
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urban
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44 Chs


"Does the Mafia Boss finally know how to smile?" The small smile that appeared on Arcadio's face immediately disappeared at her comment. Coldly shoving the phone back to Leo's hand, he walks away.

"You know she would've stayed if you stopped her. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but all I know is that this was the first time I had ever seen my brother smile. Why don't you call her back?"

He turns, facing her. "You don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh please, don't throw that in my face. My whole childhood was in this house, among you, Dad, and Romero talking business 24/7. So I know that there must be some stupid reason for you to do what you did."

She moved closer to her brother, then keeping a hand on her brother's shoulder, she spoke. "All I meant to say is that I don't want to see my brother or my best friend getting hurt. Even if it is by each other or by anyone else."

After she leaves him behind, the memories from before ponder in his mind. Savino's words from the wedding day echo. "I had never in a million years thought that I would ever see this day coming," Savino commented while leaning on the door.

Arcadia rolls his eyes while fixing his tuxedo in front of the mirror. "I don't need your sarcastic comments. I need the information I asked you for about the LeBrons."

"What else can I expect from you, working on your wedding day? I think Ellie accidentally forgot about you being a workaholic. Let me go and remind her." He jokes and tries to leave when Arcadio grumbles.

"Why would you need to remind her. She already knows. She also knows not to associate herself with my work." A gasp leaves Savino's lips. "Now, I definitely should go and ask her to rethink her decision about marrying you."

He frowns, "You will not do such a thing."

"Please tell me you did not just give her the list. A set of rules on what to do and what not to do after your marriage." Savino folds his arms in front of his chest. His face became stern. "There wasn't any need for me too. Ellie was informed about everything."

Savino's eyes widen in shock. "Stop messing around with me, brother."

He finally faces him directly. "Why would you think that I will mess around with you about anything? Have you ever seen me do that?"

"You're hopeless, brother. Why did I think you would ever change?" Savino hits his head with the palm of his hand.

"Quit playing around and tell me fast the information you received. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a problem firing you." Arcadio raises one eyebrow.

"God knows who will be stupid enough to accept this job in the first place. Regarding the information, a word from our guy is that LeBron's have taken the bait and will make a mistake soon."

"Good, and when they do, we'll be ready to welcome them," Arcadio smirks. Everything was going according to his plan. The only thing left now was to sit and let it unfold before his eyes."

Can I ask you something?" Savino voices.

"That depends on how ridiculous the question is."

"I am asking this question not as your right-hand man but as your best friend."

Arcadio nodded.

"Do you even love her?" The question took him by surprise. He knew someone was going to ask him that eventually.

"Does it matter?" Without pausing, Savino replies, "yes, it does."

During that moment, he didn't know why the question mattered. But after everything that happened between the two in his mom's home, he couldn't be more concerned about the question himself.

Her appearance in his life was such a surprise for him. He owed her his life and now his heart as well. He tried to control himself so much, yet some things were just impossible to do. He still remembered the scared look she had the whole time while tending to his wound but never once did she take a step back.

Arcadio has met many people and can figure anyone with just one look but never in his life met someone so unpredictable. Someone who knows how to keep him on his toes. A part of him liked this abnormal feeling.

Especially after that night, he could ignore her, but his body made it more difficult for him. The flashes of that night have imprinted in his mind. No matter how much he tried, it became more defiant. He never in his life let anyone get close to him emotionally, let alone let them sleep in the same room after sex. Cuddling with her was such a new experience for him. Something that he secretly would do in a heartbeat.

Maybe that was the reason why he brought her back to the Villa. However, returning has not done anything good for his mind or health. His protectiveness for her surprised him. There was an urge to take her away from this life and keep her hidden from all this mess.

Especially after the meeting that he had with Mathew disturbed him immensely. He had never cared about his words before, but now even a slightly inappropriate word from him pushes him to illuminate the threat.

Mathew has also been on his hit list because of what he did to Ellie in the dungeon. The memory doesn't leave him, no matter how he tries to. Seeing her so helpless angers him further. If it wasn't for the promise he made years ago, he would've killed him by now.

After all these things, sometimes he thinks of leaving her alone. He blames himself for putting her in the middle of danger. Yet his selfishness was winning the battle every day. If it wasn't for his enemies increasing day by day or the date of execution coming closer, he wouldn't have let her go. Even the slightest thought of her being close to another man boils his blood. That was why when he saw Romero and Ellie together talking while standing too close irritated the hell out of him. He didn't want to admit it loudly, but he was jealous. He hadn't had these feelings since childhood.

To control such emotions, he had to get away from the distractions. Arcadio knew that once he did it, he might lose her forever. He also knew that if she got hurt because of him, it was not something he would argue himself. Her safety, her life, came first no matter what happened.

Thankfully everything on that night went according to plan. Regardless of how much he was hurting himself, it took all his strength not to show any emotion on his face while she cried her heart out. Every part of his body wanted to pick her up in his arms. He ached to console her but knew he was doing this for her good.

Arcadio took a breath of relief when he got to know that Ellie had believed him. Yet when she came to him only to tell him how she was leaving him, it would be a lie if he said he did not cry in his office, crumbled on the ground alone. He knew he had to leave her, so he accepted the fate with a heavy heart.

Now all he had to do was wait. First, he will achieve his goal. Then he will bring back what is originally his. For now, he will put all his efforts into listening to a beautiful voice through calls. Switching on his phone, he opens his hidden gallery that he made Roger upload on his phone. He could never let Savino do the work because then, his reputation would be at stake.

As he slides through the several pictures of Ellie that he had captured without anyone looking, an unknown emotion rushes inside. Goosebumps spread all across his body. His heart starts pumping twice the beats, almost making his breathing ragged. Why was he feeling these uncertain emotions? It was an unanswerable question for him, which he would look for only when Ellie would be breathing the same air as him. he would ask about all this. Right now, all he could do was let the memories and pictures make him feel content.