
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Ellie groans while waking up from the trance. Her head felt as if someone was hammering her head repeatedly. Her eyes felt more tired. Moaning with the pain, she tries to get up.

She sees the man lying on top of her leg. At first, she panics and scrambles away from the body. Reality settles in on what she had done. She had murdered someone. She was standing beside a dead body when she haven't even killed a bug.

She wanted to crumble and howl. It was something she can't do at the moment, so she put all those thoughts away. She rushes to her room. Picking up her phone, she dials the only person she could think of in this situation.

"Picollo Ragazza," his voice breaks all the barriers in her.

"Ar- Arcadio..." She falls to her knees, crying.

"Tesoro, what happened?!" He sounded frantic.

"Arcadio, please help me!" She begged him while moving her legs towards her chest. She tightly closes her body.

He curses from the other side. "Tesoro, I'm coming." The call ends. She puts down the phone, realizing what she had done. How could she call him? Especially after killing one of his men. She remembered how he was protective of them, and if he knew that she was the one who killed the man, he would get mad at her.

She can't let him be angry at her. After the conversations they started having for the past two weeks, she can't let him turn back to his cold ulterior self.

Ellie ran outside to the dead body in the living room with the bloodied trophy in her hand. Before anyone comes inside, she has to clean the evidence. She had learned from watching all those crime shows was the first to clean the evidence. Moving inside the washroom, Ellie washes down the blood from it, then cleans it up using soap. The blood gathering in the sink made her sick to her stomach, but there was no going back down now.

Suddenly she hears the door bang open.

She runs outside with the clean trophy in her hand. Holding it like a weapon, she walks following the noise.

"Whose there?" She shouts.

She hears footsteps coming from the living room. "Whoever is it yo- you have to tell me now....I ha- have a weapon in my hand an-and I'm not afraid to use it."

"Ma'am," the voice calls from the other side.

She finds the other bodyguard wearing a black outfit. He had a gun raised at her. "Ma'am, you can put the weapon down."

Seeing the bodyguard brought back memories, and she grips it more tightly. "How do I even trust you?"

"Ma'am please trust me. I am trying to help you here."

She grits her teeth. "No, you're not! You can shoot me if you want but I am not letting you near me."

"Ma'am you have to trust me. Boss has sent me to look after you." He tries calming her down.

She shouts with tears dripping, "Where were you when all this was happening? Don't you think you're a little late to look after me?"

"I apologize for the delay, ma'am. I would've come here faster if I knew something like this was happening. I want you to trust me, ma'am. Please lower down that trophy."

His ringtone blares through the whole living room. He sees the caller ID and gulps. "Ma'am, you can talk to the Boss yourself." He raises his hand and answers the call showing the caller ID 'BOSS' written. Putting it on speaker, he answers. "Yes, Boss."

A series of frantic curses come from the other side. "Julien, sta bene? Sei con lei? Responding!" (Julien, is she alight? Are you with her? Answer me!)

"Boss, calm down. I have her in front of me. Ma lei ha un'arma sollevata contro di me. (But she has a weapon raised against me)." He answers.

"Arcadio-"She chokes out, calling his name.

"Tesoro, do what Julien asks you to do, okay." She looks at him with hesitation. "Why should I trust him?"

"I know you trust me, Tesoro. So please trust him as well." Arcadio's sound comforts her slightly.

"I- I do."

"Then I assure you that you can trust him as well. Please trust him. It would take me a few more hours to get to you. Let him help you, please." Ellie had never heard Arcadio sounding so desperate. So she throws away the trophy in her hands to a corner and falls on her knees crying.

Hearing her cries from the other side of the call, a part of Arcadio's heart starts aching. He hits the jet's chair so loudly that it catches Roger's attention. "Julien!" He curses, shouting.

He felt helpless. Exactly like what he felt when Ellie was leaving him. Although, they were taking a private jet to India, which was the fastest way to get there. It was still slow for Arcadio. What was he thinking sending her so far away from him?

Arcadio acted in a rush after her phone call. He couldn't sit and have a conversation with anyone. It was the reason why Savino took over and sent Roger with him.

He thought that he would be away from her, all these problems would go away, yet there was always something that caused distress to her because of him. Now that he knows better, he will not ever leave her. If they were going to face such problems again in their life, it would be better with her being right by his side. At least he could protect her this way.

"Boss?" Julien responds. Arcadio barks at him, "Per favore, prenditi cura di lei. Se è successo qualcosa a un capello sulla sua testa, dovrai rispondermi. (Please, take care of her. If something happened to a hair on her head, you would have to answer to me.)"

"Non preoccuparti, Boss (Don't worry, Boss)." The call ends.

Roger looks at him. "You have to keep your cool, Arcadio. Shouting and punching won't get you there faster."

He scowled at Roger, "what am I supposed to do then?!" He moved his hand over his face aggressively. "I thought that if I would be away from her, she would automatically be away from all this mess, but-"

"Sir, would you like some Champagne?" The air hostess stands in front of them with the tray.

Arcadio glares at her. Before he could curse at her, Roger interrupts. "No, thank you." She walks away.

"I get what you mean, but we won't know what happened till we get there. But till then are you going to walk around like a time bomb waiting to explode, relax."

"Julien said there was Bobby's body in a pool of blood. I keep thinking what would happen if it was her rather than him." When Arcadio heard about the bodyguard he sent with her killed, he felt like the worst nightmare playing in reality. All the worst possible scenarios kept playing in his head, and he wished that whatever he was thinking, does not come true.

"But it was not. Keep your head straight, man. I have never seen you this anxious before. Keep it together."

"I am trying, but when I am going to get that son of a b*tch who did this, I won't keep this cool."