

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


I was back in the forest from where the black hole took me, and was shocked to find it had taken up most if not all of the entire area, leaving a wide hole arround. I moved on to a more enclosed area to think of my next step from here.

So...Flintheart probably left the planet with the class, maybe to tell the school of my death and think of a way to retrieve my body cause, (duh) I still had the spear with me. Speaking of which...


[Yo, Bradley?]

<Yeah, yeah. I hear you, my dude. Funny thing, don't get mad or anything, ok?>

[What did you do?]

<So... when the spear disappeared after you were done with it, it had a command to merge body. I may have or not agreed so....yeah>

I inhaled sharply

[I say this with as much venom as I can, damn parasite!]

<... parasite?! I'll have you kno->

[Don't you dare change the subject! When do you think the damn thing will start?!]

<Look at you, all serious and stuff. Anyways, I don't know when it will start, but you won't be using that spear any time soon until it's finished>

[Knowing my luck, it will probably start right about now]


<* Merging starting now!*>


[Called it! Wait, that's bad!]



"Perfect timing," I complained.

I held my head with both hands as it suddendly became irritatingly painful for some reason. I knew from my senses that the wolves coming towards me were not from my pack, so I was probably in a lot of danger. I tried standing up, but my legs immediately gave way and fell flat on my face. I growled in anger at the irony of it.

After all the trouble of negotiating with Acheron, I get taken down by pack of wolves in a Dark planet?! A really good case of out of the frying pan and into the fire if you ask me.


My sensitive ears told me the wolves had arrived to my location. I could feel the warm breath of the Alpha as it got awfully close to my throat and its saliva dripping on my beaten down clothes.

Well... as my final words, I'd like to apologize to the gods who have helped me up to this far, guess I didn't meet your expectations. Second goes to Gerald, I'm so sorry my man. I couldn't keep our promise. I will in fact, die a virgin.

(Don't go selling yourself short, Boss. We can help you) a voice inturrupted my death speech.

[What?... Murasaki?]

Like a breeze, the Alpha wolf's presence immediately disappeared from my back. Then, a black snout lifted my limp body up to its back. Hold up, I'M LIMP?! I blame that granny!

My eyes were still functional so I saw Red had already disposed of the Alpha. The other remaining wolves scampered away in fear once met with a superior wolf than themselves.


<*50 XP Gained!*>

<*Any beast or monster killed by a in contract with user will automatically lead to gaining of half the points!*>

[Oh? That's convinient]


The entire pack gathered around me in a protective manner, then, from the shadows, Flintheart appeared. He looked like he hasn't slept a wink since the time I was gone, which was about two days, as Bradley informed me. His eyes shined in relief when he saw me and he stumbled towards me in excitement.


He run up towards me arms stretched. The wolves allowed him to pass and he tackled me off Murasaki then tightly hugged me.

" I thought I lost you again!"

"You ain't getting rid of me that easily," I mumbled through the pain.

"We need to rush you to the hospital. You look like you're at death's door," he said as he worriedly checked my eyes and face.

"Before that, can I ask, what's the probability that we return to this planet?"

" Why? Oh, the wolves. There are over a billion planets not explored by monsters, so maybe 0.001%?"


[Hey Red, remember my promise? How would you like to move to a new planet?]

( You know we have no choice but to follow you, right? As you have already guessed, you are the Alpha of this pack so, yes? But I have to ask, how safe will we be in that planet?)

[No one normal can survive in that planet. The radiation would kill them instantly. But a special breed such yours would somehow survive and even get stronger there. You'll always have a ready food supply in the dungeon and gain major boosts from fighting beasts]

(Well then, what are you waiting for?!)

[You're not taking anything with you?]

(Don't worry about that. We already dealt with it)

[Well, ok then. I'll be leaving you in charge for now]


I activated the ring of Spir and a red portal appeared. Flintheart immediately let go of me and almost froze the portal in time, but I used the last bit of strength I had and held his hand to stop him. The wolves all jumped into the portal until it was just me and him and I finally closed it down then slumped onto Flintheart's shoulder.

"That was weird. At least it wasn't... Max? MAX?!"


Floating in the darkness is never a good thing for me. It means either a god has some business with me or something that I know I won't like is going to happen. But to my suprise...

Light blinded my eyes and it took a while before they adjusted only to find myself in another camp much different from ours. The guys from there seemed older, almost as if they were our seniors. Probably because they were cause I saw a class labeled three North and already guessed it was in an upper school.

I knew two years wasn't the end of camp! Anyways, apart from the age difference, the entire school was just like ours, and from where I was, I could see that they were all in an assembly, their principal speaking to them about something educational. But before I could hear what he had to say, something that was all to familiar began happening in their school too.

Just like the attack in our school, portals of the demons opened up all around the entire area, bringing in demons much stronger than what we faced in our school. I saw the demon leading the attack holding an orb that suspiciously looked a lot like Emily's but much bigger.

He was a older male with a Dark armor from head to toe with large horns protruding from the helmet. But that evil smile on his face meant that he didn't just come here for for the assembly.

Since I had no idea how battle ready the third and fourth years were, I had no way of telling how this would end. Unfortunately, I wouldn't get to see more as I was moved by the strange force to another school. They were in the same predicament as the previous one, only this time it was first and second years.

This trend continued on until I counted around ten schools in danger, the attacks getting more and more serious. Eventually, I was dragged back into the darkeness, my eyes widened in shock and terror from what I have just witnessed.

