
The Monsters First Love

Madeline Colter despises her country, Grandor, home to the most conservative and racist people to exist, the only country to reject people of other species while having a half-vampire prince. But when the prince comes of age and every woman in the country is forced to participate in a competition for the position of queen, Madeline is dragged into it. She expected to be failed immediately, not that she'd meet with the so-called feared prince and realize they may not be so different after all. Alexei, known as the fearful war monger prince, feels little affection for anyone. Ostracised among nobility with his only protector now dead he has to pick a queen to ascend the throne. What he hadn't expected was to meet a girl that would make him realize how touch-starved he truly was. —————————- I stared at the people below me, all their faces enamoured with awe as they beheld me. I was a commoner moments before, but here I sat- a crown atop my head. I felt his fingers squeeze my hand and tried to stop my flinch. His red eyes boring into the side of my face. I knew he was grinning from ear to ear. I knew he had set all this up for me. Not to show me. But… to warn me. Thousands of eyes leered at me and I knew what was to come would be much worse than what had already happened. “Long Live the King and his Queen!” The chants began and I could feel a prickle in the corner of my eyes. “Do not cry”. His cold words were warmer than the finger that brushed my eyelid. My eye stilled and slid toward him. “This is all yours now. Just as much as it is mine. A country in the hands of those who hate it. Let’s ruin it all”. The fire burning in those eyes shook my core. “Long… live the king” I said slowly and deliberately, watching his smile stretch further. “Long live the queen”. ———————- I looked at the massacre around us. There was blood everywhere… why didn't he care for that? "Why do you want mine?" I asked curiously, face turning pink when he lifted his intoxicated eyes towards me and his face was flushed, lips panting. It sent a strange thrill through me to see a man of such power on his knees, practically begging. "I want all of you. Everything" he laid a kiss on my skin, breathing in the scent. Warning: slow- burn R18

RedBedSheets · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Chapter 37

There was little talk of dinner as we returned, any murmurs of the princes behaviour went unheard by me as I tried to scheme my way out of the situation I was in.

Someone grabbed onto my bodice forcing me to pay attention to my surroundings.

Crystal still looked shaken by everything.

"You- You didn't have to do that back there" she meant it, but I could hear how grateful she was for it.

"It's my fault he asked you to do that" I replied, finding my voice dryer than I intended.

"But still… he is too cruel. He knew what he was doing when he asked that" she shivered. I didn't blame her. I could barely hold back that same shiver as I recalled his indifference to everything.

"I will make sure he doesn't involve you in this further" I promise, but I wonder if I could even ensure such a thing.

It wasn't just Crystal who seem disheartened. Every Lady present looked like they wanted to return home. Like it was all suddenly too much.

The only one who wore the mask of a perfect farce was Lady Willow.

The ladies seemed convinced that the rumours of the prince were true. That the man was more monster than human.

I caught Charlottes eyes and she threw me a careful look. A warning.

'That is the man you wish to serve?'

I saw it written on her face and turned away before she could see my discomfort.

"I can't wait to go home" Sarah said the words the moment we entered the room and I gave a dry chortle in response.

"I am feeling rather homesick" Crystal sighed just as the letter on my dressing table caught her eye, "You haven't opened that letter yet?" She asked.

I wanted to roll my eyes at her sudden attentiveness.

"No. I really don't want to" I replied indifferently as I began to change.

"But it's from your parents, isn't it?"

"Exactly" i heaved as I undid my corset, "It's probably about that mystery man… or worse about my brothers" I groaned.

"If you aren't going to open it then I will" she reached over with a sly smile, recovered completely from her earlier state.

"Crystal…" I warned, standing in a manner that Aunt Elizabeth often did when she scolded her.

Her hands swabbed at the envelope and she tore it open without a care.

"Now let's see… oh my!"

I snatched the letter off her in embarrassment and I began to read it.

I was almost spot on. The letter was addressed from my mother. She hadn't wrote anything about the mystery man, except that he asked to meet me, and the main focus of the letter was my brothers, Rodrigo and Mathias.

They had indeed come to the Capital and were staying at the estate I had begged father to let me use, but had been rudely rejected. I scoffed at the memory. The reason for the visit however, was unexpected.

"They want to see the opening of the store?" I furrowed my brows in skepticism, mostly because I knew they had no interest in my business.

Don't tell me this is their lousy excuse to spy on me? I grit my teeth.

"I can't wait to see brother Rodrigo and Mathias! I wonder what presents they got me this time?" Crystal tried to peak at the contents of the letter, but I stepped away from her in annoyance.

"What's with them this time? I hope they aren't harassing my staff" I muttered to myself and stowed away the letter in my drawer.

"They're probably just worried" Crystal said.

Sarah who had been quiet while we spoke seemed to turn eagerly to me suddenly, eyes lighting up as if she realised something.

"Wait! You're a Colter- doesn't that mean your brothers are the famous Colter brothers?" Both her hands planted on her cheeks as she gasped aloud.

I didn't nod and simply gave an exhausted sigh.

"That's right" Crystal replied, prideful of the fact they were her cousins.

"Miss Colter! When I fail, please introduce me to Mathias- I've been a fan of his apothecaries and I've heard about his good looks? Is it true?" She was practically panting in my face.

I crinkled my nose.

"How could they be true?" I cringed, "he probably spread those rumours himself".

"Don't listen to her! Brother Mathias is very handsome- I'll introduce you!" Crystal stepped in.

Sarah may as well be bowing at her feet. She was practically on her knees as she thanked Crystal.

I wasn't too fond of my brothers coming here. It meant my fathers getting impatient about my stay. He either wants me to return immediately or I've made some sort of scandal… I truly hoped it wasn't the latter.