
The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism

In the rural northeastern mountainous regions stands a tiny Buddhist temple, named One Finger Temple. It isn't a large one but it is extremely miraculous. The temple has rice that emanates an aromatic fragrance. The temple has sweet and refreshing water that rivals ambrosia. The temple has Buddhas that grant wishes to the sincere. The temple isn't large but it has everything. The temple isn't large but it has flourishing incense offerings that far exceed all temples. The temple isn't large but it attracts both citizens and foreigners that line up overnight… The temple has a bald but handsome monk. Every day, he would bawl, "I want to renounce asceticism! I want to marry a chick that's not too pretty, have a cute baby, and lead a stable life!" This book is a casual novel that introduces various Chinese traditional customs, as well as Buddhist ones. It strives to be a positive book, allowing people to reflect on how they should live their lives and treat others.

Yimeng Huangliang · Urban
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1512 Chs

Endless Brainwashing

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The ceremony was extremely complicated. Fangzheng did a rough calculation. All the steps numbered a total of forty-nine steps! The time needed for all of them, even for the faster ones, took nearly an hour to complete!

If one was more serious, it would need ninety minutes to two hours!

And this was only the pre-ceremony before the prayers. Praying was not just closing the eyes and clasping the palms together. There was also a set of matching movements and tone to use. The words said were not sentences, but the songs he sang. Although the song was very unpleasant…

Moreover, this song seemed to have an inkling of the Beijing opera. Often, a word could be dragged out for very long until one was out of breath.

There were not many words to say in the prayer, but it took about half an hour to sing it.

In other words, the entire prayer process took about two hours!