
The Moon's Descendant

In a small fishing town on Cape Breton Island of Nova Scotia, is where the young Zelena Baxter calls home. Bullied, abused and all alone, Zelena lived the past 18 years of her life not knowing if she would see tomorrow. All that changes when she runs into the beautiful and alluring Gunner Mathers. After rescuing Zelena from the brink of death, Gunner opens her up to the unknown world of possibilities, showing her all that she had been missing. Zelena dives headfirst into the unusual world of her new family, her path of rediscovery, sexual awakening and the newfound feeling of unconditional love. With each new revelation, Zelena’s ability to draw a line between reality and fantasy is blurring. As she learns more about her mysterious past and where she has come from, Zelena is compelled to question everything that she once thought was true and real. All those childhood stories of monsters in the forest, are no longer just stories. A dangerous threat is fast approaching, risking everything that Zelena has come to love. Now she must swallow her fear and her pain and shun the darkness that has forever surrounded her, if she has any hope of surviving. Can Zelena fully embrace the life that destiny has chosen for her, or is the reality of her legacy too much to bear? With her allies filtering in, the question of whether or not this will be enough to save them plagues her mind. Is Zelena the one they need in order to live, or will she be the cause of their destruction? Only the Goddess knows.

Kay_Pearson · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 47 - Lead The Way


I walked through the bedroom door, closing it behind me. Zee was sitting on the armchair under the window with the pack histories book on her lap. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey beautiful" I said laying on the bed.

"You were gone a while" she said softly.

"Sorry, just making arrangements"

"Are you going to like, I dunno, just go and pick him up?"

"It may not be that simple, Zee"

"Why not?"

"What if he fights back? Or what if he is a Were? There's a lot we have to account for"


She bit her lip and looked back down at the book. She smelt a little anxious and sad. I rolled onto my side to watch her read.

"Found anything interesting?" I asked,

"A few things, I can't believe how far back this book goes. You have your entire history laid out right here in front of you. I don't even know my mother's name".

I stood up and took the book from her hands and placed it back on the shelf. I held out my hands for her and lifted her up out of the chair.

"What?" she groaned, drawing out the word.

I pulled her in to my chest and held her, wrapping my arms around her and resting my head on hers.

"What's this for?" she mumbled,

"Nothing, I just wanted to hold you"

"Oh" she huffed,

"This is nice".

I held her there for a while slowly rocking back and forth. After a few minutes Zee looked up at me,


"Yes, little wolf" I smiled at her,

"I never got to eat that sandwich"


"I'm really hungry"

"Okay" I chuckled,

"Let's go eat".

We headed down to the kitchen and I could already smell Mum's cooking from the foyer. I walked in the kitchen door with Zee behind me. Mum had pots on the stove and different food spread across the bench top. She turned to smile at us as we came in.

"Mm... smells good Roe" Zee hummed licking her lips,

"Can I help you?"

"You don't have to do that, sweet girl" cooed Mum,

"Oh, I know, but I want to" Zee squeezed my hand and walked over to my mum. I sat down at the breakfast nook and watched them in the kitchen. Mum grabbed one of her aprons from the cupboard and put it over Zee's head. They giggled and chatted happily, moving about the kitchen together. Zelena was a natural cook and it looked like Mum really enjoyed having her there. Seeing them both so comfortable and happy together, put a smile across my face. She really does belong here, it just wouldn't feel the same without her now.

"Gunner, baby, call your sister and father in for dinner will you"

"Sure Mum" I smiled and walked out of the kitchen. Nat was in the movie room, I could hear the TV from here. I poked my head in and saw her and Smith snuggled on the couch together.

"Hey, love birds, dinner's ready" I winked at Smith and then went in search of my father. He wasn't in the hall and wasn't outside. I eventually found him in the library, reading a big blue book. Dad isn't usually a big reader, so I was a bit surprised.

"Hey Dad" I called from the door,

"What's up son?" he said looking up at me,

"Dinner's ready"

"Thanks buddy".

I stepped through the door and walked over to where he was sitting.

"What are you reading?" I asked eyeing the book. It was the same one that Mum had found earlier. He rubbed his brow and showed me the cover. Selena the first daughter, it said.

"Just reading up on our newest pack member" he said looking up at me with a frown.

