
The Monsters First Love

Madeline Colter despises her country, Grandor, home to the most conservative and racist people to exist, the only country to reject people of other species while having a half-vampire prince. But when the prince comes of age and every woman in the country is forced to participate in a competition for the position of queen, Madeline is dragged into it. She expected to be failed immediately, not that she'd meet with the so-called feared prince and realize they may not be so different after all. Alexei, known as the fearful war monger prince, feels little affection for anyone. Ostracised among nobility with his only protector now dead he has to pick a queen to ascend the throne. What he hadn't expected was to meet a girl that would make him realize how touch-starved he truly was. —————————- I stared at the people below me, all their faces enamoured with awe as they beheld me. I was a commoner moments before, but here I sat- a crown atop my head. I felt his fingers squeeze my hand and tried to stop my flinch. His red eyes boring into the side of my face. I knew he was grinning from ear to ear. I knew he had set all this up for me. Not to show me. But… to warn me. Thousands of eyes leered at me and I knew what was to come would be much worse than what had already happened. “Long Live the King and his Queen!” The chants began and I could feel a prickle in the corner of my eyes. “Do not cry”. His cold words were warmer than the finger that brushed my eyelid. My eye stilled and slid toward him. “This is all yours now. Just as much as it is mine. A country in the hands of those who hate it. Let’s ruin it all”. The fire burning in those eyes shook my core. “Long… live the king” I said slowly and deliberately, watching his smile stretch further. “Long live the queen”. ———————- I looked at the massacre around us. There was blood everywhere… why didn't he care for that? "Why do you want mine?" I asked curiously, face turning pink when he lifted his intoxicated eyes towards me and his face was flushed, lips panting. It sent a strange thrill through me to see a man of such power on his knees, practically begging. "I want all of you. Everything" he laid a kiss on my skin, breathing in the scent. Warning: slow- burn R18

RedBedSheets · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Chapter 11

I returned home early that day, the unopened letter clutched in my hand as I made my way up to my room. If I recall, both Aunt Elizabeth and the count were out. Randall is probably out playing around and Crystal is at a tea party.

I couldn't stop the home sickness that attacked me.

I planned on returning home in a week from now originally, and I may be able to delay it only slightly depending on the contents of this letter. I traced a finger on the seal while I absentmindedly took a seat on the sofa.

"But why would he deliver it?" I muttered as I recalled the beautiful man. His red eyes ingrained in my mind. He looked dangerous and yet I was drawn to him like a moth to light.

Maybe he truly wanted to see the shop… or maybe…

My cheeks burned as I sunk into my chair.

I conversed with men often. Professionally and casually. I had to. Men ruled the world. Women simply followed their whims, taking up the roles men cannot. It was discouraging to see, but I was one of the anomalies of my kind.

That didn't mean I had ever had a relationship with one before. It was simply professional and nothing more. I was often told by them that despite my height I was intimidating.

I had given up romance the moment I understood that it clashed with my objectives. Postponing it for when I was done and satisfied.

But I couldn't help feeling this exciting and blood pumping emotion as I recalled him.

I pursed my lips as I glared at the letter and after a long stare off, I lifted the envelope and ruthlessly ripped it in a single drag. I ripped a bit more than I planned and the letter fell to the floor.

I stared at it, making out the letters in anticipation.

Dear Miss Madeline Colter,

The first task will be on the 25 of this month-.

I fell to my knees, hands slamming against the ground so hard the letter floated for a moment before setting down straighter right in my face.


"Hello?!" I heard a loud bang from behind me. The sound of someone tumbling, jumping to grab their footing as they rushed in the room. I turned to see Randall, holding a threatening pink heel with wide red-rimmed eyes. He caught sight of me and let out a relieved breath, "what are you crying about now?"

I pointed to the letter while my face crumbled.

"I didn't get disqualified!" I cried.

He didn't even bother continuing. Instead, he limped back to his room and probably went back to bed. A strong scent of liquor following him.