
Chapter Two Hundred Twenty Two

"Well, you've answered my question, now I'll answer yours. What's your question?" the woman asked her.

"Honourable… I might just like you," Amanda smirked, before looking at the ground and losing her happy expression, "I mentioned earlier that I was undercover. Well, I have someone I have been talking to from the inside, however, I can't seem to reach him."

"What's his name? Maybe I could help you deliver a message for him," Jackeline replied.


The female hunter could barely think through what she was supposed to tell the others when she returned to their camp. She was a mess of emotions and there was nothing she could do about them. She couldn't get what the woman had told her out of her head, nor could she get the fact that she trusted every word she'd said without a second thought out of her mind. Why she trusted the woman was lost to her, but she knew everything she'd been told to be true.