
The moon King's Favourite

Her name is Heaven, but she's seen nothing sort of hell. she's been hunted, haunted and daunted! She comes from a very large Pack with powerful wolves of all kinds but she's been a slave for the past 15 years and I was going to flee on my Eighteenth birthday. she was the only one born without a wolf and even a little baby wields supreme authority over me. Scratch that, She was caught on my escape journey and sold to a Blind moon Prince. Sebastian, whose beauty was an Adonis and dangerous like a naked wire, his one rule was to never get powerful. He traveled far and near to get me because he believed she was the last powerless human to exist in the wolf world after killing more than 50 women with their wolves who got married to him. She fell hard for this bizzare moon creature but the Moon goddess sat back and laughed at her Have you ever made a plan and God laughs? Well, She discovered that She was the future moon goddess and the next in line on the Moon throne.

Joy_Asuquo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Blind useless Prince




I was getting all dolled up for the big occasion.

Even without going out, I could smell the preparations in the air, hearing different voices and orders from all sides and corners.

I couldn't help as I walked towards the window to take a look down, the moment I woke up.

A blue robe was used strongly to the window frame and it dangled freely down swaying freely by the impact of the wind.

Last night was just really awkward for me as I was ushered into another room next to his.

Damn, I bit my lips in regret as I thought I would be sleeping next to him.

I know I sound weird but this prince was a cake, an icing sugar that needs to be licked.

But I was grateful all the same because I don't think I could breathe well if we were that close to the same bed.

My room was all pinkish and I rolled my eyes. Who told them I fancy colors like this? I would have preferred blue or red.

I saw how horses and carts were wheeled into the castle with heavy goods which I couldn't differentiate.

Women were decorating the exterior part of the castle while men walked and ran to and fro in the castle.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I almost swooned at the beauty before me. If only I wasn't weak and useless, at least I would have wielded a little Power.

"It's time." One of the women said and they nodded, gesturing me up to stand and making sure I walked with slow strides out of the room and down the corridor.

Prince Sebastian was already on standby by the entrance of the huge door with his men.

My heart was in a frenzy and erratic beats.

I swallowed hard and I hoped for everything to go smoothly.

"Stop it."

Sebastian's voice jolted me and I turned to look at him.


"Your heart is beating too fast, this anxiety might make you collapse as you predicted."

"You never say nice words."

"I know, now don't make me talk too much…I wonder if you got your powerful traits from a parrot."

I released a shaky breath as I heard drum beats and cheers from the other side. One push of this door and the whole crowd will turn to her.

"I hope I don't collapse, My Prince."

I mimicked his title and he gave a slight chuckle, holding my wrists tight as I almost wobbled when a huge announcement was made to welcome their Prince and his bride.

Oh Lord, dear wishes…let me comfort my self-esteem.

The huge door clicked open automatically and I'm surprised at the manner of the crowd.

Why did I miss this huge hall when I first entered?

Prince Sebastian held my hands in slow steps which left me wondering how perfect he can be without his sight and led me to the front seat where I presumed his family should be.

The hall became quiet and I held his wrist tighter.

The King whose crown shone brightly gave a wide genuine smile and moved to hug me.

He looked weak as if he could pass out at any moment and I smiled back.

A roar of cheers and applause followed and Sebastian sat next to his father.

The Lady beside the king would be the queen but if looks could kill, I would have been dead by now.

She glared daggers at me and the other three beside me were hellish cute with devil's eyes.

They were no doubt his brothers and they sneered. Still by the side of their brothers were three women who sat on a lower chair compared to mine.

They all cocked their heads to stare at me disgustingly and I hummed in total disappointment. These people were going to chop my head.

The ceremony continued with celebration in the air until the melody died down and everything came to a halt. People paved the way for space and I wondered who entered to stop the celebration.

A beautiful Ice queen or snow Queen appeared in the middle as she strode In majestically.

Her crown glowed blindly in the room with her silver cloak flowing beneath her.

The whole room was omitted silent as all bowed flat to their faces.

This beautiful angel came close to me and smiled.

