

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


Both teams marched in, all with armbands on their biceps to represent their respective teams. And with hard faces too, especially West. They were all separated soon afterwards, and directed to their respective flags, over the complaints of the entire crowd.

"We're still coming up with good soldiers for the field, monsters. Don't forget, a little competition here and there never hurt anyone, but we need teamwork above all else in war. Moving on, looks like all students are placed in their appropriate area as required," the announcer said.

Just as the announcer had said, I could see from the monitors that everyone was ready, just the horn left to blow to start the entire thing.

"Before we start the race though, let's all look at... where is he... Ah yes! The young Furrha kid invigilating this event. Still waiting for my answer to my question, kid."

The crowd cheered for some reason, then I saw why. All of a sudden, I found myself up on the screens again. What is wrong with this people? I'm not even in the event!

"Just smile and wave, kid. Smile and wave," someone said from the com.

I did just as I was told, but all the while communicating with the device, "Don't use the Penguins of monstergascar reference to encourage me, Mr William. Focus on your job!"

"For once, I'll have to agree with the brat. William, be more serious," a cool voice said.

"No offence Mrs Ivory, but I don't need any approval from you,"


*HOOONK!* the horn blew, cutting off Mrs Ivory's rant.

The second event was launched off but, seeing that it would be a long time before any of the students came up to my trap, I think a little snooze will–

"Communicating to all invigilators, can you hear me? Over,"

"We can here you loud and clear, general. And this is not a walkie tokie. You don't have to keep on saying, 'over' " Mrs Kelly answered.

"Alright then, sorry. Force of habit. You are to be informed that although we have an excellent surveillance team to see what the kids are up to, they'll still need to be closely monitored since not all the feeds can catch the audio. So, prior to laying back like our young invigilator was planning to, I'll send you the areas we do need your ears,"

"What the?! How were you able to tell what I was doing from–gah!" something reflected the little sunlight that could make it in the forest straight at my eyes, interrupting my talk with the general. Angrily, I turned to the culprit and saw a small probe opposite me with a camera on top of it, just rotating like it didn't just assault my sensitive eyes.

"Oi, Wallrus–E wanna be! I'ma bout to turn you to a useless peace of scrap metal! C'mere!"

I launched my self at the probe, ready to crush it with my fist. But then...

"Max, please do not destroy the merchandise," an electric voice said from the probe.

"Wha–general? What the hell is with that thing? Is... Is that what you were using to spy on me?!" I asked as I stopped myself from crushing it.

"I wouldn't say spying, more like–hey, HEY! Leave it alone!"

He was complaining cause I was turning the damn thing upside down, then I left it like that. Let's see how you'd move without your wheels, loser.

"I'm taking this out of your pay!"

"You don't pay me squat, general!"

"So that's how you wanna play, ok. Move over to the area I'm about to instruct you. Here I thought I was going to give you the easiest of places,"

Blood drained from my face. I slowly returned back to the probe, flipped it back up, then dusted it a little.

"Hey, general. No need to go to such extremes. Look, good as new! We alright? General? General???"

"That was an order solider,"


I kinda walked into that one, didn't I?

"...yes sir,"

Well then, as I walk to whatever the general has planned for me with a heavy head, let's see what the first years are up to. And the announcer has been awfully quiet if you ask me. Same as the crowd.

I took a look at the screens to confirm the position of everyone, then was surprised to see they were still to meet each other.

"You're the last one to be instructed, kid. Try to keep up with me," an irritated voice spoke up. I turned behind me and saw that the probe was tailing me, slowly.

"General, you perv! Is this what you're in to? Cause if you are..."

"I'm just trying to see your progress! Again, some of these probes don't have the sound system, hence I'm listening to you through the coms. Now take a left, you are almost there,"

Man, this event has been nothing but boring to me. Now I'm been led to gods know where, and I'm hungry!

"In case you are wondering kid, the reason you can't hear the chants around the stadium is because someone might reveal the cadets location, since this is also a stealth mission. Haven't you realized that you can't even see the crowd itself?"

The head general was right. Even beyond the large trees, I still couldn't see the crowd or even feel it.

"We have our illusion team to thank for that. But just know, even if you can't see them, they can see you,"

"Oh, is that why you keep filming my butt?"

"What?! Kid, I'm not explaining my self to you. And the crowd seems to like it so... "

"Wait what?!"

"We've arrived,"

I looked up to where I was stopped and shook my head. Huh, I must have seriously pissed off the general for him to give me this part, knowing damn well I'd hate it!


*Emily's pov*

*a few minutes earlier when Flintheart left with Max to go prep for the oncoming invigilation*


"Alright people, listen up. Griffin here has an idea about the next event" I called for everyone's attention. Most of them listened up at least, but there was always the very few who still hated me. Can't do anything about that. But what I can do is continue trying to make up for my many mistakes, and maybe take down my dad in the process too.

Griffin raised his hands in support to quiet them down. Max's judgement about him being the leader was spot on, just like most things he does. Never get how he does it, but I'm not complaining.

"Here's the plan. There is no plan," he confidently stated to everyone.

Remember my earlier statement, forget that.

"You know, I thought you were smart, with the specks and all, guess they were only just that. Thoughts," Kira stated.

