
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


"Arcadio..." Ellie gasped for air while sobbing her heart out. She grabbed his shirt from the front with her hands. "Please, don't leave me."

He saw the continuous tears dropping out of her eyes with her tiny fists clutching his shirt. His eyes became teary as well. He moved her closer and made his hold tighter. Moving to her ears, he mumbled, "don't, Amore Mio. I am not going anywhere."

Seeing Ellie so broken in his arms, he felt his chest burning. He had never seen her like this before. Whenever she confronted him in his office, she always appeared stronger and wit. The way she always stood up for herself was one of the things that made him fall hard for her.

He cupped her cheeks and raised her eyes to meet his. "I'm sorry, Tesoro." The tears at bay started falling one by one down his cheeks. As he wiped her cheeks with his thumb. "I am sorry that I wasn't there to protect you."

When Ellie saw Arcadio's tears, her heart felt heavy. He had never seen a man cry before, especially for her. In India, boys are always taught by their parents not to cry. To keep their emotions hidden, which she had always thought was bullshit. But in her family, her parents had never implemented such a thing, and for that, she was always thankful.

But here, seeing a grown man like Arcadio, that too, a mafia Boss crying for her, brought out unsaid emotions inside her. She realized how much her heart was yearning for the person holding her. The nightmare of never seeing that person again made her weep louder.

Ellie moved her face closer and kissed him. As soon he felt her lips, he kissed her back. The raw emotion in both their hearts was pouring out in the kiss. The familiar warmth made Ellie's heart beat faster.

Arcadio broke the kiss. Their foreheads were touching, and both of them were breathing harshly. "Today," he began.

"When Julien called me, I thought I had lost you. The thought of someone hurting you because of me was a nightmare for me. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, Tesoro." His voice was hoarse from crying, and his jaw became tense.

Ellie blinked back tears as she heard his words. She could feel his sincerity and fear in his voice. She moved her hands towards his face and cupped his cheek. Wiping the tears, she said, "I am not going anywhere, Arcadio. I am right here." She moved his head closer and pressed a kiss against his jaw.

Arcadio's hand moved at her face and moved it back slightly. "If I kissed you now, Tesoro, you know I'll not be able to stop myself."

The words made Ellie hitch her breath. Although her head was thinking of a rational reason to say no, her heart gave out. "Please make me forget."

She didn't need to tell it twice to him. He left small kisses along her jaw. "You're." Kiss. "Mine." Kiss. "Tesoro." Kiss. Next, he kissed her lips.

The words bewildered her, but before she could react, Arcadio's hand roamed all over her body, removing the vile touch from before. She moved her hands towards his hair and pulled it when he started kissing her neck.

His kisses felt different from before. Arcadio used to be rough whenever they were together. However, today he was taking his time. The kisses were softer. He held her body as if she was a piece of glass that could break if he kissed harder. He laid her down on the bed with his body hovering over hers. He balanced his body on his elbow while slowly kissing every inch of her body.

He huskily said against her skin, "I want you." The words sent shivers down her spine. She was barely audible when she replied, "I want you too." That was the only approval he needed from her. He kissed her once again.

His hands automatically removed her T-shirt by the hem. He kissed her breasts, licking and tugging on one while his other hand played with the other. Ellie's moans echoed in the room. He did not stop there as he trailed kisses lower and lower.

She tightly grabbed the bedsheet as he reached the strap of her sweatpants. With one tug, he pulled them down. She gasped when she felt his hot breath over the most sensitive part of her body. Arcadio used his hand to pull apart her legs for him to devour her.

Lightly holding her thighs in place, he flicked her cl*t with his tongue and sucked it. Ellie's toes curled, and she moved towards a pillow to stop her screams. He stopped and raised his head to look at her. He smirked, looking at her state but said in a deep voice, "Tesoro, I want to hear your screams. If you muffle them from me, I'll punish you."

Hearing the word punish, Ellie looked right at him. "Very good, Picollo Ragazza." If anyone else would've called her a little girl, her feminist side would've spat the hell at them, but it was different when Arcadio called her. Her whole body hums in response, hearing him compliment her.

He dived back, right into the heat while moving her legs to wrap around his neck. Arcadio realized how much he had missed her taste, and now that he had her back, he was going to relish her.

He licked and slurped till he could erase the last two weeks of missing her out of his mind. By the end of the night, he was going to drown in her body.

Ellie had forgotten this sensation. She was at the peak of ecstasy. "Ar-Arcadio!" She cried as her thighs trembled around his neck, and she came into his mouth. Her vision started to blur as she became a little drowsy.

Slowly she felt him coming back up. He cupped her cheek with one hand and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She could taste herself on her lips. She moaned again as the emotion again heightened. He broke the kiss and smirked at her, "don't even think about sleeping, Tesoro. The night had just begun."

Ellie POV

I woke when someone was peppering my face with kisses early in the morning. My eyes fluttered open when Arcadio's face greeted me. I smiled while biting my lip as I saw this new side of him. The soft kisses trembled my body.

With his fingertip, he pulled the lip that I was biting free. "Don't bite your lip, otherwise you know it's another round, Tesoro. And I don't know after last night your body could take me."

My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I blushed as I remembered how many times we did it last night. I tried to push his bulky body from towering over mine, but there wasn't any energy left.

I had never known that Arcadio could be so soft and caring. He appeared to be so carefree right now. He brushed a strand of my hair to the back of my ear and smiled. The smile made my heart skip a beat.

"Why are you smiling?"

Arcadio caressed my cheek and said, "I am smiling at how beautiful Amore Mio is." This man was on a mission to keep my cheeks red. I tried to move my face away, and he turned it back to face him. "Don't be shy, Tesoro. You don't know how much I've missed you. Not being able to look at your face every morning after waking up was honestly a feeling that I never ever want. Not being able to see you every day is torture for me. I don't want to lose you, Ellie. I cannot lose you too." I very well understood the word too.

"Please, don't leave me. Especially after a day like yesterday, I am not letting you off my site." The words shocked me. Never in my life, I've heard such a confession from his mouth. However, will all this turn into a dream when he would know about the reality of yesterday? When he would discover the truth that I was the one who killed his man. I made a pact inside my mind. Maybe it was because of my selfishness, but I will not tell him anything. At least till the right time.

Arcadio interrupted my thoughts as I saw him moving to kiss me when I put my hands on my lips. He groaned as he kissed the back of my hand. He pouted, "let me kiss you."

I shook my head, "first, let me go brush my teeth."

"No, give me a kiss." He moved closer again, and I moved my head away from him. Then I pushed his chest from on top of me. "Move, Arcadio. I need to go to the washroom."

"No," he grumbled like a five-year-old. "Arcadio, don't behave like that!" Finally, I was successful in pushing his hard chest away. Yet as soon my feet touched the ground with the sheets tightly wrapped around me. I stood while wincing in pain. Shutting my eyes, I sit back down.

I pouted and looked back at Arcadio. The grin he gave me angered me more. "What happened, Tesoro? Did I go too hard on you?"

"You know what, to hell with you!" I shrieked and stood up again. He rushed at once to my side. Ignoring all my grumbles, he picked me up in his arms.

"Sorry for teasing you, Tesoro. Let's go shower together." He shut all my complaints with just a kiss.