"Welcome, the chosen one."

Her smile could raise the dead, I was so hypnotized that I smiled back.

"You're beautiful," I confessed and she smiled.

"I have a gift for you," She said and retrieved a tiny item from her pockets and I stretched my hands to collect it.

It was a jade.

A red jade glittered under the bright bulbs of the hall causing it to sparkle.

"It's your wedding gift, Heaven."

She said and I wanted to say something but was interrupted.

"She's nothing but a weak and useless habitat of the Athens pack, how can you allow her to be our future queen, Moon goddess?" One of the Brothers yelled.

Oh right!! She's the moon goddess.

"She's a redemption and a source of strength to your future King, Prince Sebastian. She's not useless!"

She fired back at the handsome guy whose face contorted with disgust.

"She can never be our Queen, A blind useless prince, and a weak useless mate would never rule the Moon Pack."

He shrieked.

"But Prince Sebastian isn't useless, he's the most powerful I've ever met". I said out carelessly and a resounding sound echoed in my ear and pierced my cheeks.

I screamed because I didn't see that coming at all and all of a sudden Sebastian's eyes blazed red and sent an invisible force to throw this brother of his to the wall making him smash the side chandelier to pieces and piercing his skin.

Loud and sharp gasps filled the air and the three remaining brothers stood up at once. Danger loomed and the aura changed totally.

I regretted saying such a thing.

"Did you see that Dad? He's going to kill Gray again with his blood-killing careless powers!! This useless mate of his has no fucking right to speak to brother in that…."

Sebastian growled and sent his head straight to the table making all the food fly in the air and breaking the table into two.

"Call my princess weak again and I will fucking kill you all!!" He yelled and my teeth clattered in fear.

The moon goddess didn't even flinch, it was as if it was a normal show she was used to, and couldn't wait for another drastic one. The excitement in her eyes said it all.

Well, the last one standing next to Sebastian couldn't tolerate that as he sent a heavy blow to Sebastian's neck, scratching him with his already visible claws.

I gasped in dread and stood up at once but the queen came over and slapped me hard, yelling at me for causing a nuisance.

I had barely entered the family and I was causing an uproar.

I cried in total regret and the king bowed his head on the table with total exasperation.

Sebastian was losing control as he flung the other one who clawed on his to the drummer's section making him collide amid the cloud.

He stared blindly at no one and moved to meet the queen but I gasped, shaking my head, and moved to meet him.

"No please, not her, please. Sebastian, enough of this act."

I pleaded but he tossed me aside.

"You're in no room to give me orders when someone hurts my princess."

The queen swallowed in dread and shifted backward changing directions but Sebastian was quick to notice her minding and he followed suit.

Why was no one doing anything to stop him!!

They all stared at him as if he had the power to kill anyone and give anyone life.

I didn't leave Athens' pack to come over here to cause a nuisance on my first day.

I was just pissed at the way they called him useless when he was the most special one with special traits and abilities.

I couldn't stand that and I had to chip in, silly me!!

He walked past his father who still has his head buried on the table and moved his hands to strangle her.

I screamed in terror and rushed towards him not knowing what to do.

His eyes were red with fury but I went and stood in front of the queen instead. His expression never changed and I felt his hands clamped my neck tightly with force.

I choked for breath and my eyes watered.

"Seb… Sebastian…" I gasped for breath but the prince was gone, twisting my neck to death and I used the last strength in me to call him.

" Prince."

His gaze was insured with anger as his grip became tighter, almost fading life out of me.

"M..m..my Prince."

He released me at once and shock and confusion plastered his face.

I coughed so hard with tears I couldn't miss the smirk on the queen's face.

He balled his fist in anger and I just sighed, massaging my neck for a soothing relief.

I cupped his face and begged him to stop already.

"Please my Prince, stop it."

He released a shaky breath and stared into nothing in particular, spooning me into his arms and leading me out of the celebration hall.

Okay, Sebastian won't tolerate shit and I love it. What are your thoughts in this chapter? please drop them and add it to the library for tomorrow's chapter.

Joy_Asuquocreators' thoughts