

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs



"Yeah, yeah. I'll help him. Just know that you're paying for my leg later on,"

"Oh go cry a river, will ya! Just... be careful, those zombies ain't easy," I warned.

"I'm not the one facing an undead around the centurion stage,"

I frowned when he said that.

I turned to the undead ordered to attack me, and my beast senses immediately told me to flee. I think that dagger is a lot more dangerous that I though.

The zombie looked like the previous owner of the the body, only this time with more paler skin and a nonchalant look on its face. Most if not all of its hair had pretty much fallen off, and the dagger firmly planted in its chest pulsed with power. Yeah... desperate moments call for drastic measures.

"I summon the Adamantium spear! "

My body was instantly wrapped up in the adamantium armor, head to toe, with the spear forming in my right hand.

"Let's see what you're made of!"

I charged towards the zombie with my spear at the front, hoping to end this quick. Griffin leaped over to Alex's side and together, they too jumped into battle with Mason's undead, this time Mason leading the front.

I couldn't see more as I had to solely focus on my battle. When I was in range, I jabbed at the undead's head, but it quickly put up its arms to block the attack. The spear went through both hands, but that was as far as it could reach. The zombie smirked and grabbed my spear.

"Uh.... "

Note yourself, never go head to head with a zombie with the strength of a centurion beast.

It easily lifted me off my feet like sand paper, and pounded me to the ground, spear and all. I coughed in pain when the impact damaged some of my internal organs and wiped the line of blood that had dripped from my mouth. Before it could see it, I threw a hard punch straight for its face.

This time, it couldn't protect itself seeing that its hands were still impaled by my spear so my fist connected a clean strike, sending the zombie flying to the ground. Quickly, I summoned another spear and tried to impale its legs, hopefully to immobolize it.

It immediately noticed what I was trying to do and unnaturally twisted a kick to my face, forcing me to defend myself and successfully pushing me back.

This zombie is smart, I'll give it that. From the corner of my eye, I saw Alex and Griffin going head to head with the undead.

Griffin had scratches around his armor, same as Alex, and their support zombies were reduced to five. Mason had a large burnt print on his chest (probably an attack from griffin) and his undead were around seven too.

I hope they can hold out for a bit longer. I refocused my attention to my zombie, and realized that it had already freed its hands from my spear, and was fully healed, good as new. Damn, even I don't have regenerative abilities that can heal that fast.

But I do have an ability which could help me.


<*Saint heal has been activated!*>


I felt a few ribs and broken bones heal, but that was the best it could do for now. My mana was definitely depleted after healing Alex, so that's all I got.

The zombie moved faster than I anticipated, almost connecting a punch to my chest if I hadn't moved out of the way in time. I countered with a kick to its leg, and heard a snap before the zombie collapsed on the ground. I wasted no time and thrust my spear straight for its head.

The spear plunged in fast and deep, and I twisted the spear for good measure to make sure the zombie stayed down. The body twitched and shook violently in protest, but I held firm till it finally came to a stand still.

I slowly relaxed and let go of the spear.

"Phew! Glad that's over. Ended a lot easier than I though but I can't really complain about that if its my win. Now, let me take that–ARGH!"

The zombie suddenly lunged and wrapped its hands around my neck, and then it began choking me. The spear planted deep in its head didn't hinder it from raising off the ground with me to gain more gravity for the choke to be more effective.

"D.. a.. mn z...o.. mbie!"

What the hell?! How could it still be alive after a fatal injury to the head?! Its their main weakness goddammit!

I tried beating the damned hand away, but the zombie just increased its strength. My vision slowly stared to dim.

This can't be it, can it? I'm very sure Griffin and Alex have their hands tied up at the moment, so I can't rely on their help now, so what I'm I supposed to do? I can't let it end like this!

I reached out for the rear of the impaled spear as a last bit effort and tugged at the tip. The Zombie's grip suddenly became more manageable. That's it!

With all the remaining strength I had, I pushed even deeper. The zombie reluctantly let go and I could finally breath some air. I gasped in deep breaths and wonder why it couldn't finish the job. But then I saw where I was pushing the spear to.

It had somehow started pulling the dagger off, and I was just boosting it. The zombie's hands were slowly moving towards the dagger.


I grabbed the dagger before the zombie could successfully pull it back but then something strange happened.


<*Error! Error!*>


<Max! Let go of that thing immediately!>


<*Dark magic resistance* skill has climbed a level!*>

<*System detects foreign energy entering users body!*>

<*system will try and restist energy...*>

<*Till full body take over{10:00}*>

<*system is being corrupted!*>


<Max! C'mon bro, let go!>

[Just a little more...]


I pulled with all my might with the zombie trying to resist, every pore of my hand screaming in pain as some weird energy entered my body. I was almost halfway done, and I could see the zombie growing weaker as I continued pulling, but then my hand suddenly jerked back.


[Wait what?!]


<* system defence mechanism is now activated! User forfeits the right to hold body when in mortal danger. System will try assessing damage done body*>


[Bradley! What the hell?! I was almost done with it for beasts sake!]

<Sorry, Max. When the system feels your life threatened, it will forcefully take over body, especially if itself, is threatened. Unfortunately, only by a second can, so doesn't help much.>

[I....I... ok, maybe I went a little over board]

<You think! That thing was progressing even faster than the system calculated. Its like it flourishes in dark mana. You had barely a few seconds left before fully over took your body!>

[Damn! I didn't know it was that serious!]


