

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


"He's a rude kid, isn't he?"Queen whispered in my ear as we followed Pine to wherever he was leading us.

"Cut him some slack. It's where he grew up you should be blaming, not the kid," I whispered back.

"Yeah, well. Don't give him the right to talk back to us like that, does it?" she mumbled.

"I can hear you both. You forget, wolf ears," Pine said from the front.

"Oh don't worry. I knew you could hear us. We have a Furrha amongst us too,"

It has been a whole two days while traveling with the Furrha. We've been surviving just barely by scraping up the beasts that are edible and fruits, while trying our best to hide from the more powerful beasts, only taking a few hours of rest at the night, one of us keeping watch.

I was worried that we were going a bit too far from where Mrs Kelly expected us to be. And since she also had our backpacks, I'm sure it would have been a real problem to try and find us.

So far, we've have minimal to few exchanges with our young friend. And by we, I meant me and Queen. Still despises the elves in our group. He talks a lot for a young kid, maybe trying to share all his past stories with someone who actually cares to talk back and isn't out for his life. Yet.

Even if I'm one hundred percent certain that we aren't being led to a trap by a new monster in the planet, I can't help it feel like the more we came closer to where Pine was leading us, the more I got a sense of um.... uneasiness.

If it ever comes down to it, I would have to prioritize my groups lives over the Furrhas. But I hope it will never have to come down to that, cause this monster, being captured again by those elves, I'm sure would forfeit his life without a second thought.

But capture with what I'm planning to do to those elves, that won't be possible.


[Yo Bradley, how far from the first camp are we?]

<Judging by how far and fast you all have walked, I'm guessing you've traveled around a quarter of this planet>

[I see. I hope you are still doing what I told you to do before we started this journey]

<Yeah, yeah. Keep your pants on>


I had ordered my system to mark the path we used since travelling to here on the master map, since we had to get back to the camp in one week's time, or else Mrs Kelly would be really suspicious.

But at least I was sure of one thing; we've gotten a whole lot stronger on our travel here.

Since Pine made it his job to hide and evade the beasts, we were forced to battle the many beasts that just wouldn't leave us alone us for all on our own. At this point, I knew that if Mrs Kelly were to find that we still hadn't mastered working together with the partners she gave us, we'd be in for a real beating, and we would have pushed the harsh training month a few days back.

That's why every time a powerful monster attacked us, it was either me and Earl to deal with it, or Queen and Alvin.

The beasts started becoming more easier to handle, and by the second day, we already had each others abilities at heart and how to use them effectively against the beasts. I think that's the main reason why we took so long to come here.

Oh well, no harm, no foul.

"Hey guys? I think I haven't seen a beast in a while from here onwards. And is it just me, or do I feel like the trees around here are a lot fewer than before, judging by the light blasting through around here," Alvin observed. Now that he mentioned it, it was just has he said. I don't think I've seen the rays of light pass through the canopy that easily around this planet like, ever.

"Yeah, no sh*t, Elf. It's because we're about to arrive," Pine answered and raised his hand to stop Alvin before he could protest of how rudely he was answered because he was signaling us from here on out to be quiet.

I placed my hand on Alvin's shoulders and shook my head. He looked at me like I had wronged him in some way, but eventually sighed in exasperation.

It was a few more minutes of walking before we finally came around a clearing. Before us, I saw an above average mansion glitter in the noon sun, the while pillars at the front shining brightly, covered with a few vines.

I could see before the mansion was a normal fence, which was just for show since Pine had informed us that there was a large barrier protecting the entire area from the beasts. Funnily, I didn't see as many guards as I had expected, just a few handful of them patrolling the mansion.

I used my vision from the large tree I was on to try and scope out the other kids from my race around here, and spotted one at the left side of the mansion, washing a few white sheets which looked too large for her to even lift.


"At least she's still alive," I mumbled, and immediately regretted saying those words as I think I had just jinxed her, seeing as an girl elf around Alvin's age got out of the mansion and dumped a few more clothes onto the pile.

Like she still hadn't done enough, she slapped the kid for absolutely no reason with a face filled with a really pleased smile, then, since she was older and obviously stronger than the Furrha, she threw her into the large backet of water and made sure she was fully immersed in it before gleefully walking away with a happy laughter.

Pine looked absolutely livid with that action, and was about to get out from our strategic position on the tree but I stopped him just in the nick of time and whispered in his ear that it was still too early.

First, was finding out just how many kids were around the mansion, just in case they tried using one as a hostage, the number of guards around, and finally where each family member was placed. After getting their position, we could finally come up with a plan on how to quickly handle them, cause come night, I'm sure the entire house hold would be on even more guard than they are right now.

If we're going to do this, we'll have to it right.

