
The Moon's Descendant

In a small fishing town on Cape Breton Island of Nova Scotia, is where the young Zelena Baxter calls home. Bullied, abused and all alone, Zelena lived the past 18 years of her life not knowing if she would see tomorrow. All that changes when she runs into the beautiful and alluring Gunner Mathers. After rescuing Zelena from the brink of death, Gunner opens her up to the unknown world of possibilities, showing her all that she had been missing. Zelena dives headfirst into the unusual world of her new family, her path of rediscovery, sexual awakening and the newfound feeling of unconditional love. With each new revelation, Zelena’s ability to draw a line between reality and fantasy is blurring. As she learns more about her mysterious past and where she has come from, Zelena is compelled to question everything that she once thought was true and real. All those childhood stories of monsters in the forest, are no longer just stories. A dangerous threat is fast approaching, risking everything that Zelena has come to love. Now she must swallow her fear and her pain and shun the darkness that has forever surrounded her, if she has any hope of surviving. Can Zelena fully embrace the life that destiny has chosen for her, or is the reality of her legacy too much to bear? With her allies filtering in, the question of whether or not this will be enough to save them plagues her mind. Is Zelena the one they need in order to live, or will she be the cause of their destruction? Only the Goddess knows.

Kay_Pearson · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 48 - Hank


I was greeted right away by a baseball bat smashing into my face. I stumbled back and winced at the pain to my snout. I guess he was expecting us after all. Dad's angry roar echoed through the house as he grabbed the wooden bat from Hank's grip and snapped it between his teeth. Hank ran from the room, passing my father, but was blocked by Spartan, his enormous brown and grey wolf stood by the basement door with his teeth bared, growling ferociously. Hank began to step back away from Spartan but was stopped by the chest of my father. He growled lowly and huffed at the worthless meat bag. The power and authority rolling off my father's wolf was enough to make any lesser wolf submit, for a human though, it would be a very unnerving feeling.

Hank froze in his place looking around at the three giant wolves surrounding him.

"Fuck" he breathed, seeming to accept his capture.

The short grubby man wore a faded navy singlet that was covered in holes and stains. His brown greasy hair sat in messy curls atop his head. His face was chubby and covered in a nervous sweat. He looked nothing like my beautiful Zelena. How could someone so grotesque raise a Goddess like her? I snapped my head to the side and changed back to human form. Hank looked at me and his eyes widened in terror,

"You!" he exclaimed.

"Me" I mocked wiping the blood from my nose and stepping toward him,

"So then, which one of you is my darling daughter?" he chuckled looking between Dad and Spartan. So, he did know that Zee is a Were. He was trying to keep it cool, but the stench of his fear was pouring out of him. Seeing his smug face and being in this house, plus the hit he got to my nose, it drew all my anger to the surface.

"Now" I snickered. I was standing in front of him now, so I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to me,

"You and me are going to have a little chat". With that, I readied myself and snapped my head forward. I smashed the hardest part of my forehead to the bridge of his nose. The satisfying crunch of his breaking nose brought a smile to my face. Hank fell back out of my grip, landing at Spartan's legs. Dad growled softly but kept his stance.

**Ha! Got him**

Spartan flashed, kicking Hank away from his paws.

"You broke my fucking nose" he cried out grasping at his face. I took a slow step toward him, grabbed his scraggly hair and lifted him to his feet.

"If you cooperate, then that is all I will break" I hissed at him. Hank's face twisted into a crooked smile, he then spat his blood over my face and cackled

"Good luck" he laughed spitting out more blood. Dad stepped around me in his human from and grabbed Hank by the shoulders. With one swift movement, he snapped his head forward, headbutting Hank. Dad let him go and his body fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes, knocked out cold.

"We didn't come to play with the fucking man" he growled, throwing me a t-shirt that was hanging on a chair.

"Clean yourself off" he grumbled. He then turned to Spartan and pointed at Hank on the floor,

"Spartan, pick that bag of dicks up and let's go" he said stomping out of the house. I wiped the blood off my face and threw the shirt on the ground. Spartan was now in his human form and pulled on a pair of shorts that he picked up from the ground. He easily lifted Hank up and threw him over his shoulder. I got down on my knee and snapped my head back and changed into my wolf.

I followed Spartan out the front door, Cole and Dad's wolves were waiting for us by the tree line. We kept a decent pace through the forest towards the cabin. I'm so damn mad at myself for losing my temper like that, it's not what we planned. I just kept remembering the picture Zee showed me of her beaten body chained to the floor.

**I'm sorry fellas**

**It's all good mate, if you didn't hit him I would have** Cole huffed with a nod of his head.

**Thanks brother**

**You let you temper get the better of you**

**I know Dad**

**Will it happen again?**

**No sir**

We made it to the cabin in good time, it was not yet midday and Hank was still out cold. Dad really knocked him good. Spartan threw Hank on the ground and went inside, emerging again with a handful of shorts. Dad, Cole and I all changed back and pulled on the shorts Spartan threw us. Dad grabbed Hank by the ankle and dragged him into the cabin. Cole and I followed and we all made our way to the underground cell.

The cell is like an old basement that was re-engineered a little. The walls are covered in sheets of thick iron and the floor was concrete. There's a sink and toilet in one corner and a small metal bedframe with a dirty mattress in the other. No windows, and only the one door secured with round metal bars. It doesn't get used much, mainly for roaming Omega's that cause drama. Maybe the occasional feral as well.

We put Hank on a steel chair and chained his arms and legs down. I got a bowl of water from the sink and threw it over him. He coughed and lifted his head and looked around the room.

"What the flipping fuck?" he groaned, spitting out some water.

"You are Hank?" Dad's commanding voice caught his attention

"Some say that" Hank replied

"Are you, or are you not Hank?" Dad asked again, hiding his irritation.

"Yeah, sure I'm Hank"

"You know of our kind?"

Hank huffed and spat on the floor and glowered at my dad.

"I'd say that's a yes" Spartan said quietly.

"Yeah, I know about you filthy mutts" he growled. Spartan stepped forward and growled, my father lifted his arm to stop him.

"You are clearly not a Were"

"Of course I'm fucking not, I'd die before becoming one of you parasites"

"That can be arranged" I muttered quietly.

"So how then, did you come to raise a wolf?"

"A wolf? You mean Zelena that snivelling little whore?"

A sudden rage burned through my veins at the sound of his words. I stepped toward him ready to rip his throat out. But my dad beat me to it, and hit Hank across the face with the back of his hand. One of his teeth flew out of his mouth and slid across the floor.