

The Lennisworths are a declining noble family... But is that all they are??? Keep reading to uncover the history and the truth of Matteo Lennisworth...

UDUJI_Anthony · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter four-Surprises

Matteo woke up, albeit weak and in pain, but not as much as that gruesome night.

His wounds had healed to a considerable extent but he still had cuts and bites a few places.

He tried to get up but he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Don't move..." A soft voice said to him. He looked at the owner of the familiar voice. He saw her face and showed a weak smile. "Hello my love..." He said weakly. "Don't speak too..." She said in a worried tone. "How long has it been?" He asked.

"A few days..." She replied.

He was shocked. "A few days!!??" The surprise in his voice apparent. "Yes, my love, a few days... Three at most." She replied.

"How long have you been here?" He asked. "The entire time." She replied.

"Where is Garcia?" He asked

"He's with my sister, he insisted on accompanying her to the market." Angela replied.

"Ah, damned love stricken lad can't even stay home till I recover, hahaha." Matteo laughed weakly.

"Where is mother?" He asked, and at that moment, like a raging storm Matteo's mother charged into his room in urgency, worry written all over her face which had gotten pale and aged within the last few days due to lack of sleep.

"My son!!! My child!!! How do you feel?! Are you still in pain?!" Maria wept as she gently touched Matteo and examined him.

"I'm fine mother, I am your son after all. You look weary and tired, I'm sorry to have made you worry." Matteo said weakly as his heart ached whenever he looked at his tired and worried mother.

"Get some rest, I'll order the maids to prepare a feast for you, you must be very hungry." Maria said as she hurriedly approached the door, before Matteo could say anything else, she was gone.

..._(Angela is Matteo's lover and wife to be.

Angela was never from a wealthy family, just well to do. They both met at a gathering that was hosted by Matteo's family. She was quite the looker with her blue eyes and blonde hair. Matteo was struck by her beauty at first sight and confessed to her. Matteo was a fine man, any lady would find it hard to reject him, Angela was not an exception.)_...

"Hurry hurry!!! He must be very hungry by now!!!" Maria shouted in urgency. The last time the Lennisworth mansion was this busy was when the Lord was returning from a battle with a neighbouring kingdom. Everyone was busy as Matteo's recovery was to be celebrated.

Garcia arrived at the mansion and was dazed by what he saw. The whole mansion was busy and he could only guess the reason why.

"My brother has woken up!!!" He shouted in joy as he ran towards Matteo's room.

"Brother!!!" Garcia shouted as he got to Matteo's room, when Matteo saw his brother, he smiled and said: "I can't believe you left me for Lilly you love struck muscle brain."

Garcia rushed to Matteo and embraced him tightly as he burst into tears. "Oi Oi Garcia, do you wish to open my wounds or squeeze me to my death you damned lad!?" Matteo said jokingly.

A soft giggle was heard and Garcia jumped in fright as he didn't notice Angela's presence.

"Non sapevo che l'orgoglioso Garcia Leninsworth potesse essere così affettuoso" Angela said while giggling in a coy manner.

Garcia laughed nervously as this was the first time Angela was seeing this side of him.

Lilly walked in and greeted Matteo. "It gladdens my hear that my Lord is in good health, otherwise I don't know how my dear sister would survive." She said.

Matteo and Garcia laughed at the comment and they all talked lightheartedly before Matteo's mother called everyone for breakfast.