
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urban
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44 Chs


"Ellie, get your ass up off the bed, or I promise I'll pour cold water all over you!" my eyes opened in fear that she will act upon her words.

Rubbing my eyes, I get out of the bed only to tumble with a sheet and fall flat on my ass. Damn, it hurts.

"Always so clumsy!" I glare at the culprit, who nonchalantly ignores my stare. Giving me a hand, she helps me up. "By the way, you're late."

Immediately my eyes go to the clock. Shit!

My best friend, Leona Abrams, laughed at my horrified face while walking out of my room, leaving me in panic mode.

Breathe, Ellie, Breathe!

Even though I love Leo, right now, the fact that she didn't wake me up early, knowing I was late, made me hate her.

Turning the shower head to the perfect temperature, I let the water cascade over me. Though I was still mad at Leo, living with her had its perk.

Number one, you had your room with a shower. Living in a dorm with a roommate restricted that.

I still remember my first day at Ridge view University. It was a dream to study in that college. Or at least that is what I thought about when living in India watching it on google.

Just as I entered the university, stares, whispers, glares made my way, made me doubt my opinion. However, I knew it was too late now. I felt uncomfortable. That was when I met Leo. I was sitting alone when she sat next to me on her own.

First, it started with the small talks, then somehow we clicked with each other even further. Coincidentally we were roommates as well, and after we graduated, she got an apartment as a present. She invited me to stay with her and took care of my stay in New York.

New York changed my perspective on life. I became more independent than I ever was in India. Yet, one thing that stayed constant was that I was still alone. My dream of dating someone, finding love in the big apple was finally crumbling down.

Lastly, tugging at my white T-shirt in high waist jeans to hide my fat stomach, I picked up my bag moved out.

"You should've woken me up early," I grumble, moving out of the room.

"Well, make that a lesson then and wake up on time," she remarked.

I still pout at her. "Stop making that face and take this. Let's go before you get later".

The hot-packed breakfast and the delicious smell of the famous Leo grilled sandwich made me more hungry. I followed her to her car and settled down.

"So, what is your plan for today?" I question, munching on the sandwich.

"Oh, nothing much. I have promised my brothers to go on a lunch with them and then have a photo shoot post-lunch."

"Sounds nice," I say with a tight smile.

Somehow hearing her meeting her family makes me feel homesick. Despite speaking to my parents every night before going to sleep, somehow not meeting them whenever I want hurts.

A sigh leaves my lips.

"Are you alright?" Leo inquires, looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply with my best smile to hide the discomfort.

"We've reached," she stops her car in front of a familiar gate. The big sign of Beans and Books Cafe, smiling down at me.

"Thank you, Leo," I say and get out of the car crushing the leftover cover of the sandwich.

"Listen, Ellie. I'll pick you up after the shoot, okay?"

"Uh-huh," I reply, absentmindedly, sprinting inside.

Upon entering, the two of my favorite smells of books and coffee hit my nostrils, making me realize why I enjoyed working here.

"Hey, Ellie," the familiar blond hair, blue eyes welcome me.

"Hey, Cathy."

It wasn't always my dream to work in the bookstore, but it was either working here or sit at home and do nothing.

I needed to make extra cash so that my parents didn't have to worry about student loans. They had already spent a lot in sending me here, and I did not want to burden them anymore, so here I was working till something better came my way.

I move towards the library side of the bookstore. "Hi, Maya," I smile.

"Finally, Ellie, you're here. I was about to call a search party!" She exhales.

"I'm sorry, Maya, for stressing you out. I didn't mean to get late. It was just that I didn't hear the alarm go off", I reply softly.

"It's okay, Ellie. I am alright, and nothing happened," she replies and goes to sit on the couch. Slightly, moving her hands lightly on her seven months old baby bump.

I'll always be grateful to her and Aryan for giving me this job. They both are Indians but have been born and raised here. They both were high school sweethearts who later got married and were now expecting.

I'm surprised she was alone right now and Aryan nowhere in sight because he would never even let her lift a finger and act as if she was a piece of glass.

It's funny to see a grown man act like a petulant child sometimes.

As the day went by and the lunch break came near, my stomach becomes more hungry. I could eat a truck right now!

No wonder my mother comments about me being fat. It's not that she doesn't love me or anything. It's just I was too fat for society. Even though I had little belly fat, I maintained my curves. It was always too huge for everyone. Which I honestly would never understand why. It was my body, my decision, and honestly, I loved food more than anything.

Finally, when the clock struck the lunch hour and I left my station. Announcing that I'm going for lunch, I moved out.

The Souls Haven, my favorite food truck! As I move closer, the fragrance of mouth-watering food filled my senses. I see a big queue in front of the food truck.

I stand in the queue, hoping I get my food fast. Eventually, my turn came, and the usual smile welcomed me.

"Hey, kiddo. How are you? The same, right?"

"I am fine, Diane. How are you? And yes, the usual, please," I reply. Diane was the owner of Souls Haven. On my first day, I had forgotten to bring my lunch, and while roaming around, I came across their truck, and now I always walk the same street at lunch.

"Oh, just the same keeping up with that old man," she remarks, and as on cue, a voice comes from behind.

"Who are you calling old?"

"Hey Sam," I greet him.

Sam is Diane's husband. He is also the chef of the Souls Haven. It was their retirement plan after working in the corporate sector for so many years. It was their love and hearty nature that they had so many regular customers, including me.

I wish someday I would find someone to have something like this.

"You are old Sam, admit it," Diane replies, smirking. Loving how riled up he looks after the comment.

"Well, then you're the perfect match for me," he replies

"Are you calling me old Samuel?" She crosses her arms in front of her chest.

I shake my head and leave them to their bickering.

I walk back on the sidewalk, returning to the Cafe. Suddenly something catches my eye. I take a step towards it when my subconscious shouts.

What do you think you're doing?

However, it was too late because instead of replying to my subconscious, I hurried towards the figure.