
The Monster's Wife

It was like I was in a dream but now when I look at myself here with a fractured left hand and bruised right leg, the pain makes it real. Today in the morning when I woke up I was a normal twenty year old following her dream of being in New York but now it became my worst nightmare. My name is Elizabeth Amarel, nationality Indian. I come from a normal middle class family who have nothing but a lot of debts and this is my story. Meet Elizabeth Amaral Strong, high spirited, dreamer and innocent. But don't think of her as a damsel in distress she may look like an ordinary person with brown eyes, black hair but life made her tough from the inside. An Indian girl with only dream of her life. Her dream is to go to New York. She has struggled all her life to achieve that dream. But when she finally achieves that dream it shatters of all the other plans she made. Find what made her regret to even dream?

DauntlesWallflower · Urban
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44 Chs


Have you ever said something to someone then regretted it? Well, I did. I was resting down on the bed under the silk covers, trying to find the lost sleep.

After the incident happened in my room, and Arcadio left angry. I was in the middle of changing my clothes when someone knocked on the door. At first, I thought that maybe Arcadio had returned, but I was a little disappointed because it was Nora. She informed me that she is the housekeeper, she is in her fifties like Richard and said that if I need something I need to ask her.

Then when she left, exhausted, I slipped under the covers to sleep. So here I was rolling all across the big bed with no sleep.

When he said that he would stay faithful to me, all the doubts in my mind crashed and burn. All I wanted was to jump in his arms and tell him that I wanted the same thing. However, there was still a part of me that did not believe him. Is it even possible for a person to change his ways?

Also, what about him being in the mafia? A marriage cannot stop him from being in the mob yet, has a magical power stopping him from sleeping with other women?

The idea of going to his room intrigued me more and more. He did mention that I could go to him whenever I needed something. Yeah, and what are you going to say? That you needed an orgasm and wanted him to sleep with you.

The self-consciousness in the back of my head was yelling at me to think clearly. To not make any hasty decision that will make the matter worse.

When I tried to force shut my eyes, the image of him being shirtless standing in front of me comes over like a taunting dream. The memory from the day when he and I were alone in his room followed. The way his toxic scent wraps me whenever he is near me, the way his hands softly caress my body, the way my body responds to his touch.

Aghh! It was going to be a hell of a long night.

I woke up distressed, and the sunlight welcomed me. I look at the time, eight o clock.

Great, my head is aching from the half-sleep. Maybe I could sleep some more.

Also, the silk robe I had worn yesterday felt comfortable around me. When I opened my suitcase, it was clear that Leo had packed my bag. There were nighties, lingerie, and many night attires. For a second, I thought that maybe it was the only thing she had sent, but appreciatively I found casual clothes beneath them as well.

I wanted to call her desperately. Yet, if I do, she would assume things and would inquire details about my first night. About which I have no idea as to say what.

Should I tell her that how I made Arcadio angry? How did he think that I am going to cheat on him? That how distressed I felt the whole night that I cannot even have a proper sleep.

I also have to call my mom. My parents?! How am I supposed to tell them that the marriage they had been planning for me since I was born happened without their presence? I mean, should I even tell them? What if Arcadio decides he wants to end this marriage all of a sudden? Then I will be forced to go home to India.

However, the title of being divorced would be hanging around my neck for the rest of my life. Although, I don't care about society. I don't care if I break norms because it doesn't affect me. Yet, the thought of my parents makes me think otherwise.

They might not even care about other people, but those nasty, nosy relatives will have another means to poke their way inside my family. They will do anything to humiliate my parents.

A knock on the door interrupts the thought train.


Could it be Arcadio? I could sense butterflies in my stomach at the suggestion.

"Yes?" I open the door wide.

Nora smiles at me, "Oh dear, good morning. I came to call you down for breakfast."

I smile back at her even when I'm slightly disheartened, "I'll be there." Closing the door when Nora leaves, I freshen up.

After changing into a casual Black T-Shirt and Blue Jeans, walking down the stairs, I spot Arcadio sitting at one corner of the long wooden table. The table is shorter than the table in Villa.

I contemplated with myself whether to sit next to him or sit at the other end. After yesterday, I was sure he would not like it if I sat next to him, so I sat opposite him.

Not once did he raise his head to look at me. His eyes were intently watching the phone. I took a deep breath, "good morning."

The stern reply came after a minute, "good morning." Still, his head was down over his phone. Although the gap between us seemed so short to the naked eyes, yet to me, it was as if we were sitting at a kilometer's distance.

Another wave of silence descended between us. Only the sound of Arcadio's typing on his phone was present. Thus, I shifted my gaze to the house. When we first reached the house, from the outside, it appeared a little old. From the inside, however, it looks more modern. Still, the trinkets inside, like the old paintings, the fireplace, few details on the walls, gave the house a mixture of modern and Victorian. The house got renovated recently because the chandelier seems brand new.

"I wonder who else lives here."

"No one else has access to this house except me." Arcadio's voice surprises me.

I hate to admit it, but it upset me when he was giving me the silent treatment. Suddenly a feeling of hope rushes. Maybe all is not lost, "why?"

"It was my mom's house."

"Was?" Then the conversation with Leo hit me. "I'm sorry. Leo told me how your parents got killed."

He puts his phone down with a thud, "Did she? I'm not interested in your pity. Keep it with yourself."

His eyes never leave mine. Then he moves forward with his hands crossed, "and since when are you so interested in my personal life all of a sudden? Yesterday, I assumed you apprehended me pretty well."


"Dinner is ready. I hope you like pasta," Nora enters the kitchen with Richard behind her.

"It is Arcadio's favorite dish," she smiles down at me while putting the delicious meal in front of me. It not only looked amazing, but the aroma did too.

"It looks wonderful."

"Enjoy the breakfast, we'll leave you to it." She states, and both of them walk out. Although, it may have seemed awkward to see us sitting poles apart from each other on the next day of our Wedding. Yet, Nora doesn't say anything.

One last bite and I was over with breakfast. I raise my head to see Arcadio, who has also finished.

"You are staring."

I've been caught red-handed. Should I say anything? Instead, when I opened my mouth, I said. "I'll take that."

Astonished at my request, he murmurs, "okay."

Before walking away, he pauses slightly, "I'll be in my office if you need anything."

I pick up all the utensils, then move them to the kitchen. The kitchen has black marble countertops. It is modern and also functional. Dumping all the utensils, I decide that it is better to leave them. Arcadio is avoiding me, and I will do the same. No matter how many days we are spending here, I will stay away from him. If he is ready to talk, we'll talk.