

The Lennisworths are a declining noble family... But is that all they are??? Keep reading to uncover the history and the truth of Matteo Lennisworth...

UDUJI_Anthony · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter five-A new problem

"How are you able to eat so much??!! Are you that hungry after three days of sleep??!!" Matteo's mother asked in bewilderment.

"Let him be mother, it's as you said, it's been three days already, the least you could do is let him regain his energy." Garcia said.

"My brother's right mother, I need to recover the energy I lost when he nearly squeezed the life out of me while bawling his eyes out." Matteo teased Garcia.

"Matteo's right mother, you and sister should have seen Garcia when he saw Matteo, even I was stunned, I never knew Garcia had such a soft side." Angela said as she and Matteo laughed.

"Garcia has always worried about his brother, and the same could be said about Matteo, they only have each other after all." Maria said.

As the family was enjoying their meal, the Butler, Mr Bernardo came in and announced the arrival of King Hantin, Matteo's uncle.

Maria's countenance changed as she abhored the arrogant presence of Hantin who had been making advances at her even before her husband's death.

King Hantin barged in with his guards before Bernardo could finish his announcement. "What do you want Hantin, can't you see we're in the middle of a meal?" Maria asked, contempt written boldly on her face.

"You're the only one who dares to speak to me in such manner Maria. I came here because I heard my dear nephew has awoken from his slumber." The king replied, ignoring Maria's display of contempt as he had already gotten used to it.

"How are you feeling my boy?" The king asked Matteo with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Thanks for your concern uncle but I'm fine now as you can see." Matteo replied in a cold apathetic voice.

The Lennisworth household had made it an unspoken rule to never make Hantin feel like a King, they disregarded him and made sure they never hid the hatred they had for him.

They were rebellious in every way.

"Good then.", Hantin replied almost immediately. "I have decided that you will be leading a charge towards the west lands of the empire where you will attack the kingdom of Minivar. You shall depart in two days."

"Figlio di puttana!!! Do you plan to kill my son!!??" Maria stood and shouted in anger.

"Now that's not the proper way to address your king is it Maria?" Hantin replied calmly in a mocking manner.

"You are no King!!" Maria retorted.

"Calm down mother, let me do the talking." Matteo said.

Maria sat down, boiling with rage and shaking from anger.

"I'll do as you wish my King." Matteo bowed and said.

"What did you just say Matteo??!! Have you gone mad??!!" Angela and Maria screamed in shock.

"Know your place peasant!! A commoner like you isn't worthy of being in our King's presence!!!" Hantin's right hand man, Roderigo lashed out at Angela and proceeded to hit her, ignoring Maria for fear of angering the King since he took a liking to her.

Matteo grabbed his neck at an ureal speed, lifting him up in the air and slowly tightening his grip with the intention of crushing his windpipe.

"No one, and I repeat, no one touches my woman. Do you understand?" He asked.

His deep voice struck fear into everyone present in the room, his calm demeanor more threatening.

"Matteo, let him go, he's not worth it." Angela said in a soft and soothing tone.