

The Lennisworths are a declining noble family... But is that all they are??? Keep reading to uncover the history and the truth of Matteo Lennisworth...

UDUJI_Anthony · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter two-History

(The previous day)

"I'll be fine mother..." Matteo said.

"But it's dangerous out there son, what becomes of me if something happens to you?" Maria complained.

"I'm a strong man mother, have you suddenly forgotten who took out the bear that attacked Garcia?" He argued.

"That was the two of us brother!!!" Garcia yelled from the stables.

"Shall I go into the details of what happened that day brother???" Matteo jokingly threatened.

"Nevermind!!" Garcia said

"Oh you stubborn lad, just like your father..." She said in a solemn voice.

"Yes mother, why else would you marry him? I'll be back by dusk mother, worry not." He joked.

Maria Lennisworth was Matteo's mother and Andrew's wife. She was a beautiful woman who was strong just like her husband, her fiery temper was sure to keep the household in check always. Meanwhile Garcia Lennisworth was Matteo's best friend who never left his side. One would think they were brothers when they actually met on the streets of Kirn.

On that day, Matteo was walking through the streets when he saw some nobles beating someone up. He intervened and pushed them away, he hated abuse of power above every other thing. The nobles left out of fear and he turned to look at who he saved. He saw a daring young lad who had rebellious and fiery eyes. He gave him his hand and helped him up, "what's your name lad?" He asked.

"Garcia" he replied quite bluntly and sharply.

He hated nobles, but this particular one looked different. He wore casual clothes and walked with no guard, one would only know he was a noble from his name and his stunning resemblance to his father. As a child he had a blonde hair that went all the way down his shoulders and had blue eyes just like his father.

Matteo took Garcia back to the castle and told the servants to treat him like they would treat Matteo. It was a weird request and decision at first because they all thought it was because he was a child, but they started to get used to each other after some time.

They have been friends since he was 7 and Garcia was older by a year. When Matteo's father was on his deathbed, he gave everything to Matteo and Garcia as they became sworn brothers, that was until his brother came and took everything away.

Presently, Matteo and Garcia left the house with some guards into the woods to hunt. Around sunset, they were to set off to the castle but then something happened...

sorry I haven't updated in a long time

my dad died and I have a lot to deal with...

I'll be sure to keep updating frequently this time.

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