

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
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111 Chs


With little to no resistance from West (if they could even do that at this point), Flavo attached the blue flag to their pole and with that, North and East had won the second competition.

"WHAT A SHOWDOWN! I expected some fight from the blue team, but the way I see it, they were destined to lose. Especially when we all clearly so that West refused any partnership with their teammates, South. Not a smart play from them, but let's talk about the cooperation from both North and East," the announcer said, the illusion magic removed the second the competition was over.

"I think I'll take it from here, Jeff. Hello again, my good monsters, I'll be the one to give you this very quickly ended event's assessments, together with the points each class has earned," the head general said as he came up to the screens.

Before he did though, he had instructed us invigilators beforehand to help the students evacuate the premises, so that the cleaning crew could prepare for the next event. Mr William was with me while we transported the injured to the med area. Although he did immediately fly over to his class and told me to deal with the rest. He looked really pissed too.

"I had no idea you two could come up with such a plan," I said to the two representatives who were fist bumping each other in celebration. Both classes were talking excitedly with each other about their performance in this event. No doubt some friend groups have been made this day.

"Knowing you enemy did play a part in that. He had some knowledge about the West class, I had some information about the South. We exchanged and learned from each other, then we came up with a plan. Not exactly in that order," Jay said as both me and Flavo helped move him out of the area.

"But I know it would have been a different story if you were the ones leading them. Griffin is a good leader, but only with his class. He doesn't like to mix with other classes, but you, you're universally likeable, as annoying as it is," Flavor added.

"Awww! Thanks Flav,"

"Don't call me that."

While passing by the West students, I could see Mr William was chewing them down, naming each and everyone's mistakes, especially the West representative.

Back at the med area after we arrived, I stood beside my roommate as he got treated since he was the most injured out of the whole red team. And, maybe also for support. We were all watching the head general issue out the second event's result.

"First, let's start with the most disappointing and quite frankly pathetic class, West. I mean, you guys made it plainly obvious you don't want any association with your teammates yet, you still knew this was all about teamwork. In a real world situation, this is the sort of thing that kills soldiers out their in the field,"

"They fail to listen to their Sergent to stay with the group cause they think they are better than everyone, then in the end, it will be the same Sergent they neglected who will bring their bodies back home to their parents, lying that he died doing a good service for the nation, but had died a stupid death,"

"Absolutely shameful. Do better. We're bringing up some good warriors, not some crybabies who can't work well with each other just because they 'don't like each other'. But, we must award points where due. Though you didn't show an ounce of cooperation with South, you still helped each other when required. You get ten thousand points, making you still the last with sixty thousand points,"

The crowd clapped respectively for their efforts.

"Moving on, South came in third this time. Same case as West, but where you wanted to cooperate with them, what I can say is that you cadets gave up easily. You should have made more of an effort to come to an agreement with West, even tailing them if needed be just so that you could get some points,"

"Too bad you didn't, hence you get the same points as West since you did also stay together even when splitting up was the better option. Surprising, you drew points with North, with one hundred and sixty thousand points. North have actually caught up with your advantage. I don't think you South cadets have any more points to throw away if you want the top position,"

"Since you already know about the North students points, it's only fair to say that East also got the same amount of points, sixty thousand, hence getting a good one hundred and thirty points. They're definitely still in the running for the number one spot,"

The crowd cheered in excitement for the three teams. West, unless something miraculous happened, I'm not sure they can even make it in the one hundreds.

"Now, North and East students just showed us what partnership is all about. Even after knowing that their was an imposter among them, they still trusted each other to deliver what they agreed upon. Exploiting your enemies weakness was even more spectacular. I think, in all my years here, that was one of the fastest wins I have ever seen,"

"Keep up with the good work and who knows, maybe those two representatives might grow up to be fine sergeants, if they decide on that profession of course!"

The general made a big show of looking at his watch, "Would you look at the time, my dear monsters! It's almost three in the evening, and we still got one more event to host. This year's event has been quite spectacular, but finding the winner in the final event will be even more grand."

"For those of you asking, the Beast king will still arrive for the end, so don't you all worry. Take a ten minutes break for a snack or something provided by the school. Cause I sure I'm. And I'm the head general,"

We all laughed at that joke before the screens brought in the recap of the second event.

"Ah.... Max?"

"Talk to me, Jay. What's wrong?" I asked while still staring up at the the screens.

Why the hell do they keep returning to me?! And that angle while trying to lift two West students...that is just nasty. The amount of detail in that, I... I feel I should have a word with the general.

"I think it's the blood loss acting up, but why is my nurse looking at me funny?"

"I don't think I look real good in that picture–wait which nurse?"

I knew the answer before he said it. I turned my head and came face to face with Luiz. I didn't even realize I unconsciously brought Jay to her.

"So this is what you prefer? I have to say, that is quite surprising," she said as he bandaged Jay's hand.

"What do you mean what I prefer..." then it hit me. She was just messing with me! Jay seemed to notice that too, but for some reason, he stared at both of us back and forth, then smiled diabolically.

"I don't like that look your face. Not one bit," I warned him.

"That's not what you said to me last night," he said while dramatically dabbing his eyes.

Luiz paused in her work and stared up at me with a questioning look.

"It's cause we're roommates. And I never said anything like that to him!" I realized I was defending myself. Then to Jay, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

He continued his act and placed his good hand his head, "I can't believe you're going to disown me right in front of my nurse. After all we've been through! Are... Are you going to break up with me?!"

