

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


$&&Sup, you guys? I know I haven't posted for two weeks but bare with me pls. Just finished with them CATS and let me tell you.... They were Mad! Anyways I'll continue posting just like before nothing new there. Enjoy ^~^&&$

With excellent uniformity, the maids near the walls immediately advanced with food surprising appearing in their hands, their bright smiles never leaving their faces.

The thin battler was the one issuing orders on where the different types of food were to be placed. In less than five minutes, everything was already set and ready for viewing.

"I hope everyone finds the food to their liking," the king said and raised his hand as a signal to the maids to raise the covers off the food.

Something heavenly arose from the various dishes. Even my nose was having a hard time trying to identify the different aromas that assaulted it. I thought the menu at school was great but compared to what was before me, the school cafeteria now looked pale in comparison.

I could tell by the looks on everyone's faces that I wasn't the only one impressed by such a grand view. Maybe it's cause of staying without food for a full day or something, cause for some reason, my stomach was grumbling for me to stuff my face with them good stuffs.

Unfortunately, I had to hold back less I embarrass myself infront of the king once again. Wouldn't want to get on the most powerful monster in the verse's bad side now would I?

"You're all dismissed. I'll call on you when needed," the king waved off the maids. They all bowed their heads in respect and in a single file left from the door I had just come from. The battler was left standing but the king chased him out too.

Before he left though, we made eye contact and he gave me a creepy stare. Note yourself, if I get the chance, he's gonna have to answer me a few things like why this hatred of his.

"Well then, now that we are alone warriors, please, dig in," the king welcomed us.

I stared at the foods hungrily but waited for one monster to make the move. That idea seemed to trend around the others. I could definitely hear the growling of stomachs though. Guess we'll have to see who'll brake fast, and judging by the grazed look in a certain proud girl's eyes, I'd say I have this one in the back.

The king stared at both sides and raised an eyebrow in question.

"I thought you guys were hungry. Must have been my imagination. I'll just call in the maids again to take out all the excess food–"

"NO!" Everyone answered with new found strength.

"Then why won't you guys.... Oh, I see. Don't worry, you have nothing to fear. No one around here will judge you for how you eat so feel right at home,"

Eventually, we all dug into our food, and just as I guessed, it was quite exquisite. Better than anything I've ever eaten, I'll tell you that much.

"So, how were the fights today?" King Jason asked as he stretched his arm to grab a piece of cake near his right hand. I observed principal Kelly roll her eyes before she answered.

"You know the answer to that, Dad. Why ask the warriors? And don't talk while you eat," she said and returned her attention back to the steak she was carefully cutting with elegance.

"Come now, Kelly. Do you have to hurt this old man's pride? I know I may not act it, but I'm still your father,"

"Sure you are," she said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Anyways, this isn't about us. Monsters, I'll have to thank you for fighting for the elites position. Two of you have already qualified, congrats by the way. And those who failed to do so, it was definitely not an easy win for the elves. Excellent work, all you lot,"

"Thank you your majesty," all warriors that had fought chorused together.

"Well then, now that that's out of the way, on to more serious matters. The main reason for the existence of the elites,"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned serious. The clattering of plates and movement of glasses eased up to a total silence, as per the situation required.

"Listen well. Whatever words that are to be spoken here should remain in this room, sworn by the two laws of the monsters."

A few gasps escaped from some of the warriors, mine included. Wait, so what the king is essentially telling us is that the words he is about to speak require two really powerful bounding oaths that would risk our very existence?!

"Well, monsters? What are your answers?"

We all stayed silent and stared at each other with questioning eyes until Harold raised his hand.

"If I may your majesty, what's so important that you request such drastic measures to just tell us a few words?" he asked. We all turned to the king with baited breaths awaiting his answer.

"The reason for this is because we've finally chosen to retaliate the demon's attacks. And believe me, this information might be a turning point in this war," King Jason answered in a calm and collected voice.

That's news to me. A turning point to the war? What exactly is he saying?

"What's more important, is that you guys are ready to hear what I have to say. So I'll ask again, will you do the oaths or not?"

"Another question," a small voice piped from from the girl's side. Clare was the owner of the voice, which though soft, also sounded in pain. "Do we have a choice to reject this request? Cause I've never had to swear on those two laws,"

The king smiled and nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry. I'm fully aware that this is not something to be taken lightly. It's your choice if you want to do them or not. But, for confidentiality, I'll have to ask anyone who decides to do so to leave the room," King Jason said, the smile on his face slowly disappearing.