I took off my armor on my right hand to study the damage dealt by the dagger and had to hold back my vomit. Now I understand why the system did that.

I couldn't feel the pain for some reason but what I was seeing defiled the sense of normal. I mean, I was always a bit lighter than most of my classmates, even Arnold, but this whiteness looked absolutely unnatural.

There were black veins popping around my hand, oozing a dark substance that hopefully wasn't my blood. I feared using that hand less I wanted to injure it more and hoped the system would come up with something.

I see I should have conserved a bit of my mana just in case, but, what can you do, right? Friends come first.

The zombie was unresponsive when I had reached halfway pulling the damned thing out of it, considering the dagger was switching targets, but now that I let go, the dagger had re-positioned itself, and the zombie came back to life.

"You.... Kill... You...." it muttered.

"Yeah, l know. What I don't get is why?" I asked it.

"Body...good. Kill.... body... good!"

"I know it's the dagger talking, what do you want from me?"

"power... I....seek. power.... you..... have...furraaa!"

It said the 'aaa' like it was choking on something.

"What's one more enemy, right? FINE THEN! COME AT ME, IF YOU DARE!"

The zombie smiled (through the spear of course) and raised its hand. Suddenly, my right hand jerked up and punched me straight to my face.

"Ouch! Right hand, what the hell?!"

The zombie cackled like the gremlin it was and moved its hand again. This time, I held my hand down but I guess the zombie anticipated it. It moved swiftly, and threw a kick to my stomach.

I grunted in pain and fell down in the ground. Too can play that game.

I raised my remaining good hand and called on the spear still lodged deep in the zombie. With a quick flick, the dagger was shot out of the body. Guess it wasn't that smart after all considering it remained within my spears reach.

"Haha! Who's laughing now! Should have dealt with the spear when you had the chance!" I mocked it as it laid motionless on the ground. The zombie fell face first (if it even had a face at this point) on the ground. Nothing controlling it now.

" Let's see what you've got on your o–!"

My right hand sucker punched me yet again! The dagger vibrated with dark magic, like it was laughing at my pain.

"Why you little....I'll show you!"

I angrily stomped towards the cursed thing to crash it under my foot, but that was a fatal error on my part. My right hand suddenly dived for the dagger!

It was too late to do anything, at least, for me.

A flash blinded me, and instantly, I had no right arm. I stood there motionless while staring at my severed right arm laying numb on the ground, my left hand holding the head of a spear.

"AAAAAAAH!" I screamed in pain while clutching my wound.


[System... ]

<No other way Max. The hand was already gone, had to be done>


I can't believe this.... My own hand was chopped off by my system!

I inhaled sharply as I felt the wound close up. Looking back on it now, may be that was the right decision. I just lacked the resolve to do so, that's why the system did it for me.

"Oh Jeez! I've been gone for too long!"

I quickly walked over to where Griffin and Alex were fighting their battle and was surprised by what I saw.

Alex and Mason had somehow found themselves battling each other, all undeads disposed of. Griffin was all battered up, far away from the two brothers fighting thankfully, his armor all drained up of its energy.

Both brothers were now battling each other with different types of spells, neither of them holding back. But from my position, I could see that Alex hand somehow gained the upper hand, throwing fire tornados here and there, overwhelming Mason.

I could also see tears welled up in his eyes even though he was winning. I think he didn't want to fight his older brother but he had no choice.

I have to stop him because... well, I hate to say it, but he's Alex only family member who cared for him, as twisted as he was.

"It's over Mason, you're outmatched here. Give up already," I said to him as I approached both boys.

Mason looked shocked that I was still alive, but Alex looked even more shocked to see my hand severed. Whatever the case, both stopped their attacks.

"That's it then? I lost, and now my brother won't get the protection he deserves?" Mason muttered as he kneeled down in defeat.

"Dude, if you are his brother, you should know that in camp, he's already well protected by his friends ," I said.

"Don't forget the entire class too," Griffin added as he walked over to me. Mason nodded his head but he looked lost to the world.

"Max! Are you alright?" Alex asked panicking as he came rushing towards me.

"I'm good. I think they can regrow it back at camp." 

He nodded in agreement but still had that worried look on his face.

"Mandrax," Mason began. "I want you to know that everything I did was for my brother so please–"

"You know what, SHUT THE F*CK UP!" Alex interrupted him mid sentence. We all looked at Alex, shocked by his sudden outburst of anger.


"Brother please! I–I–"

Mason begged but Alex placed his hands on his ears and began shouting" I DON'T CARE! I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!"

Hurt flashed in Mason's eyes when Alex said that but then suddenly, his eyes widened. He swiftly pounced on Alex, before both me and Griffin could react, but contrary to what I thought he was going to do to his brother, he hugged him and turned a full three sixty degrees.

"Oh no.... "

I should have seen it coming. I should have predicted that it would do that. And I gave it the means to do it too. I stared in horror at my right hand holding the dagger, stabbing through Mason's back.

That cursed dagger! So that was its plan. Alex, who didn't have a clue what had happened, was shocked when Mason randomly hugged him.

"I've....always....wanted to do this..... even if its my last time...brother" he whispered to his brother's ear before crumbling to the ground.