
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urban
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44 Chs


The sound of traffic horns and people chattering woke me up inside the car. I realized that I was home. Sun was shining on top with the temperature getting hot. Just as I expected, the street had people going to work at this morning hour. There were also school buses that stuck in traffic beside us.

Delhi is the place where you get the hottest summers and coldest winters than any other metropolitan state. It is also the busiest state, like New York. I guess I love staying at such eventful places.

As soon we reached the airport, there were already two cars waiting for us. It was not even a doubt that Arcadio had already planned all this. It makes me question that how much more distance I would require to get away from him? However, not getting any calls from him tells me that he wants to give me space but then why do all these for me. I got in one of the cars and the bodyguards in the other.

I've never had anyone in my life take care of such small things. Even though I was the clumsiest person in the room, I learned on my own to get back up after falling. It somehow became a habit later on for not relying on anyone but myself. That is also the reason that Arcadio doing these things makes me insane, especially when everything between us is a sham.

Shifting my anger from him, I start thinking about my parents and get nervous. I had already decided beforehand that I would not tell my parents about Arcadio right now, maybe shortly, but now all I want is to take my mind off such things. I have not yet informed my parents about my landing. I thought I'd surprise them.

Slowly the car started entering a familiar street. The houses that I grew up watching feel slightly refreshing to watch after such a long time. The car stopped in front of the gate. I move out while the driver starts pulling my stuff out of the car. I look behind, but the bodyguard's car is nowhere.

"They will stay at the nearby hotel." The driver answers my unasked question.

"Thank you," I reply and walk with him to the door. He keeps the bags on the floor and leaves. I take a deep breath and ring the bell.

No sound comes from the other side. That makes me frown. Are they even at home?

I ring the doorbell twice. Suddenly I hear 'coming' from the other side of the door. Hearing Mom's voice brings tears to my eyes. I haven't seen her for months, and I could feel my heart burst from the inside. The door opens, and she says, "yes?"

She finally looks up at me. Her expressions start changing when she sees me. Her eyes start tearing up like mine. When she hugs me, I feel my knees get weak. Every problem that I was going through fades away slowly. I had missed her warm hug and her scent.

Mom pulls back and carefully looks at me. "Were you not eating properly? You've lost so much weight." The expected nagging begins.

As soon as we enter, a rush of nostalgia hits me. Being surrounded with all the memories that I've spent in this house came one after the other. The pictures hung on the wall took me back to the past in a blink of an eye. Nothing has changed in this house. The same white walls, marble floors, and open curtains brought in the fresh air.

"Who was it?" Dad comes into the living room with a big spoon in his hand, wearing his favorite apron. The moment his eyes meet mine, the smile on his face says it all. He immediately comes closer and hugs me tightly.

Again, the waterworks begin. The only one missing in this reunion is my little brother, who, according to mom, has apparently not been present in the house and has gone somewhere. The only one who would not cry after seeing me is him. I'm glad that he is not here.

After the emotional meet, I went into my room. The same four lavender color walls, queen-sized bed, purple curtains, the celebrity poster wall, everything was exactly the way I left it. However, it was a little cleaner than before because the last time I was in this room, the floor got covered with my stuff as I tried to pack everything in my suitcase. I laugh at the mere memory.

Freshening up gave me a slight power boost against the jet lag. While I apply the cream on my hands, seeing my fingers bare slightly reminds me of Arcadio. Before ringing the house doorbell, I had quickly removed my wedding ring. My fingers trail up to my neck where the silver chain was, in which the ring rested. Even though I had taken the wedding ring out of my finger, leaving it randomly somewhere didn't make me feel right. That was why I did that to keep the ring close to me. Hiding the ring feels unconventional, but I don't have any option left.

While looking at the wedding ring in the palm of my hand, the thoughts immediately go to Arcadio. Should I call him? Should I inform him that I've reached? Does he even care about that?

Suddenly my phone rings. Maybe, it's Arcadio?

No, it was a wrong guess because it was Leo who was calling me. "Hey, I hope you reached safely?" Her chirpy voice comes from the other side.

"I did, and I can sense how happy you are to know that I am so far away."

The comment makes her gasp. "How can you even say this?"

I laugh, "it's so easy to tease you."

"So, how did your parents react?"

Frowning, I reply, "react to what?"

"About the marriage. Your parents weren't able to make it. Did you show them the pictures?"

"Oh...ye...yes I did." Another lie. I have never lied to Leo. But after meeting Arcadio, I have lied to her face so many times. "Both of them are happy and want to meet him. Dad even shed a few tears." It technically was true. He did cry, but for a whole different reason.

"I told you to take Arcadio. They could've met him."

"I agree, but Leo, your brother, is always busy. I didn't want to disturb him." Or his Casanova ways!

"What are you saying? From the moment we got to know that the driver dropped you off, he's been nagging me about asking you how it went."

"He is?" Well, that is a surprise.

"Oh look, he is here. Arcadio stops nagging my peace and talk to her on your own." I could hear the wrestling of the phone from the other side. Do I even want to talk to him?

"Hello," the deep voice from the other side told me that I had to hurry if I was willing to cut the phone call. Yet the automatic reply said otherwise, "hey."

"How are you?" The hesitation in voice matched with mine.

"Good...what about you?"


The silence had more words than we did. What were we supposed to say to each other anyway?

"Ellie, lunch is ready so come out." Mom's voice came from outside.

"I..." How should I tell him that I have to go without sounding rude?

"You should go. You might be hungry, and you have to spend time with your parents as well."

"Yeah, I do. I'll talk to you later," as soon as the words came out of my mouth, I realized what I had said. I shut my eyes close tightly.

"I'll look forward to it." I immediately end the call. Hearing him say that made my heart beat faster. Aghh! I need to control myself. I need to remind myself about everything he has done.

Focus, Ellie. Focus.

Hey, my reader's, finally I'm back with the story. I apologise for the delay, please do continue reading the story like before. (Editor: Chapters would be published once or twice a week so please be patient.)

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