

The Lennisworths are a declining noble family... But is that all they are??? Keep reading to uncover the history and the truth of Matteo Lennisworth...

UDUJI_Anthony · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter one-Changes

May 31st, 2035.


He woke up, looked himself in the mirror, he was barely recognizable. "What am I turning to?" He asked himself...

It's been 5 days since Matteo was bitten in the woods by what he deemed 'a strange creature.' Noticing some changes after some time, like growing appetite and pulsating sensations coming from the wound in the night time, he dismissed the thought that it might be signs that something was wrong...

Now, waking up to a grumbling stomach and wild nightmares, he looked at himself and saw that he was soon to be no longer human... "It's only a matter of time..." He thought. His eyes had turned a very bright yellow and his canines were longer than usual. He could see his nails had grown longer and sharper, while his hair had grown longer within the past few days.

Matteo Lennisworth was a 20 year old young lord of a declining noble family, the Lennisworths. They were a noble and aristocratic family with a lot of achievements to their name, bit that all ended when Matteo's uncle, Hanton betrayed his brother, Andrew, Matteo's father, all because of his desire to occupy the throne of the kingdom of Kirn.

As soon as he seized power of the throne, he began to suppress the Lennisworths, took away all their lands and their guards, leaving them with nothing but their castle and a few guards. Thus reducing their influence and power throughout the kingdom, putting them in their present state of decline.

Presently, Matteo was still trying to suppress the weird feeling which was rising inside of him, urging him to go out in the middle of the night and hunt the first thing he saw. While fighting his predator instincts and urges to kill, he was also fighting a throbbing headache, making him want to scream in anger, pain and agony.

He could feel it, he was changing, changing into something even he was scared of. He started panting, panting turned to screaming, screaming turned to whimpering and whimpering turned to howling. His howls shook the castle to its core; and that's when he knew, he knew that whatever he was, it wasn't human, it was something far more scarier...