
The Moon's Descendant

In a small fishing town on Cape Breton Island of Nova Scotia, is where the young Zelena Baxter calls home. Bullied, abused and all alone, Zelena lived the past 18 years of her life not knowing if she would see tomorrow. All that changes when she runs into the beautiful and alluring Gunner Mathers. After rescuing Zelena from the brink of death, Gunner opens her up to the unknown world of possibilities, showing her all that she had been missing. Zelena dives headfirst into the unusual world of her new family, her path of rediscovery, sexual awakening and the newfound feeling of unconditional love. With each new revelation, Zelena’s ability to draw a line between reality and fantasy is blurring. As she learns more about her mysterious past and where she has come from, Zelena is compelled to question everything that she once thought was true and real. All those childhood stories of monsters in the forest, are no longer just stories. A dangerous threat is fast approaching, risking everything that Zelena has come to love. Now she must swallow her fear and her pain and shun the darkness that has forever surrounded her, if she has any hope of surviving. Can Zelena fully embrace the life that destiny has chosen for her, or is the reality of her legacy too much to bear? With her allies filtering in, the question of whether or not this will be enough to save them plagues her mind. Is Zelena the one they need in order to live, or will she be the cause of their destruction? Only the Goddess knows.

Kay_Pearson · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 43 - Hot Showers


"Ha, easy girl" Gunner laughed while pulling on his sweatpants.

He gave me a quick smile and walked out the door. I flopped back down on the bed and closed my eyes again. I am so sore! My legs are aching, and my poor girl has been seriously worked out this past twelve hours. The hot shower should definitely help. I stood up, and nearly fell back down. Holy crap my legs feel like jelly. I couldn't help but giggle to myself, this is a sign of great sex, right? Standing by the bed still naked, I slowly and very wobbly walked to the shower. I could feel his cum running down my leg, it's a weird, warm kind of feeling. I don't hate it. I turned on the tap to let the water heat up, and then stood in front of the mirror. The bite mark on my shoulder was a dark red, and fresh teeth marks were now present over the old ones. It didn't hurt though, it felt more like a dull pressure, almost enjoyable.

I stood under the water and instantly felt better, my whole body relaxed under the heat. I tilted my head back and let the water wash over my hair and face. Ah, that's so good. Relaxing and calming. The sensation of the water hitting my skin made me feel like I was unwinding. Everything around me felt free and weightless. I bent down to pick up my new shampoo bottle and froze. That's not normal. The water drops from the shower hit the floor and bounced up again, and kept floating up, and up and up. They weren't falling back down, just kind of hanging there. In mid-air. How is that possible? I stood up slowly, following the little drops of water with my eyes. What the fuck was going on? I looked around the shower and noticed hundreds of drops of water all floating around me. I lifted my hand and touched one of the droplets, it burst at my touch and fell to the ground. I touched another and it did the same thing. This is so weird, what is happening. I let the bottle of shampoo slip out of my hand, but I didn't hear it hit the floor. I looked down and it was just hovering there, in mid-air, just below my fingers. I reached to touch it but was startled by the shower door opening. I spun around quickly and heard the bottle hit the floor. It was Gunner,

"Oh, hey you" I said with a smile, I looked down at the bottle now laying on the floor. Did he see the floating bottle of shampoo?

"Need an extra pair of hands?" he asked stepping into the shower. I guess not.

I grabbed his hands and pulled him under the water, hugging him tightly around the waist. My eyes darted around the shower, no more floating water either. I must have been hallucinating, maybe I'm more tired than I thought I was. What a trip, I'm definitely losing my mind. Gunner pulled out of my arms and picked up the bottle of shampoo. He gently shifted me out of the stream of water and turned me around so that my back was to him. I tilted my head back and let him rub the soap into my hair. His fingers rubbed into my scalp, nice and slowly, making smooth circles through my hair. I closed my eyes and just about melted into him.