"Seems like I'm in the middle of something. I'll just leave since I'm already done," Luiz excused herself while blushing in embarrassment.

"Hahahaha! Did you see the look on her face? Max, can you help me get... Ah...never mind. I can do it my self.

"Oh no, no. Let me help you," I said with a smile that didn't reach my eyes.

"I–I think I'm good. Please, Max. Don't do this, we're roommates!"

"That's exactly why I'm doing this,"





"Hey Cammie, wait up," I called to her after finishing up with my roommate.

"Come on, Max. You know my break is only this one. That roommate or boyfriend of yours was my last patient. And no one calls me Cammie," she said when I caught her heading to the snacking area.

"First of all, not my boyfriend, just roommate. Secondly, I'll call you Cammie because you call me Max. And finally, would you like to have lunch with me?"

She looked me up and down, sizing me like some medical graph, then brought a slight smile on her face.

"First of all, I never thought he was your boyfriend in the first place, I was just teasing you, but since you're dense..."


"Secondly, don't call me Cammie. Only people I care about call me Cammie. You're just an annoying monster in my side,"

"Ouch! Here I thought I was at least working my self up to acquaintance. Wait, why do you get to call me Max if I'm not your friend?"

"Because I'm a girl. And I feel like it. Lastly..."

Oh here it comes...


<You did well, my pupil. You may have failed the first part, but remember that there are plenty of fishes in sea>

[Get the hell out of my head, Bradley! Since when did you get involved with my life?]

<Since forever, dingus. I am you>

[Oh, bah! Fly away you amoebic infection, she's about to answer]


I waited for her answer and she turned her back to me. Well...at least she didn't do it with words–

"Time is wasting away while you stand there gaping at my back. You planing on coming anytime soon?"

"Wait, really?! Oh, yeah sorry. I'm coming,"


[My dear virus, you are not me! Cause if you were, you'd be with a girl by now!]

<...go die in a ditch somewhere>



"Are...are you skipping?" Camella asked when I joined her to her side.

"Nah, must be the fatigue catching up to you,"


Since the cadets were to eat a different place while coming up with ideas about the next event (I wasn't told about it), I had been informed that I could eat with the teachers. I'm not doing that, cause eating with the med team with a cute girl is a much better option.

I bought myself some steak for lunch and a large cocktail with a card I was handed by the general for food. Camella bought herself an energy drink and a sandwich and I together, we searched for a table.

"Alright, what camp are you from? You already know mine," I asked after a while of eating cause we were both furnished.

"Kinda thought that would be your first question. I'm from camp Earth, and no, I don't know where on Earth it is," she answered.

After a few more minutes of staring nervously at me, she finally asked, "I'm just going to go on a limb here and ask, why did you ask me to have lunch with you? I'm sure you have many friends for that. I'm not some pity lunch I'm I?"

"Gods no! Why would you even think that?"

"Look at where we are. Have you seen even one of the med team members speak to me? Most of them don't like my character, or me in general. And I thought you were just flirting with me for fun. Never thought you would ask me for lunch so I'm going to ask again, is this a pity lunch?"

She looked liked she prepared herself mentally for my answer. But why would anyone hate her? She's good with her hands, has a good character, and mostly nice to some people. I don't get it. But I do get the feeling of being lonely. People hating you for no reason or just because of your race is all to familiar to me.

That's how I knew what to do next. What highschool me would have needed and appreciated to push on with this life.

"OK, how about I officially introduce myself. My name is Mandrax Randolf, and I really want to be your friend. What's yours?"

She looked confused at first but then smiled when she realized what I was trying to do.

"Luiz Camella. A pleasure. So you really want to be my friend? No dirty business? You don't...hate my race?"

"Oh is that why when you told me your race you expected me to be repelled by that! It all makes sense. No I don't hate your race, why would I?"

"Cause nymphs are supposed to be pure creatures. And my mother was banned from her pond because of falling in love with my dad. You sure you're not making a mistake with this?"

"Hahahahaha! Girl, you should see who you're talking to. My race is hated by monster and elven kind. I think I should be the one asking you if you hate my race,"

She realized this then started laughing too. Soon, we were both talking about our camps and exchanging stories. Their camp was one of the few ones to be saved because of me, so she thanked me for that. And also equally interesting, their camp mostly focuses on healing. So the camps don't just train warriors alone. That's good to know.

"Well, this had been fun. Say, let's meet up after this last one event," I said as I heard the announcer calling for everyone back.

"Nope. That won't happen. Cause you'll probably get into some trouble and vanish into thin air after all the stories you've told me,"

"Excuse me? No! I'll make sure that doesn't happen. Anyways, bye Camella,"

"Max wait!"

She hurried up to my side and yanked my hand towards hers.

"Ouch, Jeez! Still injured there. You're rough when you want to be,"

"Shut up."

She scribbled something in my bandages, then turned to head back to where she was needed. But before that, she punched me in the gut for absolutely no reason!

"OUCH! That hurt!"

"Oh don't be such a cry baby. Lose my number, I'll search for you myself and kill you, OK?"

"I won't lose it, Jeez! Can I go now?"

"And call me Cammie if you want," she mumbled then sped of to where the head healer was calling for her.

"That girl is the exact opposite of a half–nymph!"