
The Monkey That Lived

This Monkey was not like the others in his tribe. He would challenge god at a slight inconvenience. He would challenge death if it threatened him. But the power he had came at a cost. He would learn the consequences of immortality, and soon enough, the consequences of his selfishness.

eugene719 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Falling Down

As raindrops showered upon the roof, the endless, soothing sound of soft tapping filled the room. Alannah slumped in a wooden chair, her gaze fixed on the creature lying unconscious on the bed beside her. The bandages that enveloped his fur-covered body were stained by the crimson hue of dried blood. His features almost resembled a human but he appeared unlike any animal Alannah had ever seen before.

"Alannah," Alannah jumped as she heard Nina speak from behind her. "Should we really have brought him here? The people here hate animals."

"He was hurt, Nina. We're just helping him," said Alannah.

"What if he's a bad person?" Nina asked. The thought gave Alannah pause.

"Nina, if-"

The sound of the door knocking interrupted Alannah abruptly. She turned toward it, as stiff as the aged wood from which the door was crafted, the noise echoing through the rain.

"Oh no." Nina panicked.

"Be quiet," Alannah whispered, glancing back at Nina. "Stay here, okay?"

She walked towards the door, stopping within arm's reach. Alannah took a deep breath before pulling it open. The town's sheriff stood on the other side, his face stern. He wore leather armour and a sword hilt to his hip, resting in its pristine scabbard.

"Hello, Alannah," said Michael with a hoarse voice. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"I'm so sorry, Michael. Something came up yesterday."

"Something is always coming up with you." Michael snapped back. "You had plenty of time to gather the firewood. I don't want to hear any more excuses, Alannah. Need I remind you that you already owed me the money two days ago?"

Alannah sighed.

"I'll have what I owe you by tonight. I promise." She said. Michael turned his head to the ground before looking back at her with a hardened expression.

"No," He said. "I don't enjoy having my kindness leeched by you people. I'm taking what you have now."


As Michael began to walk forward, Alannah stretched out her arms, blocking his path with a desperate expression.

"Step aside," said Michael.

"I can't do that."

"Step aside, Alannah."

"I'm sorry, I can't." Alannah quickly glanced at the wounded creature, still unconscious in its bed. 

"So that's where the money is?" He attempted to force himself inside. Alannah struggled to hold him back.

"Michael, stop."

"Get out of my way!"

"Stop it!" Alannah desperately shoved Michael with all her strength, causing him to land on the muddy ground. He pushed himself back up. His armour was now stained with mud. His face was flushed with rage as he spat out at Alannah.

"You stupid girl!" He yelled as his hand shot to the hilt of his sword. "Don't you know who I am?!"

Michael pulled the sword from its scabbard. Alannah shrieked as he pointed its sharp blade an inch away from her neck. Michael advanced, forcing her to retreat until she was cornered against the wall.

"You're lucky I'm such a good man, Alannah. Otherwise silver would not have been the only thing I took from this house today," said Michael.

The sound of quick footsteps came from Alannah's left.

"Don't hurt Lannie!" yelled Nina as she ran up to Michael to kick him in the groin. The blow caused him to stagger as he let out a cry of pain.

"Nina!" yelled Alannah, gesturing toward the door. Nina dashed towards the exit but Michael quickly extended his arm, forcefully pushing her back and sending her stumbling on the ground.

"You little shit!" Michael's eyes burned with rage as he raised his sword. He lunged at Nina, still on the floor, as he began to thrust the blade downward to plunge it into her skull.

With a swift motion, a black-nailed, fur-covered hand shot out, slapping the blade as if it were as insubstantial as air. The sword spun out of Michael's grip and plummeted to the floor.

"What the hell?" said Michael as he looked up, his eyes widened in shock at the creature that now stood before him.

The creature glared at Michael, his towering height and muscular build dominating over him. Michael tried to dash for his sword but the creature was too quick, tackling him forward. The wooden wall shattered and splintered as they tore through it like a battering ram, the ear-piercing noise causing Nina and Alannah to flinch.

Both of them stumbled onto the muddy ground outside, the creature groaning from his wounds. Michael quickly regained his balance and seized the opportunity, sprinting to the creature to strike him at his bandaged wound.

The creature snarled in pain, revealing the fangs of his teeth, his expression quickly turning to anger. He swung his fist back at Michael with an aggressive swing of his arm, smashing into his skull. Instantly, Michael's skull became displaced with an unnatural curve, as if half of his skull had been shifted far to the left. Michael, now lifeless, slowly toppled onto the mud. His deformed head created ripples in a puddle of water. Breathing heavily, the creature stood in the pouring rain. He basked in a moment of stillness, which was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Alannah slowly walked out of the house, startled. She looked at the giant hole in the wall of the house behind her in disbelief before glancing at Michael's mutilated corpse. Nina gracefully leapt out of the house through the hole in the wall, despite it being located right next to the door.

"Nina, go and pack your things," said Alannah, pointing at the house.

"Which thing?"

"Pack everything."

Nina went back into the house and began to throw all of her things into a leather satchel.

Alannah looked to the creature who was still staring at Michael's dead body.

"Thank you," she said. The creature remained silent.

"We can't stay here," she added with a sense of urgency.

Alannah rushed back into the house through the door. She began to search through shelves and drawers, collecting all the bronze and silver coins she could gather and stuffing them into her satchel. After gathering their essential belongings, Nina and Alannah emerged from the house. Alannah walked to her horse and detached it from its hitching post.

"Let's go, Leo," Alannah said, patting his neck. The horse gave her a kind grunt as she climbed onto it.

"Nina." Alannah reached her hand out to her. Nina grabbed it and climbed in front of her.

"Are we really leaving Orchard?" Nina asked with a sad expression.

"We don't have a choice anymore," Alannah replied. She turned her head to face the tailed creature.

"Come with us?" Alannah asked. The creature glanced at Alannah, before looking away. After a moment of thought, he climbed onto the horse.

Alannah grabbed onto the reins and signalled it to speed up. With a burst of speed, they began to ride off toward the seemingly endless forest.

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