
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urban
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44 Chs


"I hope you liked my surprise?" Arcadio asks. interrupting the silence inside the limo.

"What are you talking about?"

He smirks in return and says, "Tell me, how did it feel to see your lover giving you to me? To marry another man."

That explained why Romero was supposed to take me down the aisle. He thought that Romero was my lover. He wanted to make me feel hurt and wanted to show me his power. Arcadio was always this narcissist and conceited. How did I even start feeling that he was the opposite?

The only problem was that I have no liking for Romero. Yet these days, the way he kept asking me about why I was marrying Arcadio. At first, I thought that maybe he was concerned about his brother. However, when he said those warnings to Arcadio, I felt that there was a slight possibility that he cared for me.

"Now, you tell me. How do you get such delusions in your head?" I inquire to find a twitch in his smirk.

"I know, Ellie. You like my brother."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Arcadio." I roll my eyes and keep looking outside.

WARNING: Mature Content ahead.

Suddenly, I feel a hot breath on my neck. I felt my whole body struck. I tried to ignore the tingling sensation under my skin as Arcadio's thigh brushed mine. Slowly his fingertip starts exploring my neck, around my collarbone, sending jolts through me.

The hot breath reaches over my ear, "if I'm delusional, Tesoro. Then why do you moan every night?" The muttered words made me freeze.

"Ho...how do you...?" After that daydream, I panicked because Arcadio had access to Leo's room anytime, and I had to avoid him. So thankfully, due to Leo's busy schedule and keeping wedding decorations a surprise for me, I was shifted to a new room. But what was he talking about now?

"Tell me, Piccolo Ragazza, who do you dream of at night?" His voice became more persistent by the second, and the touch of his finger moving in circles over the exposed area was not helping either.

It felt like torture, very pleasurable torture. "Piccolo Ragazza, answer me."

My whole body felt on fire. I wanted to shout that I was not thinking about anyone else but him. However, all those thoughts are out of the window at the press of his lips on my neck.

A moan slip through my lips when his fingers pinch my nipple through the dress, then rolls it sensually between his fingertips until it was tight, sending another surge of pleasure through me that forced me to close my legs.

"How much are you willing to bet, Tesoro. If I touched you down there right now that you will be wet?" His body closes the small gap between us. Arcadio's chest is touching my back. I feel helpless under his touch.

I open my mouth, almost begging him to take me in the limo when he shifts back, creating back the previous space. "Sorry, to interrupt, but we've reached our destination."

A wave of embarrassment falls over me. I was about to beg Arcadio to take me. How desperate I've become? Wake up, Ellie!

The door opens, and Arcadio is already there to help me get out. The house that we stopped in front of looks more like a villa. This one is similar to the actual Villa. Only this looked a little comfy and small in comparison with their family home.

After crossing the long staircase, we reach the doors with Arcadio still holding a firm grip around my waist. A man in his fifties is wearing a suit like a butler is already standing at the threshold. "Good evening, Sir. Congratulations on the wedding."

Arcadio replies with a genuine smile. Since when does he have a smile while talking to people? "Thank you, Richard. Can you please tell Nora to prepare a meal? I don't want my newly wedded wife to be hungry."

Richard nods and enters inside. As I take a step to follow him, Arcadio holds me back. Scrunching my eyebrows, I question him. He did not utter a word, instead, lifts me bridal style inside. I tighten my hold around his neck.

"Arcadio, put me down this instant." I panicked. Why is everything happening for the first time with him? No boy has ever lifted me in his arms, and I've never let them do that as well. Due to my weight, I have always stayed conscious, always have felt insecure about it. I've never let anyone gets so close to me. Then why was Arcadio so different?

"Tesoro, are you denying me my right?" He gives me a pointed look.

"And how does carrying me like this when I'm capable of walking on two legs become your right?"

Arcadio smiles at me, a very genuine smile. "No, but taking care of my wife does come in that." Whoa! Did we go in an alternate universe? Arcadio is bipolar, and he was teasing me now?

He continues, "also, I saw how impractical deadly shoes you were wearing."

I couldn't help but smile at him, "they are Louboutin, not impractical. Your sister gifted it to me as something new."

"Oh, is that why the minute you entered the limo, you removed it." How does he notice such things?

We reach a room. As exquisite as the room I had given previously. Maroon-designed wallpapers were on the walls with a big chandelier hung from above, the queen-sized bed placed at one side covered with silk sheets. The bright colors of the room look so opposite from Arcadio's color codes.

He puts me down gently on the bed. "You okay, Tesoro?" I nod without complaining about the disappointment I felt at the loss of his touch.

"This is your room till our honeymoon gets over."

"My room?" I ask. Was he not going to stay with me?

"Yes, yours." He replies and begins to leave.

"But..." he turns back. "Do you need anything?" I shake my head, not knowing what to say. "Only wanted to say thank you."

"It's okay. If you require anything, I'll be in the room at the end of the hallway or my office downstairs. Or you can find Richard and Nora for anything but don't disturb them after twelve." He explains, and I again obediently nod.

As the bedroom door shuts, I sink in the bed further. What was I even thinking? It's only been a day of being this close to him, and I already started imagining myself cuddling with him, among other things. Stop dreaming, Ellie! He must be having his mistress here. Maybe that is why his room is at such a distance.

It was never a doubt in my head that our marriage was not going to be anything like a real one. I've learned much about him to know that Arcadio Concentino was never a one-woman man. He changes women as he changes his clothes. Then why was I so stupid that I thought otherwise?

Somehow, thinking about him with his mistress doesn't sit well with me. Aghh! I have to get him out of my system, or else I was about to lose it over him.

Getting up from the soft bed, I walk towards what I think is a bathroom, which is just as spacious as the bedroom. The bathtub inside appears more inviting right now.

Opening the water running inside to fill the bath, I strip myself bare and settle inside it. A hot bubble bath was precisely my requirement right now. Leaning my head at the edge of the bathtub, I shut my eyes, requisite to relieve every tension of the past few days from my body.