It was a while before I spotted another girl Furrha with a boy, both around the kitchen area, being supervised by I'm guessing the sister of the elf we saw earlier and another male elf.

Supervising was a wrong term to use. It was more like punishing, judging by how the two kids were dressed up, in only a one piece swim suit for the girl, and the boy in his boxers, both covered with whip marks around their entire body. What was even worse with the earrings placed on both of their ears. With the blood that was leaking from them and falling to their face, I'm guessing that they weren't places their with their choice.

Absolutely evil! Now I was the one who had to hold myself back from diving into that house and destroying those two cocky elves that seemed to find pleasure in watching the kids suffer while making them cook their food.

Earl and Alvin spotted the remaining three Furrhas. When I tried asking them where they were, both their faces turned grim and with a shaky hand they pointed to the higher rooms in the mansion. My eyes widened in shock in realization.

The Mothers were spotted by queen in the living room, acting like all the atrocities happening around their house was a normal occurrence, which it probably was. I didn't expect to find the dads though. They weren't around the house. Pine told us they went hunting in this time of day. I'll make sure they come home to a good 'welcoming' committee.

I used the silent spell before I told them of what I planned to do for the entire house hold. The plan was a short one, because of time, and after a few minutes, everyone was in position. This operation had to be done in record time, since with the fathers around the task would have been even harder.

Pine was with me for this sort of plan. All I had to do was wait for the rest to get in position before I launched it.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Pine asked me with a frown on his face. It looks like he was still displeased with how the elves were still handling the Furrhas, and who wouldn't be?

"Don't worry. This is a full proof plan," I answered while raising the ring of Spir in the air. Gotta love that little enchantment it had on it to always return to its owner after a few hours.

I opened up the portal, and appeared back in the dungeon Spir. Someone very useful was waiting for me at the entrance.

"BOSS!" Saki screamed as he leaped up at me in joy and tackled me to the ground.

"Ow! Jeez, Saki! Do you always have to pounce on me like that everytime we meet?" I complained while trying to push him off me.

"You've been gone for a while, so I don't care what you tell me. Have you already forgotten how time travels around here than on the other planets?"

"Oh, sorry. Anyways, today, I've come for business," I said as I got up. Murasaki was one to pick up on serious situations immediately and he lowered his head for me to climb on. See, that's what I love about this wolf.

He quickly brought me up to speed with how the wolves were faring since I left, all the while taking me to where they were. It came quite as a surprise to learn that Red had evolved to be a millennial monsters just a week back. Good, this will be even more useful to me.

It was a whole while before we arrived, but I wasn't worried since I still had a lot of time as compared to before due to the different time zones. Though I knew it wasn't a lot.

I barely was able to tell all the wolves the entire story, but around half way through, I could tell they were already pissed off with all the growling and foaming.

"Now then, dear Diamond wolves. How would you like a crack at these elves?"

Red was the one to speak up first, "I'm not one to fancy elven blood or anything. That said, these elves look just a bit to appetizing,"

All wolves nodded in agreement. A smile creeped up on my face when I saw the blood lust from my wolves.

"Hahaha. This is going to be real fun,"


*Outside the elves' mansion*


"Hey Grace, done with my clothes? Have some more for you to get on," Mia said as she approached the Furrha with a buttload of other clothes that were obviously manually added dirt, just so that she could torment the weakling.

Grace was still shivering with her wet clothes still on her, fearing that if she even made any movements of removing even one of her clothes to dry out and not wash these clothes, she would have been severe by the elf.

At least she didn't get the worst of it today. She could tell by the whimpering from the kitchen that the twins were up to their evilness again. And since she couldn't see he other friend around the compound, it only meant one thing. It was their time to as the elves say here 'make use of their bodies for the reason they were created'.

It was all she could do nothing to end her life any time soon. But she was sure that if she did that, her friends would suffer a much more horrid punishment because of her, and she didn't want that. Also she still had hope that Pine would one day come and save them, even if he has been gone for a long time.

But for now, she would have to put up with this evil b*tch coming her way.

"No, no, no. This won't do. You're washing a bit too slow, Grace. And I think you missed a spot with this one right here," she said as she stomped her foot on the few clothes Grace was done with. This made the Furrha growl at the elf.

"Oh? What did you just say? Looks like someone needs to learn a lesson or two," Mia, the elf, said and summoned a whip from her storage ring. Grace's eyes widened in fear and she closed them immediately, ready to receive her punishment when the elf raised the whip to strike her. Then something surprising happened.


She opened her eyes, surprised by the sound, and seems like she wasn't the only one.

"W–what is happening?" Mia asked nervously as she looked around the compound.

Grace ignored the elf and looked up at the barrier. Was it just her, or could she see cracks starting to form on it?