mission. I will die even before I start.

I laughed bitterly.

What was I thinking in the first place when I left Athens? That I would be welcomed here and treated like a princess?

There was nothing good about me and I wondered what the need for living existed for, I would always be tagged as useless and weak anywhere I step my foot.

"Then you couldn't have saved me." I blurted out in total anger.

"You shouldn't have abandoned your matters to look for me and save me from the rogue, you should just let me die!!" I screamed and let the tears flow freely.

He didn't say a thing and his face was void of emotion.

"You don't need to worry about me meddling in your affairs, I will be dead before you know it then you can find a powerful bride who would have a say in your life.."

I said with spite and stood at once, making sure I was swift enough to storm out of the room.

My name left his lips but I was long gone walking down the passage without any directions.

The long gown I wore made it difficult for me so I swept it up in my arms

and kept walking to God's nowhere.

There's no way I would survive in this hell hole called a pack.

I think it's wiser to read the meaning of Sebastian's words. He called this place hell but I misunderstood him, it hasn't been up to a full day here and my heart is already in shreds.

I just want to be alone, to flee and seek peace or anything that will tell me I'm not so useless.

I kept walking carelessly. I told myself I overheard voices arguing with so much intensity.

The room by the passage was slightly open so I could hear them.

"He's getting more powerful than ever, Gray!! That mate of his makes it impossible for him to even lose anything"

"I fucking know that okay!! I just need Dad out of the way so I can strangle life out of him." One of them said.

"You both are getting it all wrong, the prophecy said that he needs a weak mate to be by his side to retain his powers, and knowing Sebastian he would rather die single than try to get married."

"Craig's right Gray, To be the moon, King, he needs a bride and that's why he went as far as Athens to get that weak mate of his. He truly wants to destroy us all."

I heard him say with so much horror lacing his voice.

"I know but we need to destroy him first."

"How?" The other two chorused in confusion.

"By killing his bride." I gave a very sharp gasp from where I was standing and held my mouth from being heard.

They all stopped talking and dread washed over me.

I took slow steps to move away but I heard their voices again.

"Killing his bride would thwart the chances of him taking over the throne and Sebastian would never allow that. It's either a weak mate for his bride or a powerful one to consume him."

I couldn't help but gasp more and more in shock.

What in the actual grail are they saying?!!

Is that what he meant by being a liability to fill up space?

Gosh!! What kind of humans are those who are bent on seeing their blind brother dead by all means?

It all makes total sense now, everything is visibly clear in my head as to why Prince Sebastian would do anything to make me safe.

Not because he gives a fuck about me but for his own personal and selfish gain.

To retain his powers and to claim the throne.

It hurts as hell but what it's going to hurt me now is my death staring before my very eyes.

The door was pushed open and I was staring at a huge pair of green eyes who was ready to devour me at any moment.

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