

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
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111 Chs


I had arrived back into the janitors closet and quickly checked the time. Sure enough, only one hour had passed by, but the effects of the planet still weighed heavily on me. I stared at my watch a bit more wondering if it'll ever be useful to me again other than just telling the time.

I sighed in disappointment as grabbed the door handle. When I pushed it outwards, the door immediately came off its hinges and I was now holding onto it.

"Uh.... OK. Forgot my strength might have increased just a bit more than last time," I muttered as I turned to head down the hall. The janitor was right there in front of me, his eyes bulged out in surprise.

"Why don't we keep this thing to our selves?" I winked at him as I gently placed the door down. He nodded his head absentmindedly with his jaws still wide open.

"Yeah.... I'm going to go now so..." I slowly backed away from the guy till I was a good distance away and then sprinted down to the dining hall.

Luckily, just about everyone was back in their rooms, and I could catch my breath in peace. Then it hit me. I was supposed to be in my room too unless I wanted to risk another punishment like yesterday!

I frantically searched for my key in my back pocket and immediately fished it out. I raised it and was just about to shout my room number when my mouth froze in fear.

Principal Kelly had just entered the hall and was right now staring at me, her more surprised than me.

"R–r–room n–umb–"

She opened her palm and my key got yanked out of my hand. She caught it just as fast as it flew to her and tightened her grip. That's it. I'm screwed! What can I do to save my self from the torture exercises?!

I tried looking for an escape route then immediately thought against it as it would have been pointless with her. And also...

"Don't even think about it, Mandrax. My office, NOW!"


"So you finally visited the planet?" she asked me a few hours later. I nodded obediently as I wiped my tears away.

Such an evil principal! Even after begging her to hear my case, she still gave me all those exercises. This time though, after all the sweat and tears I gave, she finally asked me to take a sit.

"And you met with the dungeon master after fighting the Goblin king?" I nodded again when I lifted my head. Today, she felt like dressing in her usual attire. But today's suit was purple, and I have to ask, who is the designer? Somehow all her clothes were always tight fitting, showing me a lot more for the eyes. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

I stared back down at my dusty army trousers as my face became flustered.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. I could feel her thinking a lot about my story as I had previously explained to her. I didn't mention the wolves cause I wasn't ready for another volley of questions to be asked. Finally, she sighed in exhaustion.

"I've never met the dungeon master myself so consider me surprised by your achievement. I thought that the day you'll enter the planet, you'd quickly give up and hand me the ring back due to the harsh conditions but, now I can see that I'd made the right decision,"

I had hoped she wouldn't take the ring back but with that sentence alone she assured me that that wouldn't happen. She ordered me to go rest in my room since she could tell I was tired. She handed my key back and warned me not to mention about my adventures then she dismissed me.

When I appeared back in my room, someone was waiting for me, and he didn't look too happy to see me.

"Where were you?" Arnold asked, his voice betraying his emotions.

"Can we not do this now, I'm sleepy," I yawned and headed to my bed. He intercepted me on my way and stood between me and absolute luxury.

"Dude, you are one minute away from a thrashing," I warned him while my mood shifted to a hundred and eighty degrees.

He crossed his arms in rebellion and looked like he wouldn't be moving anytime soon. This guy...

"I wanted a bath anyways," I growled and turned to the showers. I needed a cool down too. It's not his fault that I was caught. He's just worried about me.

A good cold bath did the trick. I came out feeling more freshened and relaxed than ever. I wraped my towel around my waste and headed to search for some good pajamas. The wardrobe always had the basic necessities. Just nothing too complicated like armor and staff like that.

Arnold was still waiting for my response, in his milky white pajama trouser and black vest. Elves must really have some type of immunity against cold cause I could feel it seeping through my skin, whereas Arnold looked peaceful in his thin wear.

"Go to sleep, will you?" I tried again as I finished clothing myself and stood in front of him.

"Are you going to explain your self?"

"If I answer no?"

"Then I'm not going to sleep,"

We stared at each other for what felt like hours but maybe I was just too tired to think straight. I held my head as it just so happened to begin aching that I almost lost my balance.

"Jeez! You good?" he asked worriedly as he moved to hold me up.

"Guess....I'm...a...little.." I couldn't finish that sentence as I vomited up what little I had during lunch.

"Fine. You can sleep today. Just... promise me you'll talk tomorrow, ok,"

I nodded grimly as I didn't trust my mouth to talk. I had no idea my little trip would be that effective to my body. Arnold positioned me on my bed which was probably the last thing I remember before I passed out cold.


"Oh the monstrosity!" I wailed in horror as the sun blazed through the balcony window, effectively issuing my death sentence. I say that cause that was just about what would happen with the way my body felt.

"Jupiter really did a number on me!" I continued complaining then remembered I wasn't alone this time. I quickly turned to Arnold in fear that he might have heard me, but I had nothing to worry about seeing that he was still in dreamland.

Look at him, all peaceful with his delicate face and his eyes relaxed, hiding his golden brown eyes. He was drooling a lot but I had to wonder, how was that even possible with his natural pink mouth closed softly. Part of his hair fell gracefully around his face, the rest spread around his pillow.