"Mm… That feel's really nice" I groaned,

"Good, it smells nice too" he said continuing the scalp massage. He tipped more shampoo into his hand and ran his fingers through my long locks, rubbing the soap into the lengths.

"All done" he said proudly.

I turned around and rinsed my hair out under the water. I opened my eyes and found Gunner was watching me closely, clearly enjoying the view of my naked body under the water.

"Your turn now" I said smiling up at him. Hm, he is like two feet taller than me, how am I meant to do this?

"Uhh… hm" I hummed studying his tall frame. He chuckled and got down on his knees facing me.

"Ah, that's better".

I began rubbing the soap into his hair, copying his circular motions on his scalp. He groaned happily and grabbed my hips, pulling me into his face. He was kissing my belly all over, it tickled and made me giggle. I tried to step back but his grip was too tight.

"You're going to get soap in your eyes" I giggled,

"I don't care" he mumbled through his kisses.

He started trailing his kisses down to my crotch, I stretched out my hands to brace myself against the shower walls.

"Gunner" I gasped as his lips pressed against my pussy. He growled at me softly and lifted my leg, putting it over his shoulder.

"I'm gonna slip over" I squealed, grabbing his shoulders in an attempt to push him away.

"No, you won't, I got you girl" he said before rubbing his tongue along my lips.

"Oh, my" I breathed softly.

He traced his tongue along my slit, teasing me. Oh, wow this is something else. He circled my clit with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. He flicked my pulsating bud with the tip of his tongue as he sucked hard. My knees felt weak and bursts of pleasure were shooting through my veins.

"Oh shit" I breathed heavily, grabbing a handful of his hair.

I tossed my head back and closed my eyes tight, everything else around me disappeared. All I could focus on was Gunner's mouth on my pussy. He was sucking and licking, setting fireworks off inside me. He stopped, standing up and pushing me against the wall. He kissed me passionately, rubbing my tongue with his.

"You taste good" he smirked,

"Well, you can do that any time you want" I panted softly.

"I'll remember you said that".

Our kisses were interrupted by Gunner's stomach screaming, I looked up at him and we laughed. Nm... I really don't want to stop where this is headed, but I'm also pretty hungry.

"Okay I think we're clean, let's eat" I said turning off the tap begrudgingly.

Stepping out of the shower, Gunner passed me a towel and I wrapped it around myself. I started rummaging through the dresser draw looking for something to put on. I pulled out a black singlet dress and slipped it on. I twisted my hair up in my towel and sat down on the bed. I started fixing a sandwich, getting hungrier by the second. I think we might watch a movie, Gunner's got heaps of movies on his computer and I kind of need to catch up on the cinema world. I got up and took the laptop from the dresser.

"What's that babe?" Gunner asked,

"What's what?" I asked back confused.


"It's not going to fucking happen!" Gunner yelled angrily. He pulled away from me and stormed out of the room. I was about to follow him out, but Roe grabbed my arm and held me there,

"Let him go sweetheart" she said softly.

I sat back down and stared at her, thinking about what she was suggesting. This whole thing is past the point of crazy. All this talk about superpowers and Goddess's, it's not possible. Is it? I tried to listen, I tried to take it all in. But the more Roe spoke, the more unbelievable it sounded. I'm not a Goddess, or some special chosen daughter, I'm nothing, no one. How could this be possible. My father, Hank, he couldn't know anything. Surely not. At least I don't think so.

"Do you really think my dad could know something about this?" I asked softly

"I don't know darling, maybe. At the moment we don't really have many other options, do we?" she answered.

I looked down at my hands, I really don't want to see him, but I must know if this is true or not. Would he even know anything? He never let on to it, or at least I didn't realise if he did. Plus, the shower thing was weird, with the water and the shampoo bottle. Could that be one of the powers in the book, did I do that to the water?

"Roe, something happened in the shower, I think I should tell you about it" I said quietly,

"Go ahead darling" Roe answered with and encouraging tone.

