

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


"Well then folks, here's the rundown of the ice field event and who made it out to the next area. Let's start with the least number of members of a class, being West, with just one student making it out of the entire thing, the rest sacrificing themselves for her. They've already been rescued by the teachers on duty around there, so don't you worry dear parents, they only made it out with minor injuries,"

"The second class with the least number of injured would be South, with around twelve students eliminated for the round, including their class representative, Cadet Griffin. Though I'm sure their South students lost some of their power houses, including that half-orc from before, but that doesn't mean they're out of the running. Those seven students can prove to be more useful than you think,"

"Coming up to the classes with the most students, East are the second, with twelve students still in the running after that tactic of theirs of powering through the enemy ranks before the avalanche could hit them head on. Almost like they predicted what North would have done. Good job for them, but that representative of theirs did take serious damage, and will not be able to move on to the next round,"

"And finally, to North. They're the ones who've registered the most students, with around twenty or so, but that number is about to be shortened with the opponent their are facing now!"

The crowd cheered in excitement after the announcer gave them the rundown of things. I, on the other hand, was not as thrilled at anything at this moment.

I stared down at the Centurion beast that was just now eyeing the West girl who stared up fearfully at it. With the smell coming from the young girl, I'd say she peed on her shorts, and I really couldn't blame her.

Even from such a distance, I could still sense the amount of fear the large beast was spreading. I thought that being with Red would make me somehow used to the pressure, and it had somehow did, but by its strength alone, I could tell that it was just about to rise up to a millennial monster.

From its head alone, the size of it was just as large as a dragons. Though from there it's where they differed, with this beast looking more of a lizard than dragon. But the three horns on its head were quite a mystery.

I could see one was as red as the lava round, another was pure green, and the last one was white. It did have the physique of a dragon though. Claws, teeth, large muscly legs, you name it. But its eyes shown with wisdom and power, something that really shouldn't be praise worthy.


<*appraisal skill(LVL 10) has been activated*>


<*Great mountain Lizard (LVL 200)*>

<*Grade: Peak Centurion monster*>

<*Title: Ruler of the three fields*>

<*Race: Lizardkin*>

<*Health {1000 1000}*>

<*Ability: Can control all three elements around it*>

<*Overpowered skill: It has a conscious*>


"There it is, my dear monsters! One of the largest and most feared Centurion beasts to walk this planet. Will this year's students be the first one to take it down? Stay tuned to find out. But in my opinion, with the little numbers registered, more than last year I know but still, I don't think they will be the ones to finally finish the job."

"Of course, the Centurion beast just had to be where I was! I'm now one hundred percent sure that this was all staged," I complained to no one in particular.

"Max, be ready. That thing is something I'm sure not even one of those students can even dream of handling it," Mr William warned as he stared at the large beast too.

"Can you block one of its attacks? Cause if that thing decides to attack even one student, I'm not sure he or she can come out alive,"

"Don't worry, kid. I'm a lot stronger than I look. But if it continues attacking the students, I'll have a lot of problems with it. Thankfully, this thing has been with us for a long time, so it knows the drill, never to hurt one student unless he or she really asked for it. But sometimes, it does go over the line for some reason, so we have to be ready for that,"

Sure enough, the beast didn't care enough about the little girl in front of it. In fact, it's like it completely ignored the girl's existence. But she didn't know that.

"I QUIT!" the girl screamed in fear as she tried backing up from the beast but didn't realize she was almost near a small valley filled with lava.

"Max, if you'd please,"

"Yeah, I know,"

Before the girl could fall into the lava and her worst day turned to her death day, I used the jet pack's speed to catch up and saved her just in the nick of time. Hopefully, the Centurion beast ignores me too. But just in case...


[Bradley, I'm using the 'warlock king' skill. Is that good with you?]

<No issues here. But keep in mind that–>

[–I can't use anything else but my speed. I know that already.]

<So you can keep something in that microscopic brain of yours>

[Of course. Including all the fun talks I'm planning to have with your god]

<Tsk! Fine, I'll go>



I turned to the passenger in my arms who was red in embarrassment as I carried her to the safe zone.

"Don't worry. I won't drop you. You can rest easy,"

"...you're not disgusted by me?" she asked as her face turned a shade redder.

"Why would I be? If it's about you–"

"PLEASE STOP!" she placed her hands on her face.


Now I'm the one whose embarrassed for bringing it up. Anyways, the med girl from before was waiting for me with her hands crossed. Almost like she knew I'd come over right after I left and had a tent open just for me.

