

The Lennisworths are a declining noble family... But is that all they are??? Keep reading to uncover the history and the truth of Matteo Lennisworth...

UDUJI_Anthony · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter three-An Encounter

"Where's Matteo!!??" Maria panicked.

"He's supposed to be back by dusk!!! Someone get me my son!!!" She cried.

Maria has always been overprotective of Matteo ever since his uncle's advances towards her were turned down. Now, she feared the worst.

Meanwhile, in the woods, Matteo and his group were packed and ready to leave the woods, that was until one of them went missing all of a sudden.

Sounds of growls and howls could be heard in the distance, putting everyone on edge.

"Get into formation!!! It's a goddamn beast!!!" Matteo screamed in fear.

Everyone's back were against each other in a circle.

One by one they were being taken. The formation couldn't stop the hungry and fierce predator from taking them.

A group of twelve men was brought down to two in a matter of seconds.

"Run Garcia!!! I'll be right behind you!!!" Matteo said.

"I can't leave you brother!!!" Garcia replied.

"Don't be headstrong lad, I'll be right behind you, now get the hell out of here!!!" Matteo pushed his sworn brother into action.

Matteo had made it his goal to always protect Garcia, even now, in the face of death.

Huffing and panting while running for his life, Garcia looked back when he got to the castle only to find out Matteo was nowhere to be found. Matteo's words still rang clearly in his head..."Run brother, don't stop until you're in front of the castle!!!"

Garcia hit the doors with all his might, fear, panick and relief muddled his thoughts...

The doors opened and a panicked Maria stood there with firey eyes, but as soon as she saw Garcia was alone, her eyes turned hollow as she almost collapsed, but Garcia was quick enough to hold her up.

"Where is he?" Her weak voice asked.

"I'm sorry mother..." Was all he could say.

"My poor boy..." Maria cried weakly.

Just then, a maid rushed into the room with news... "My lady, the young master has returned albeit with serious injuries!!!"

Maria rose with a new found vigor and strength and rushed to see her son. Garcia followed suit and ran downstairs to see an injured and mauled Matteo.

"My son!!!!!!!!" Maria screamed.

She rushed and took her son in her arms, careful to not cause more pain.

"Matteo!!!!!" She cried. "My Matteo!!!! La mia unica felicità!!!!!!" She kept crying.

"Worry not mother. Did I not tell you I'll be back by dusk? I just had a playdate is all. Heh heh. I'll live, at least I slew the damned dog, albeit at the expense of a few bites and cuts."

He stood up, "there, not so hard no?"

Then he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Get him to his room!!!!" Maria panicked.

Later that night...

"I have cleaned him up... Although it does feel painful and weird having my son's blood on my hands." Looking at her hands, Maria said weakly.

"Go to sleep mother... He will be fine, he's a strong man. He will live." Garcia said in a reassuring tone.

"Have you heard from Angela?" She asked.

"She will be here by first daylight tomorrow, her mother sends her regards..." He replied sheepishly.

"Do you still have time to think about her sister Lilly? By God I'll be sure to let Matteo know how much his brother cares about him when he's fully healed." The mother of the two men said half threateningly.

"Oi mother!!! It's far from your thoughts!!!" Garcia said in his defense.

They both went to sleep hoping to see a better Matteo tomorrow.

Little did they know that a big surprise awaited them the next day.