"Ah, well um, the water from the shower head was kind of floating"


"Yeah, like, it hit the ground and bounced up again, but then it just kept flying up. And when I dropped the shampoo bottle it didn't fall, it was hanging in mid-air. Do you think that I did that, maybe?" I was looking at my fingers in my lap as I spoke. Nervous to know the answer.

I looked up at her face and she was staring at me with a huge smile on her face. I thought her eyes were about to burst out of her head.

"Oh Zelena" she breathed heavily, putting her hands to her chest,

"It sounds like you either have Hydrokinesis or Telekinesis. However it could also be a gravitational power. Being in the shower surrounded by water, it would be hard to tell exactly which power it is. A water gift would be spectacular. The glorious things you could do" she cooed happily. But then her face dropped a little and she looked off to the wall.

"If it is Gravitokinesis, we must be very cautious, it's a very strong power, one of the strongest there is. So much of the gift can be beautiful, but a lot can also go wrong" she said turning very serious.

Okay, so I apparently have superpowers now. Great, I thought sarcastically. Will the surprises ever stop coming, I don't know how much more weirdness I can take. Like seriously. Enough now, please magical Moon Goddess.

"Roe, I-I don't know about this, isn't it just a little too far-fetched?" I asked looking at her with my head tilted.

She half smiled and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"I understand how confusing this must be for you, my dear. Not four weeks ago you didn't even know that were-kind existed, and now I'm telling you that you're a daughter of the moon and have unimaginable powers. It would be a lot for anyone to hear. But please trust me, my entire life has been dedicated to learning and teaching others about our history. I would never intentionally lead you astray, this is real, and this is happening." she said looking directly into my eyes.

We were pulled from our conversation by Lupus walking through the door, followed by Gunner. Gunner looked flushed and agitated.

"Hello Zelena" Lupus nodded at me, I smiled weakly in response.

He sat down next to Roe and Gunner sat next to me, taking my hand in his and kissing my cheek.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper" he whispered.

"It's okay" I said kissing his lips.

"Roe, tell me what's going on would you please" Lupus said turning to his wife.

"Zelena has the mark of the Goddess, my love. She is the chosen descendant and has already began to exhibit powers" Roe said confidently.

**Gunner snapped his head to look at me,

**What is she talking about?**

**Something happened in the shower before you came in and I told her about it**

**Why didn't you tell me?**

**Because I thought I was hallucinating**

**You still should have said something**

**I didn't know Gunner**

"Stop flashing you two, talk to us" Roe growled,

"Sorry, Gunner was asking about the powers"

"I'd like to hear it too, if you don't mind" Lupus grumbled.

"I was having a shower and the water started floating upwards, and I dropped a bottle of soap and it didn't fall to the ground"

"Are you certain?" Gunner questioned,

"It's kind of hard not to notice"

"Will you show me? Like I taught you last night" he said turning to face me.

"That didn't turn out so great, in case you forgot"

"Just try, baby, please" he pleaded. I huffed and nodded. It was a hell of a lot harder to concentrate with the eyes of Roe and Lupus on me now as well.

**Ready when you are**

I closed my eyes and pictured the scene in my head, the water drops floating around the shower and the shampoo bottle hovering. I then pushed it out, giving it to Gunner. I heard him gasp and snapped my eyes open. He was looking at me wide eyed.

"I saw it, holy shit" he exclaimed.

"Gunner" Roe hissed,

"Sorry Mum"

"Well, okay then" Lupus huffed,

"So that's it then, she is really the Triple Goddess?" Gunner breathed,

"Yes. See, I told you" Roe smiled.

I sat back in my chair and huffed. Okay, so they were easily convinced. Roe sure is excited about it, and Lupus hasn't exactly disputed her theories.

"How do we know for certain though?" I asked not looking up.

"Artemis, he will know how to test you and prove it true" Roe said standing up,

"I'll go fetch him" she said cheerfully,

"I'll come with you" said Lupus.

They both left the room and I sat in the chair, completely spinning out. I feel like I'm dreaming, this is all just one big elaborate dream. Finding out about werewolves is one thing, but now this, this all too much.