"Bringing a girl in this time, are we? You'd make for a really good husband," she smiled as she made room for the girl on her table, ready with a new batch of clothes.

"Can't talk. Gotta run," I said the second I placed the West girl softly on the bed and prepped my self to launch up again in a hurry.

She sighed like I did something wrong and waved me away. Then an idea came to my head.

"Hey, if you're in the market for a husband, how about a date after this?" I joked and launched off away before she could answer with her shocked and red face.

"What did you just–"


I was already half way back to the dome. On the way, I observed the screen and saw that the grade A monsters had chosen to retreat the second the big beast had shown its face. Smart move from them. Now all the remaining students were facing the one beast.

"Anyone else quit while I was away?" I asked Mr William the second I was back at his side.

"Kid, fair warning. I think that thing noticed you when you saved that girl from before. I don't like the look it has on its eyes as it is approaching the students. Honestly, at this point, I'd call everything off. That's the same look it got last year, and immediately after that, a lot of students were hospitalized,"

I stared at the beast to see what had changed in its eyes, and sensed something was off. Seeing both North, East and South students were facing that thing head on alone, surprising they had all teamed up for the moment, which I'm very sure was not anyone's intention, does put a smile on my face. Too bad the moment's ruined due to the beast.

"Isn't that lovely, folks? All classes have banded together to fight off the big bad. Surely this is a first in this competition, never occurred in all my years of commentating! I'm so glad that I got to see this while I'm still alive," the announcer emotionally said.

The crowd blew up with a mix of emotions from all parents and spectators. But they couldn't see what we could, or, more accurately, what I could.

"Mr William, put up a barrier in front of everyone, NOW!"

"Wait what?! I can't do that Max! Then everyone will be forced to drop out and lose the entire race! "

"There might be no person to drop out of this race if you don't do what I say, RIGHT NOW!"

The teacher looked conflicted at first, but his eyes soon cleared and he stared angrily at me. "I hope you know what you are doing!"

"Believe me, I do,"

A huge barrier appeared in front of every student where they didn't realize it what with their daring effort of facing that thing head on. But it was a done deal the second that beast laid its eyes on them.

Just as I sensed it, the beast pulled in a large breath, and blasted an inferno of flames at the students! Mr William found himself focusing more on the defense than he really thought. All the other students could only stare in awe at what they were about to face and quit possibly, annihilate them to ash.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS WAITING FOR?! GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!" I screamed at the zoned out students the second the beast was done. They all looked at me like I was mad, but then remembered the flames, and reconsidered their options.


"Ahahaha, folks. I–I'm not sure about the flames, but that monster hasn't been that dangerous for a long time now, has it?" the announcer joked nervously.

The crowd laughed nervously too, almost like they knew it wasn't supposed to be this deadly. But the roar it brought from the depth of its belly was more than enough to tell everyone that it wasn't here to joke.

"This....thing...is getting....dangerous," Mr William said in between breathes. Guess it might have taken a lot from him, that blast of the beast.

Emily immediately adapted to the situation and began moving the remaining students of South to the finish line. The East students second in command did the same, and so did North. No one wanted to face that thing head on. But one thing was certain, the great lizard wasn't going to let them leave as they pleased.

"OVER HERE YOU BIG LIZARD!" I yelled over the roaring. Sure enough, it's just as I guessed. The damn thing was a lot smarter than it looked. It turned towards me, like it knew I'd come.


[Bradley, is it planning something?].

<Yes, actually. How did you know?>

[Enough with the questions. What is it planning to do?]

<Judging from how close it is to evolving, I'd say wants look for a stronger opponent fight so that can achieve its goal>

[Of course it is]


I know I may not be strong, but something tells me its made me its opponent for today seeing I'm not strong enough to kill it, but just strong enough to give it a boost to where it wants to be.

No wonder I sensed the attack beforehand. It did that on purpose, knowing full well I'd try to rescue the students and that's when it would make it's move.

"COME ON THEN! YOU BIG BULLY!" I Screamed at it. Surprisingly( not surprising ), it was me, after all, it was after. It immediately fired a large ice shard to impale me through as its greeting. Luckily, I had speed on my side, so I moved out of the way just in time.


The head general is the one who answered using the announcers microphone. "Sorry, kiddo. You'll have to face that thing for a little while until we can come up with a solution. Judging by how it is glowing, it can explode at any given time if even one teacher tries to use their strength against it,"

I snatched up my mic and angrily stated, " So what you're saying is–"

"It's gone rogue, Max. You know what we agreed on. Take down the damn thing!" the general answered through my com.