Then an idea came over me. All those days he tortured me awake, it was finally time! But first, I'll have to make sure he doesn't want to get up. I quickly rushed out of my bed, new found strength coming from the motivation of reenacting my revenge. I was just about to head over to his bed, then my mind remembered.

"I passed out right after I vomited, let me just..." I turned to the front and...

Nothing. I saw nothing. Don't tell me Arnold cleaned it! And he also stayed up late waiting for me just for me to add him more work on top of him being tired. And I was just about to ruin his only chance of rest, what kind of friend I'm I?!

Now I feel guilty. How will I ever make it up to him? I hope the time comes soon. But let me do what I can for now.

I walked to his bed and gently shook him.

"Who, What?" he groggily said.

"We'll be late for breakfast. Wake up, my g,"

His eyes slowly focused on me and then widened in shock.

"You woke me?! That's a first! Usually, you'd be the bedhog, not me. So, you feeling better? " he asked while yawning.

"As fit as a ever will be," I lied. "Now hurry! Or we'll suffer the consequences,"

"It's not like you're ready,"

"Fair point. Come on!" I dragged him out of his bed and together, we quickly wore our uniforms right after we each had taken a shower.

"Wait, Arnold. Before we go, I have something to tell you," I stopped him just before he turned the nob.

"You'll tell me about yesterday later. Right now, let's just rush to the–"

"It's not about that!" I interrupted him. Without warning, I grabbed him and gave him a tight hug. "Thanks for yesterday. I don't deserve such a friend like you. Please, just tell me what I can do to thank you,"

He returned the hug but when he let go, he looked sad.

"Was it something I said?!" I panicked when he just stood there staring at me with glistering eyes.

"Never say that! You don't owe me anything, ok. Just, never leave me. You're the first real friend I've had in a long time, and I'd like to remain friends with you. Please, never think I'm doing any of these things to gain your friendship. It's just... what I believe friends should do. Now, can you stop acting weird? That's my job. Let's go," he answered and dragged me out of out room. Well... guess that settles that.

We were a few days away from going on the said dangerous planet, and I still had no party. Today's cliff hanger was to test one's physical abilities, and surprised to say, I aced everything. Though it was a bother with my body still trying to adjust to the gravity here.

All in all, Jupiter conditions are what probably made every exercise seem like a walk over. Or was it the hellish exercises I was put on by the principal? I'm not sure which is which anymore.

Other than that, the day passed by without any worries. End of class however, I had another problem to deal with.

"So, how about it?" I asked Alex.

"R–really? I'd be honored to join your party, Max," he excitedly answered as he tucked his books away. He couldn't stay for long though as he wanted to go check on his buddy. He apologized and excused himself but promised tomorrow he'll be there. I'd have loved to join him but, priorities.

"Hmm... Who else?"

Today, many monsters stayed in class, probably to make last minute preparations for tomorrow. I passed by a lot of desks where I was asked to join their parties but declined politely as I searched for my next party member. I arrived at the front and saw a certain someone I had vowed revenge upon.

"Yo, four eyes! Would you like to join my party?"

He lifted his head from his books and stared at me for a long time.

"You can say no if you want. I wouldn't mind,"

He nodded his head as confirmation then immediately returned to his books.

"What a rude guy," I murmured as searched for my next victi– sorry, member.

A lot of the popular monsters had already formed their parties, with the rest forming pity parties. Due to my reputation as an adamantium warrior, many would have loved to join me, but there was some people I was looking for in specific.

And also, Bradley was the one picking the members ...


<At the back my boy>

[Yeah, yeah I hear you. So, still mad at me for no reason?]

<I had some issues to deal with that I can't share you>

[Did you systems have a meeting and the girl you liked had a boyfriend?]

<How did you– I mean no. On an unrelated note, how can one get a number from girl?>

[I can't believe my system's got no game!]

<Do you have a girlfriend? If no, then shut up!>

[Then why ask for my advice? Admit it, I've got more experience than you do, don't I?]

<You... Well whatever. The girl is right there. Let's see you work, oh experienced one>


I observed the girl in front of me. I would have loved to appraise her, but unfortunately, Bradley explained that only after twenty four hours could I use that skill to around five times. Wish he told me earlier, the dumb system!

The girl didn't disappoint though . Her skin was pure white with her silky black hair reaching her shoulders. When she turned to me when I approached her, I was taken aback by her beauty. Her eyes a sort of attraction, marched with her perfectly shaped nose and dark lips that looked inviting.



"Are you taken?"

Great. What kind of line is that, 'are you taken'. I sound pathetic. She raised an eyebrow in question.

"I–l mean, in a party of couse," I tried again. She laughed a beautiful laugh that brought butterflies to my stomach.

"I've been waiting for you to ask me that question. That's why I rejected all other parties," she answered.

"Wait what?!"

She just smiled and got off her desk. As she passed my side, she held her hand to my ear.

"And even if you didn't mean to ask. No, I don't have a boyfriend either," she whispered and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I could feel all the blood rushing to my face after those words. I looked around class embarrassed, praying that no one saw that, and I was thankfully answered.

So... that just happened.


<Bro! How?!>

[I don't know]

<You won't share with me your secrets?>

[I'll tell you later. Do your job for now.]

<Hmph! Some friend you are! Anyways, last guy on the list, Clive Dickson>