
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urban
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44 Chs


"Arcadio, the shipment has arrived at the warehouse." Roger entered his office, wearing business casuals and a file in his hand.

Raising his head from the documents, he asked, "how many of LeBron's men are there?"

A smirk appeared on Roger's face as he gave the file to Arcadio, "just enough. Everything is going how we planned."

Shutting close the documents in hand, he moves on to the file given by Roger. "Good. Contact-"

Roger interrupts him, "I have already contacted Dex. He'll be coming in tonight with his men."

"Very efficient of you."

"Nothing less."

Suddenly a phone rings, interrupting their silence. Arcadio smiles at the caller ID. He looks at Roger in a look that says, give him a moment. It has been two weeks since Ellie had left for India, and since last week there had been an increase in their phone calls and text exchanges.

Arcadio felt as if he was back in high school, secretly texting and calling his girlfriend. Every time he thought of her, there were little flutters in his stomach. Another question that disturbed him was why emotions play with him like this. Yet he was too selfish to leave it all.

He gazed at Roger, who was smirking at him. "Judging by that look. I should probably leave." Rolling his eyes, he does not reply. Roger and Savino have been accusing him of being a lost puppy waiting for his owner. After this comment, he had slapped both the back of their heads, but they still did not refrain from doing it again.

Roger knew who the caller was without Arcadio saying. At first, the news of his and Ellie's wedding was starling for him, but then after hearing Leona's yapping about how they were in love, half-convinced him. Next was all the gestures and stares from Arcadio to Ellie he saw, convinced him. He had to be a great actor if this all turned out to be a sham.

He was the most surprised by Ellie's decision to leave for India. Especially Arcadio's decision to let her go. Now that he thought about it, most of the things in Arcadio's life got changed because of her. One of the first things was his privacy. He has always been the kind of person who loved his personal space, but after Ellie, he couldn't stay in his office without her barging in. No one in his life has ever thought about messing with him before her. Well, there was no one ever who thought about marrying him.

Shaking his head, he answers, "Piccolo Ragazza."

Arcadio's eyes widen with shock. "Roger!" His piercing shout stops Roger from moving forward. He turns back to find a terrified Arcadio, clutching the phone tightly in his hand.

A few hours before,

Ellie sighed while looking at the television screen. Tiredness washed over her as he surfed through the channels once again. Everything seemed too unwatchable or too intellectual for her taste.

As he moved her sight towards her phone, another sigh left her lips. Maybe the problem was not the shows but herself. It has been two weeks since she had returned home. Yet she did not feel any difference. Contrary to her feeling, she liked spending all her time with her family. However, there was still loneliness that crept into her heart at the end of the day.

She couldn't even call Arcadio at this hour. The first thing was the time difference. Then there was also the fact that she did not want to seem too desperate. They had been texting and calling each other back and forth. She needed to keep a distance. After all, the whole reason she came back in the first place was to ignore him and leave him behind.

Keeping her phone aside once again, she focuses back on the screen. If the house hadn't been empty today, she wouldn't need to have such distractions then. Of all the times to go on a date, her parents decided to go today. But can she even blame them? Even though it had been her idea after all. What was she supposed to do anyway? Her parents have not gone on a date in all their life. All they've thought about in their whole life is to take care of her and her brother.

Ignoring the drowsy feeling, she gets up from the bed. She needs a soothing, relaxing bath for her to function back. Making her way to the bathroom, she removes her cloth and enters the bathtub. Automatically her eyes shut, and her body goes into relaxation.

Somewhere far away,

The man smirked at the screen. Finally, the moment he had been searching was right here in front of him. All he had to have was patience, and lastly, it was time to get the fruit of it. He checked around all the different cameras, once again to make sure there were no casualties.

Thank God his uptight partner was also not there. Good thinking of sending him after her parents. Otherwise, the wise a** would've been behind him, nagging him to watch outside. If he would've been here, then he wouldn't have been able to open the secret cameras he hid one day when the whole family was out.


The man stared at the screen where she appeared in the bathtub covered with soap bubbles. He moved his cushioned chair closer and laid back. He took out his hard pe**s, which he slowly caressed, admiring her body.

He had thought about those b***s and those curves every day since she arrived at the Villa. Only if he ever had a chance to talk to her. She was with Romero or that b*tch whom she called her best friend. Honestly, she doesn't even deserve the title because the b*tch overlooked that her so-called a**hole brother used her innocence to complete his voracious dreams.

He would have been stupid like the rest of them to believe their lies. He wouldn't have known that the poor woman was being forced by the a**hole, if he hadn't listened to their conversation. He wanted to save her from him, but everything happened in a blink of an eye.

He was filled with happiness when she returned to the Villa. Also, the one thing that frustrated him more was that the a**hole was the same he did not care for her. He wanted to kill him with his bare hands that would only make her a widow. So he planned. First, he would make her his, and then he would tell his love to leave him.

His eyes immediately opened as he heard water splashing on the floor. At the sight of her gorgeous body dripping wet, he held his p****s tightly and roughly moved his hand up and down, jacking off on the thought about her being close to him. Her body lying beneath him. Him entering that P**sy with his monster and ripping it apart. He would make her forget even the slightest thought about the a**hole.

Then he would tie her hands and devour every inch of her body as if that, will be the last meal he would ever taste. His eyes glare at the screen. His moans resonate in the empty room at the sight of her plum a** walking towards the door. He is about to come when she suddenly covers her body with the bathrobe.

Aggressively he growls at the screen. His eyes turn red, and a malevolent smirk appears on his face. He harshly stands up from the chair, making it fall on the ground. Shoving his p***s inside his pants, he walks like a man on a mission. Twisting the doorknob of the hotel room, he walked outside. He looks out for his other partner, yet there is no sight of him. He moves on. While crossing the street, only one thing leaves in his mind. He would now only finish himself inside her.