"What are you going to do now, boy?" an deep voice suddenly asked.

"Who are you?" I asked the darkness.

"You'll know soon enough,"

That's the last thing I remembered before I was left alone, back in my dreamless sleep.

"Uh..." I moaned.

"Max?" I heard Flintheart's voice in the distance.

My head was still throbbing in pain but otherwise, I felt better that before. I waited till my vision cleared before opening my eyes and took a good look around.

The hospital ceiling and bed were not all that surprising but the machines, dear gods! Were those five that I counted?! And those were the ones I could see in the position I was in!

Flintheart was beside me on a chair, holding onto my free hand with tears in his eyes. I very slowly removed my hand from his, and he looked hurt by my sudden withdrawal the second I was awake. But he seemed to recover quick and put on a pained smile.

"You're finally awake! You had me worried there for a second. Now, before you ask-"

"Why did you leave me?"

That question came out more of a reflex than anything, something I've wanted to ask since I knew he was alive and doing well. 

"You saw the red wolf take me. There was nothing much I could d-"

I growled in anger and turned to face him before saying, "You know damn well what I'm asking about,"

He went quiet real quick. He seemed to be thinking of something but that just confirmed to me what I'd already thought.

"So you've got no reason, right? You just left me like my parents did cause I was too much trouble for you, RIGHT?!"

"Now hold on there, Max! That not why I left yo-"

"So you do admit leaving me for another reason?"

"I didn't leave you!" he looked desperate to convince me.

I raised an eyebrow in question, "Oh? So leaving an eight year old kid at the police post saying you'll come back after clearing your bills is not considered as leaving?"

"Well... when you put it that way-"

"So you betrayed me and didn't even think that you were deserting me?!"

"I had a good reason to GODDAMIT! But I can't tell you right now,"

"A good reason, he says. So good that he can't tell me, he says," I said then sighed in anger, "Get out,"

"Please, Max! Just try to understand!" he pleaded with tears in his eyes but I turned away from him to show I would be ignoring him from here on out.

"You had you chance. Call the principal for me on you way to out,"

"B... but I've stayed with you since I saw you aga-"


I know he was devastated but even he knew when he was not needed. Before he left though, he informed me that classes were almost over and my friends would be coming in soon.

The principal came in five minutes later and I explained to her what I saw in my dreams. It was a while before she spoke up, no doubt her gears turning to think of the next step from my piece of information.

"I'll have to believe you for now, Mandrax. But please don't mention the upper class schools to the rest of the students. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few calls to make,"

"Wait, just like that you believe me?"

"If you'd lied, I would know. And it also doesn't hurt to buff up our defenses incase of an oncoming attack," she answered and quickly left the hospital room. I was left to process my own thoughts but not for long cause the bell rang a few seconds later.

No one will come and visit me while in this state, will they? 

The door flew open a few moments later and Arnold flew into the room in excitement. I stand corrected. 

"You better be awake you half panda or I'll..." he trailed off when he saw me smile at him. He landed on the ground in utter shock.

"I'm not dreaming, right?" he asked himself and shook his head to confirm.

"Hi," I greeted.

He was still in his army uniform, a long sleeved white shirt in a black stripped tie. The army trouser was a perfect match together with the army boots. Suprisingly, even while wearing such clothes he still looked good. He approached me slowly until he was close enough to touch me.

"You're really awake!"

How he bypassed the machines and managed to squeeze me into a hug, I have no idea. Before I could even complain about the pain I was experiencing from his hug, there was a commotion at the door.

I managed to twist my head out of Arnold's grip and saw both Blade and Bareth stuck on the door, glaring at each other as both tried to unsuccessfully enter the room. A gust of music sounded in the distance and the two suddendly propelled towards me and Arnold.


* BOOM!*

The impact knocked out all the oxygen I had in me. I started gasping for air as I hatefully stared at the door, Kira and Emily walking in while smiling at each other. They both took a good look at us and shook their head.


After all the excitement and hugging had died down, they all explained to me that since I came back to school, I've been out for about three days. The doctors were sure that I'd be dead by tomorrow and were hoping for a miracle. Guess the miracle did happen. Anyways, the group continued with the changes and updates around the school since I was out.

They said that the assembly hadn't happen yet, so no winner for the essense hunting was announced but that was to happen tomorrow. They also had many stories to tell after they had recovered from the trip, but were all shooed away by the nurse so I could get in the rest that I deserve. By night fall, I was already on my way to my room. Due to security issues, everyone else had to retreat to their rooms immediately all except Arnold.

He helped me on my way and even got me to my bed once we entered our room. My limbs were still recovering, so I needed his support for now. Probably by tomorrow, I'll be strong enough to move on my own.

He changed quickly before he jumped into his bed, ready to pass out as usual in his normal way but before he did that, straightened himself and turned to look at me.

"Alright, spill it"

"Spill what?"

"You can't fool me. The emotions you are emitting are dark, too dark for anyone normal to handle. I'm worried about you,"

"Bro, why? I know you are my roommate and all, but you're not my mother," I mumbled.

"See that. That's how I know you're not OK. That's not the normal you. Wanna talk about it?"

"Only if you tell me what you're hiding," I answered, trying to shut him up.

"How about I show you?"

Even with no strength in me, I still managed to turn to him in shock, "What, really?"

"If it's the only way you'll talk to me."

"I mean sure, yes I'll talk,"

"Well then..." he snapped his fingers enveloped us two.