

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


The Demomight. How do I put this...

That's a meeting only the select few can attend. It always has something to do with the shifts of power of one of kings domain.

As I had previously stated, there are various leaders in different factions but the three main ones are the ones referred with the title 'King' who are acknowledged due to their rise to power, and the domains they own.

The first king in the three to know would be Fenrick von pallin, or commonly known as the Elf king or High elf (though for context I'm going to go with the Elf King). He's the one that held the banquet with all the leaders where the Demon King's daughter was allegedly murdered in cold blood. He goes by another name too, the cunning one. Although he is considered the weakest of the three, no other king can ever go toe to toe against him and come out unscathed.

There are rumours on how he rose to power, but none have yet to be proved truthful. He uses a unique type of ability that deals with space. That's why no one can ever beat him. With the brains and such a power, who would dare try?

The second king is the Demon King Jack Decarpo. As the name suggests, he's the one that rules over all the demons of the universe.

Born in a harsh environment where war was a normal occurrence, he rose to the top of the food chain with pure power and skill.

He earned the title of the ruthless one, slaying his enemies without even leaving them a heir to rise up against him. He also owns one of the most powerful weapons in the verse, one that goes even beyond the adamantium weapons. He's the other one guy you don't want as your enemy (Even if he already is ours)

And finally, we have the Beast king Jason Wolf . As there are many types of Monsters, they always ranged from the weakest to the strongest, the dragons at the peak. But him, a mere human turned to gods know what, managed to scale the odds and beat each and every race for that position.

The thing that turned him to what he is was one of ancient blood, at least, that's what I heard, which should have easily killed any normal human, but he somehow survived. And not just survived mind you, it made him stronger. At least, strong enough to even take on the previous Beast king who was a Dragon, the worst monster to ever go against.

How he defeated it with one move, we'll never know. We monsters respect strength, and if the king can do that, who would ever go against him? I mean, even when the dragons were still around, not even one dared challenge him on a one on one.

Where the others had their abilities and weapons, the Beast king had strength hence named the most powerful of the three. Now, why I explained all this is because of the Demomight.

When one of the three orders a meeting in session, it means one of his domains are being overruled by another. The Demon king was revoked this honor when he declared war with the monsters, so the only other logical leader to issue the demomight would be the Elf king.

When the order is issued, the strongest warriors are called by the king, and sent out as a helping hand to retake part of their domains. Of course, there are the dark planets and assassins who try to take over these planets, but once they are acknowledged, the warriors are sent our to deal with them.

Having all that knowledge at my disposal....

"You're joking, right? Since when did I become one of those warriors?" I asked Mrs Kelly.

"Since the day you took that spear. You should know that these weapons aren't issued just on a wimp when one performs well, only one worthy can one wield it. If the spear deemed you as unworthy, we would've already buried your remains by now."

I felt a cold chill on my back. You mean to tell me that if I lied to them and had taken the spear, Max 2.0 would have turned to Max 2.no?

"So what you're saying is that you were testing me with the spear?"

"Hmm... no. More like it knew you had the potential. And also, when the king heard of your fit with the demons, he had to test whether it was all a lie or you actually had the power within you. Guess you passed," she smiled at me.

"When is the meeting?"

"You have until tomorrow. Don't worry, you won't miss much in school. You are, after all, a solider. I'm sure it's nothing serious, so be sure to to come back before your next expedition,"

That was all she had for me and dissmissed me right after a few more questions about the expedition. I later walked back to the hall, deep in thought, but then distant sounds soon interrupted me.

"What in the world is that noi–OOF!"

I was suddenly lifted off my feet by unknown hands and placed on on someone else's shoulders.


My classmates chanted with strength while running along the halls carrying me as I happened to have conveniently walked in between their victory lap. They did another round with me, this time with me lifting the trophy until we noticed General Zard walking our way.

The fricking bastards immediately dropped me to the ground like a sack of potatoes, then dispersed like the devils they were, just as first as they had appeared.

"Why those no good... Hey General Zard," I greeted the general as he stared down at me while shaking his head. He stretched out a hand and helped me to my feet.

"Don't worry son. You're in no trouble. Hmm... you look familiar," he said as he observed me a bit more, his grip on me hand hardening.

"N–no sir. Maybe you remember me from my punishment?" I stammered as he was releasing a strong pressure. I didn't want him to remember our actual first meeting, when I asked him about... Yeah, I seriously don't want him to remember that.

"I just can't seem to recall. Anyways, boy. Tomorrow, the meeting?"

I looked at him confused. Then it hit me. He was also an adamantium warrior!

"Yes sir?"

"We'll talk more on our way. Head back to class," he told me and walked away. What was that all about?

**Back in One South**

"Well kiddos, Training begins tomorrow. Unfortunately, your rep here won't be able to join us due to various reasons," Flintheart said once he was done with all the congratulations and stuff.

"Back on topic...."

The day went on smoothly with no issues. Today, the school seemed focused on educating us on survival tips. Maybe they'd heard about the five dead kids. I have to wonder, why didn't the principal mention all that? Those kids were obviously from North.

"Maybe that's what the General wanted to talk about," I thought as I headed over to the janitors closet.

My goal for today is to fully test my powers and see how or what they can do. And it would be nice to visit the wolves too. See how their recuperation went. Might also be interesting to view the first level of the dungeon Spir.

