
The Monster Apocalypse

In the journey of investigation of the E-V9 virus's origin, Hope finds many dark secrets of her ancestors which she will try to figure out.

Hemanya · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


[Camera Recording]

 This is day 39 and it has been over a month since the apocalypse has started. I've been living here for the past month all by myself and I still have approximately six years to go on like this. As for-

A bottle hurtles towards me, striking my head. I shout at him rather in a tired and low voice - "Ryan, What was that for?"

"Surprisingly, none of us knew that you were living here all by yourself." replies Ryan. Kayla takes the camera. In an animated voice she says, "It's time for the Flashback!"

"Kayla, give me my camera back!".

"Ha-ha you ain't getting this camera back." Nova teases me.

"Are you guys recording a documentary?" Carlos asks.

"What?" I scoffed and said, "This isn't a documentary!"

"I think that first we should introduce ourselves in this documentary." Carlos interrupts again.

"When did this become a documentary? This is a report I'm giving to the HQ!" I fumed.

"Don't worry, from now onwards this shall be a documentary! Not your boring report. You can rest, I will introduce everyone." Says Devin in a lower voice.

Devin stops recording and starts over again.

"Hello everyone! So this is Hope, she is the one who rescued us from the apocalypse; she also works in a secret agency which she did not tell us about before."

"Hey! I did tell you before the apocalypse started."

" Doesn't matter now, now moving on to the next, that is.... Kayla!

Kayla, say hi!"


"What? Why? Don't you want to be a part of this amazing documentary recorded by me?" says Devin proudly.

"Well, I wanted to record this documentary." says Kayla, rather disappointed.

"This is not a documentary!" I said frustratedly.

James-"It's fine! Well, think that I'm doing it on behalf of you. She is crazy and funny. We all are crazy but she is even crazier. And when Hope and Kayla get along, they're like the craziest duo ever! Now Over to Nova.... "

Nova says enthusiastically -"I am excited for the next 6 years of my life."

"You're excited because you are under high protection, Nova." Carlos replies while thinking about the people outside. Well, to be honest, maybe we shouldn't call them people anymore, I thought.

Ryan backs up Nova and Carlos-If it weren't for Hope, we wouldn't have survived this terror. I comforted Carlos saying that we were trying our best to figure out where E-V9 originated from.

Devin-"Now you all must be wondering what this apocalypse, E-V9, 6 years and all, right? Don't worry we'll cover it in the flashback. So this is Nova, she is a K-pop addict and also is really good at dancing and singing."

Kayla-"Now only you guys are left to introduce. I'm recording this from now onwards. Who's next?" says Kayla, filled with excitement.

"Ugh! Fine. I'll go next." 

"So this is Devin, the clown of the group-" 

Devin interrupts Kayla but she pretends she didn't hear him. "He disturbs the classes, I mean we all do but, he's just on another level." Devin takes the camera back from Kayla as she finishes the sentence. He starts introducing the others.

"This is Ryan and he is really tall and-" Carlos shouts from the kitchen that he is the tallest. Devin ignores and says,

"You both don't have much difference in your height!. Now going back to Ryan, he is actually always jumping and trying to kill someone."

"What? I never tried to kill anyone." Ryan says not remembering anything that happened before. Me and Nova agreed with Devin. Ryan still doesn't agree.

"Really? Shall I remind you guys what happened a few months ago?"

"Sure, how can anyone forget that?" I supported Nova to remind everyone what had happened a few months ago. It was a really funny and terrifying experience. 

Nova continued,

"One day, I was drinking water, Hope standing right in front of me telling me something." I continued from there onwards,

"I saw Ryan standing on the table. I took it easy and thought you were just playing. Then you suddenly jumped from the third row to the first one where me and Nova were standing. I pulled her aside and I tripped on my water bottle and almost fell."

"But she didn't. She thought that you already landed. Hope moved a step backwards. And then, you fell on her. My water bottle was open. When you fell on her, she came and fell on me. Eventually the three of us fell on each other and got wet." Ryan asks if it really happened.

Nova and Me- "yes!"

"Well, that was funny."

"That was not funny!" Nova replies back.

"It was a bit funny." I said in a low voice.

Nova's piercing gaze fixes on me, her gaze flashing with a hint of anger as she takes in my agreement with someone else, her expression a subtle rebuke that speaks volumes about her displeasure.

I suddenly say-"Okay, it wasn't funny." Devin continues.

"Last but not least, Carlos!"

"Hello idiots!"

Everyone stares at Carlos.

"What? We are the idiots that will watch this documentary in the future."

Me and Ryan agree. Actually it makes sense.

"Just continue!" Kayla says

"Oh, right! So, this is Carlos, he is really tall as mentioned before and he can change voice as well."

Nova sighs and says that it's called mimicry. Devin remembers and agrees.

"Now that we are done with the introduction, moving on to the flashback!"

Carlos-"What? It is already past 1 am! We'll do it tomorrow Kayla."

Ryan- "Yes, the others are also dozing off."

"Alright then, Good Night!"

"I think you should say Good Morning." I corrected Devin. Ryan also supported me.

"Nah, we can say good night."

"No!" me and Ryan argue with him.

"Yes! It's fine for now!"


[Fight Continues]

"The three of you continue fighting, we're gonna sleep."

[Camera Beeps]