"Oh" I exclaimed and sat down beside him,

"You're not regretting accepting her in, are you?"

"Of course not son, I just want to be able to help and protect her the best I can. She isn't going anywhere Gunner" he said putting his hand around mine.

"Lupus" Mum yelled from the foyer.

"Come on kid, we better go" he said standing up and walking to the door. I looked at the book again before getting up and following him to the dining room. Everyone was already sitting around the table. Dad kissed Mum on the head before he sat down. I sat down next to Zelena and kissed her cheek.

"Smells good ladies" I cooed, giving Zee's hand a squeeze.

"I'd like to give thanks before we dig in" said Mum standing up. She motioned for us all to hold hands and then closed her eyes.

"Beautiful Goddess Selene, we give you our thanks for your love and your light. We thank you for blessing us with your chosen daughter Zelena. We promise to love, cherish and protect her. In the Goddess we love"

"In the Goddess we love" we are chorused.


The sun was not far from rising. I lay on the bed and gazed at Zelena's naked silhouette lying beside me. In the time she has been here, she has put on a bit more weight. She was sickly thin before, but has thankfully started to get a little extra meat on her bones. Her skin has completely healed. Not a single scar is left, as impossible as that is. She smiles all the time and is constantly emitting this glow of happiness. I want desperately to run my tongue along her bare skin, but I can't wake her. I carefully slipped out of the bed without disturbing her. I slid on my jeans and grabbed my boots and a shirt. I stood over Zelena's body and very gently kissed her temple. She groaned and rolled over but didn't wake. I crept through the door and down the stairs. I took an apple from the kitchen counter and went out the front door. Cole and Spartan were already waiting for us.

"Gunner" Spartan nodded as I walked over with the apple in my mouth. I nodded back in acknowledgement. Mazz walked over and grumbled good morning. I looked over to Smith's cabin and saw him sitting on the front step. He waved as I caught his eye. Finally, Dad walked up to the fire pit and took Spartan's hand in greeting.

"Okay, let's go catch us a human" Dad said rubbing his hands together. I looked back at the house that had my sleeping Mate inside, then over at Smith. A great wave of worry fell over me. Since first bringing her here, I've not left her for this long before. Nor have I gone this far away from her. Something about this plan doesn't feel right.

**Go Gunner, she'll be fine**

I nodded at Smith and kicked off my boots. Spartan and Dad were already changed, and Cole was just pulling off his pants. I laid my clothes on a log and got down on my hands and knees. A quick snap and a jump forward and I was changed. Cole nudged me with his head and we ran to the tree line where Dad and Spartan were waiting.

**Lead the way son**

My dad's large dark grey wolf stepped to the side to let me pass. He nipped at my hind quarters and we took off into the forest. We bounded through the trees with my dad staying close to my left flank, Spartan stayed close to his left and Cole on my right. It's not often the Alpha gets involved in this sort of task, he usually sends fighters for this stuff. I suppose this isn't exactly a normal task though. I'm thankful for his help. It would have been so simple to just cast Zee out and keep the pack out of it. But not my dad, he is an incredible Alpha. I can only hope to one day be half the leader that he is.

We reached the tree line across from Zelena's house in minutes. I looked at my father to hear his first order but instead he nodded at me, again insisting I take the lead.

**Cole, scout around the rear of the house and check for visible dangers. Once you have confirmed that it's clear, hang back in case he tries to run. Spartan, follow him to the back and wait for my mark. When I say so, enter through the back door and make your way to the front of the house. Dad and I will come in through the front door. Remember we need him alive and able to communicate**

Cole and Spartan nodded in unison and slinked away through the trees. We gave them a minute to take position and then I nodded to Dad. We slowly emerged from the tree line and trotted over to the front of the house. The sun had made its appearance and the morning sky was slowly starting to brighten in the day light. We stalked slowly up the wooden porch steps and stood by the front door.

I focused my ears to the sounds inside the house. A tap was dripping into a sink and the TV was playing the news, among that noise I could make out the grunts of a snoring man.


**All clear here**

**In position**

**Go now** I commanded.

I put my head down and barged into the door, it easily came off the hinges. It's probably still damaged from my last abrupt entrance into this house. The smell was horrible, moldy food and alcohol mixed with stale body odor. I took a few steps through the door and turned to the room on my left, I was greeted right away by a baseball bat smashing into my face.