This is a serous matter. The oaths the king is talking about are just about the most powerful and binding oaths that have ever been created. Knowing that, you have to understand why it was such a difficult decision.

The first is the King's decree. It's a type of law that only the king of monsters can control. Basically, what it entails is that any type of oath the king has spoken and if and only if the monster or monsters asked agree to it, a powerful contract is formed that binds the monster to the king.

In short, he will know if you break the oath and the breaker will forfeit the right to his life. This law, though not that powerful enough, to monsters, this will be a horrible experience cause to break such a law, means immediate death. For betraying a king's decree.

The second is a more commonly known oath but though known by most people, no one ever dares to mention or utter those evil words to swear himself into it. Before, I always thought it was just some rumour spread by losers who didn't have a purpose in life but just gossip.

But ever since I've met two gods, and one of them just confirmed to me that it exists without wanting to, I've started to believe it actually exists. Of course, I'm talking about the Styx curse. Obviously, a binding oath owned by the river of evil is not something that any sane person would ever want to cross.

"I'll put my faith in you, my king," Merlik spoke through her mask. Both Sally and the general nodded their heads in agreement.

Clare seemed to be deep in thought, then she shrugged her shoulders and nodded too.

"You already know my answer," Harold smiled. There rest of the grown ups nodded in agreement too. All eyes soon shifted to both me and the ice princess.

"Guess it's part of the job," Queen finally breathed.

"I'm new to this but I'm guessing the right answer is, yes?" I said.

"HAHAHAHA!" the king laughed in amusement. "Boy, it's not a must you do what the majority does. You say you're new here but the way I see it, that last place has always been there for you,"

"Thank you, King Jason," I tried holding back my smile. "And yes, I do want to hear how you plan to fight the demons. I have some questions of my own too,"

"Good. Now... "

A powerful aura swept through the entire room. The king stretched his right arm out and began muttering a few words then raised his head to face us.

"Monsters, and any other race present in this room, do you swear, by the king's decree and by the River Styx, that any words mentioned in this room will remain as such?"


Loud thunder shook the entire castle, alerting us that our fates have been sealed. Well, if this comes back to bite me, I'll have a word with that god of mine.

"That's that. Firstly, let's start with the point of your existence. As we all know, these attacks of the demons are starting to become more dangerous. At first, they started conquering our planets one by one."

"So far they've attained five, but that's because I've ordered the soilders present in those planets to protect the civilians and not to engage with the demons. I was hoping that the demon king would realize that I don't want war with him with this gesture, but it seems like he really doesn't give a crap!"

"Dad! Language!" Mrs Kelly rebuked her father.

"Don't worry sweetie. Daddy's just a little pissed at this king. Not only did he forcibly take over those five planets, but he also started attacking the children. I too have my limits with patience, see? And right now, I'm definitely passed my limit."

"So, that's when I decided to join hands with the Elf King and finally bring an end to this century long war. He too was attacked by the demon king you see. But where he took planets from us, he took something even greater from him, the world tree of the elves!"


Everyone was puzzled by the turn of events. The world tree?! The source of most elves lifespan. Probably half of my life? That world tree?!

"But, your Majesty, that's a galaxywide crisis!" Mr Ben shouted in shock.

"You are right, Ben. But that's why I told you to take the oath. Imagine if word were to get out that the world tree was in the hands of the demons. And don't forget that elves contribute to about sixty percent of the Magic government. Who do you think they would follow?"

"Yeah, but just as you said, if words gets around, it will be catastrophic. Be that as it may, what's stopping the Demon king from doing so?" I asked the king.

Everyone's eyes shined with fear except the Kings. Wait... had it not occurred to them that the Demon king was already in the advantage when he was harbouring the world tree?

"Good question, Mandrax. But I know that that's not his goal. He already had the full support of most dark elves, so I'm sure he doesn't need another army of elves at his side. At the very least, I'm sure he's holding the world tree as a threat against the Elf King,"

"So, what are you saying dad?"

"Simply put, he's forcing the Elf King to take action,"

"Jeez, how can one threaten a king?" I wondered while shaking my head.

"That's an easy answer. Another king," Queen answered.

"It was a rhetorical question," I murmured before the king raised his hand for silence.

"Anyways, that's when we agreed with the Elf King to form a group of elites to take on this war. I know what you guys are thinking and no, we Kings ourselves can't join the war. I mean, if we did, yes it would be an easy fight for us. But then who will be left to protect the people when the Demon king comes himself?"

"We'll have to play this right. And even the Elf King needs to return to his planet soon, hence the creation of the elites. Now you know why you are here, and why you fight. Time for you to know your first mission."