I told the guys to leave me be for the moment, I'll be with them by supper. Which also reminds me to bring a little something for the lead artist of the art they drew on me. Nothing too scary (definitely something creepy).

On the way, I met up with the janitor as he was locking his door. He paused through the process and stared fearfully at me. I held my hand out he he carefully handed me the keys. Then he quickly sprinted down the hall away from the weirdly strong kid.

"I think I'm bulling the janitor. I'll have to do something good for him as thanks for allowing to use his area," I muttered as I entered the room.

A moment later, and I was at the front of the dungeon Spir. Transport today seemed a lot more calmer and faster. Guess this ring is more useful than I thought. But before I visit the wolves...


[Yo Bradley, you cool if we 'visit' the first floor of this dungeon?]

<Want to try out your new spells don't you now? Fine by me, but remember this dungeon is dangerous. Not like the other fake ones around galaxy>

[Alright, bet]


"Well well well... "

I was welcomed with a horde of dark wolves. How comforting. Their leader stepped forward and looked around the same level as me. Does he really think numbers ensure an easy win? He's never met someone like me now has he?

The wolf growled a command and one of its minions sprinted towards me at top speed. With my speed and strength, I would have easily disposed of it, but that wasn't the agenda for today.

" Burn you vermin," I whispered and casted flame magic that caught the wolf dead on, burning the poor thing to a crisp, only leaving a crystal to signify its existence.

The leader didn't back down and sent in more to deal with me. Like that would be any better.

"Water blade!" I shouted and slashed my hand towards the approaching danger while casting water magic. Immediately their heads were decapitated and rolled on the floor.

Having the system rocks! I just have to think of something, and it does so for me! 

I sensed a lot more wolves within the dungeon and yet I could still see the exit right behind me. This leader would keep throwing its minions like cannon fodder until I'd eventually tire out and then it will spring into attack.

That's what I think, at least. What a despicable leader! I'll finish you all off with one of my major spells.

"Let's see you survive this. Fire of darkness!" I roared while pointing a finger to the leader of the pack.

Suddenly, a large tornado of dark flames erupted all around the dungeon. The wolves made an ugly, ear piercing howl as they got burned alive. The flames continued increasing in ferocity and strength until all that was left was the leader barely standing up, its hairs burnt off its skin and a whole lot of beasts essences.


<*Mana used: 500*>

<Mana: {500 1000}*>


"Interesting... how did you survive that?"

The wolf made a whimpering sound as it slowly backed away when I approached it. The beast was in its last standing legs, growling.

"Where's all your confidence gone, huh? Not so tough without you pack, are you?" I mocked it but it seemed it still had something up it's sleeves.

I was surprised to find a few burnt marks on my skin, then I realized the wolf had sprayed me with something.


<*Holy water(LVL 1)*>

<*has the power to neutralize any impurities found in form of element. It is very effective against user*>


"So it's actually a threat to me? We can't have that. Hey wol–"


It shot a very concentrated amount of water to me that I could just barely dodged. Where the water caught me, I could feel my skin sizzling like someone had poured acid on me.

"Damn Mutt! Now I know how you survived the dark flames. Too bad, that was your final attack! A wolf with a water ability? That's a first, probably made you the runt of the pack, right?"

I think I struck a nerve. The wolf looked at me with a deep hatred in its eyes but I couldn't care less. It was dead whether it wanted to be or not.

"You'll serve me well!" This power of it will prove useful in my hands.

I stretched outwards to drain the wolf of its magic, but was rudely interrupted when a sharp object came hurtling out of nowhere and edged itself deep in my palm.

"OUCH! OK, WHO DARES?!" I roared in outrage as I removed the the thing that pierced my hand, which healed almost immediately.

I felt a new presence around me, and this time, a lot more powerful than the wolf before me. I turned to the leader wolf and realized it was nowhere in sight.

"Real funny. You think you can get away with my kill?!"

I scanned the cave and was shocked to see that it wasn't just one of them. I counted ten spiders that were above my level and a little one that was of a higher level than the rest of them. I then found my prey trapped in a web, nursing its injuries. The smaller spider was beside it.

So beasts around here team up? Fine by me. I don't care what level you are, you're all dead!

"Swallow them whole," I muttered and the ground oblidged. Five of the spiders sank down to the ground until only their heads were sticking out, and I fired off water slashes to finish them off.

The smaller spider realized I wasn't a normal monster but that did stop it from using some type of magic on me.


<*Skill detected!*>

<*Evil eye!*>

<*can kill a weaker monster when caught with its eye. Can only freeze user due to dark magic resistance*>

<*Skill has been used on user!*>


I was suddenly frozen in my position, the rest of the spiders taking this chance to attack me. Too bad for them, they were sourly outmatched.

"Flames of death!" I screamed and used the skill 'torrent of spells' to attack all of them at once. The remaining five immediately died on the spot with the dark flames, but the powerful one dodged the strike thrown at it with lightning speed.

"You two have caught my attention. Spider, I have to get that evil eye of yours. If it can freeze someone like me, imagine it in my hands," I said and could smell the fear from both of them.

"Word of advice for your next lives. You should pick your targets more carefully," I advised the wolf and spider when they realized that they wouldn't escape with their lives today.

They tried scampering away, the young spider trying to carry its friend off, but to me, this was like their last desperate move. The sweat flowing from their pores means they knew that too.

"I see you can't betray your friend and run off to save your life. It's commendable, but you might have stood an escaping chance on your own, spider. Now, suffer the consequences of going against me!"