Ouch, she's bitter. Must be because Max wasn't part of the competition. She may try to deny it, but that bummed her out, a lot.

"You should have waited for me to finish, Kira. I'm still the class representative mind you," Griffin said, but I could feel his pride was hurt. And the class wasn't going to let this slide.

They all snickered in laughter, but Griffin finally told us his plan.

"It's all about teamwork. They may not have said it, but it's probably about team work,"


That's what he said, before some people dressed in gym clothes came in and handed us our bands for our group. Griffin also told us that the entire plan depended on the other class we were to be paired up with. I just hope we're paired up with a good bunch, like East.

"Hmm.. blue band. So, hey Kira. Why did choose this time to not put on the illusion magic?" I asked her as we came up near the start of the next event and her eyes could be visibly seen for everyone.

"Dunno, just felt like it,"

"You sure it's not because of a certain handsome Furrha somewhere who made your race seem less embarrassing to be viewed?"

Her face turned bright red. It was even more obvious with how much sensitive her skin was with her always with a hoodie when not in school hours.

"It's definitely not because of that guy!" she answered defensively.

"Then why are you blushing?"

"That's... Uh..., hey look! Will finally get to know who our teammates are," she quickly evaded the question.

I shook my head at her, "We'll revisit this later,"

She smiled and went up to join with the boys upfront.

"IT'S YOU GUYS??!" someone to my left exclaimed in shock.

I turned to the voice and saw the West girl who run ahead during the lava dome event staring at us like we were the most disgusting things she has ever seen. Looking at her hand, clearly she also had a blue band on it.

Someone from the front of our line smacked his head. I'm estimating it's Griffin.

"A pleasure to be working with–"

"Shut up, demon! Hiding your horns doesn't mean you get to speak on equal terms with me!"

I immediately regretted trying to bring up a good conversation. But the audacity to speak to me like that! If it wasn't because I knew Max was around and an alarming amount of dangerous monsters here, this rude girl would already be down on her knees begging for her life. So there are such bitches here too.

"That from the girl who peed her pants in fear due to some big lizard," Kira came to my defense. She really is a good friend. Something a demon royal such as my self could never experience due to my training.

The west girl immediately turned red in embarrassment, but her face then twisted into a sneer.

"At least I got carried by that cute boy. Totally a win for me. Have you been carried by him?"

Damn, now this is getting serious. Kira raised her hand, ready to use her ability, but thankfully, one of the teachers came up to group as to our respective areas.

Up front to the representative position, I could see Griffin and the West representative furiously discussing with each other. But even with all the planning in the demonverse, I'm sure, with those eyes looking down on us from the West students, we're totally going to get annihilated.

Two minutes later, after being quickly arranged in our areas ready to do our part, we were given five minutes to come up with a grand idea to save ourselves.

"Gather around team. We've come to an agreement," the west representative called. I feel like I should know him, but something tells me that that would be a bad idea.

The west students couldn't even stand near us, like we had a virus. Or were one. They remind me a lot about my so called 'friends' back in my old school that acted the same way around the lower class demons.

"We've decided that since South have the fewer students, even after almost half of us were eliminated..."

Some of the West students snickered when they heard what their rep said, but Kira seemed to always be one insult ahead.

"Laughing a little too loud, for losing a lot of your classmates. We can see the loyalty,"

Now it was our turn to snicker at them.

"Enough of that. Since all of you have made it obvious that working together is out of the question, we saw the best option was to split up. Us, West students, since we are better–

"–I beg to differ–" Griffin started but was interrupted.

"–we'll be taking the offensive. We'll leave the defense to you guys. Try to protect our flag please,"

Obviously, with the displeased look on Griffin's face, this was something the West representative decided all by himself. Even a child could see that this competition was about teamwork. Guess these monsters really can't cooperate with each other. Big L for us all.

If the demons weren't oppressed by my father and ever wedged war against this monsters, we'd have the upper hand cause at least for us, we listen to one leader. Now, if only their geniuses like the guy I have a crush on didn't exist...

"Well, we're off,"

All West students took off even before the hoot was blown. Speaking of which....


"Ha, good riddance! I mean, this in a way, is a form of teamwork, right?" Clive asked.

The West teacher floating above us shook his head, then said something in his com.

"Oh we're so screwed!"

We all stood in a defensive position, everyone covering each others tracks, with our only hope that the West students deliver.

"I hate defence duty!" Bareth spoke up from somewhere after some time.

"We all do. We'll just have to wing it. At least, that's what Max would have said," Kira consoled him.

"Nah, knowing him, he'd have beat the snot out of that rude rep, take control of the entire group by force, and maybe embarrass the entire class all by himself,"

We all laughed at the accurate assessment done by one of our classmates, some short guy who tried hitting on me once.

"He really would have done that," Griffin said with a slight smile. But then his face turned hard.

"Looks like we are about to face our first challenge," he said and pointed to the approaching group.

Sure enough, the red team had made its appearance, all a mix of North and East, with smiles on their faces that they found us.

"Well that was quick," Clive muttered.

"Somehow I feel like someone betrayed us for them," Kira said as she raised her fists up in a defensive manner.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and together, we prepared to face off against the red team.