
The Monarch's POV

Artorius Castus often had this thought. Was being a King worth it? After losing everything as a vengeful king, Artorius Castus gets a chance for a new life after forming a contract with a Deity named Noctis. Reincarnated in a new world as Shin Nocturn, the former King has a second chance to relive his life. But fixing past mistakes isn't all he faces. As secrets continue to unravel, they jeopardize all he's built, leaving him to question his purpose and existence. ---------------------------------------- WSA 2024 ENTRY This is my 3rd book, hoping for some support on this ambitious project!

takechi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Selena Lucine [1]

Selena Lucine, a Sixth Star Mage, the Lucine Family's pride, the Lavender Witch, the Calamity.

Renowned for her achievements, talents, and beauty. But what the public didn't know was that Selena was an adopted child of the Lucine Family.

Inside a Tenth Star Abyss, the Lucine Family stumbled upon an infant with incredible magic potential, giving her the name Selena.

Growing up, Selena was raised in a strict household. With the Lucine Family fearing her potential, they had to keep the young Selena under control.

Vuuuuur! Crack!

Selena had kept the Marquess under the weight of the gravity, keeping him closely grounded.

The Marquess fought back for control of his own body, gradually overpowering Selena's gravity control.

As the Marquess slowly started getting up, Selena shifted the gravity, pulling the Marquess towards her.

Selena shifted the weight of her legs, making it heavier as the Marquess headed in her direction.


Once the Marquess got close Selena's gravity enhanced leg kicked the Marquess in the solar plexus, sending him hurling away.

The Marquess was a few distance away. Selena pulled him back towards her, landing another blow on his jaw.


The Marquess spit out black blood. The force of Selena's kicks was the same as getting run down by a train.

Levitating in the air, Selena smashed the Marquess hard on the ground.

Boom! Crack!

It wasn't even a fight anymore, it was way too one-sided.

There was one trait that Demon's had, and Selena knew it.

Demons are natural adaptors.

She had to finish the fight as fast as she could. If prolonged, the Marquess would start adapting and she would be the one in trouble.

Crack! Boom!

Selena continued to smash the Marquess on the ground. Each impact propagated shockwaves in the air. The ground had started forming a crater.

However, at every impact, Selena noticed the weight of the Marquess got heavier and heavier.

It was adapting.

Realizing this, Selena pressed the Marquess down, shifting its weight even heavier.


However, the Marquess once again slowly tried to get up. The weight wasn't enough.

Levitating in the air, Selena instantly struck down the Marquess with a heavy kick, pinning its back on the ground.


The ground shook intensely, forming a crater. Debris scattered everywhere.

Levitating back in the air, Selena continued to shift the Marquess' gravity, pressing it down on the ground as hard as she could.


The Marquess grabbed her leg, holding it tightly. 

Surprised by this, Selena let out an audible gasp as her gravity manipulation was stopped for just a second.

But that second was enough for the Marquess to drag Selena down, slamming her on the ground.



At the impact, Selena coughed out blood. The Marquess was now standing before her.

Selena tried to blow him away using gravity, but the Marquess was only pushed a few inches back. 

There wasn't enough force.


Selena clicked her tongue in frustration.

A scythe had materialized in the Marquess' hand.

He wasn't able to use it earlier since Selena continuously shifted his gravity, not letting it make a move.

With a scythe in its hand, the Marquess swung it down, striking Selena who was laying on the ground.


Selena conjured a magic circle shield, blocking its attack.


With the Marquess' strength, the circle started cracking…


The circle shattered instantly. But Selena shifted her gravity horizontally, allowing her to quickly slip away.

The Marquess instantly made chase to Selena who was horizontally floating away in speed.

Swinging its scythe down, Selena blocked it with a circle. But the circle shattered instantly, the scythe grazing Selena's waist.


Shifting her gravity vertically, Selena flew up in the air.

Selena gazed down at the Marquess. In a blink of an eye, the Marquess disappeared from her vision.

Instantly appearing before her, the Marquess swung its scythe, giving no time for Selena to react.

Slash! Boom!

Selena was sent crashing on the ground. A deep gash was visible on her shoulder.

The wound kept bleeding and Selena's complexions started to pale.

Despite being a Sixth Star Mage, she wasn't capable of using healing magic.

Healing was a different type of magic, one that belonged to a holy attribute.

With the mental link connected to Shin, Selena realized he was about to finish the wave as she muttered to herself,

"Seems like he's almost done, I guess there's no need to hold back now, the Exit Portal will soon materialize and he'll probably leave soon."

Since Shin knew he wouldn't be of any help in this fight, she'd concluded that Shin would decide to leave ahead of her.

If Shin were a sane person, he would obviously make that choice. He'd been stuck in the Abyss for two years after all.

"He'll finally return to his family after so long."

Selena smiled to herself. Happy for the fact that the boy she had spent time with for two weeks would finally reunite with his loved ones.

She'd only mutter these things, since if she thought it out loud, Shin would be able to hear it, given the mental link.

Leaving her to fight with the Marquess was the best choice for Shin, who had no chance against the Demon.

Throughout the short amount of time spent with Shin, Selena had become fond of him as if he was a younger brother.

During her youth, Selena had never received any familial love from her adoptive family.

This was the reason why she decided to become a Professor. To be able to give the youth a safe space, to care for them, and guide them.

It was something that she had never received, growing up.

As Shin seemed to be near the end of the wave, Selena decided to cut the mental link with him.

'The strain would be too much for him.'

With the Marquess about to strike Selena once again, Selena's eyes started glowing into a purple hue.

She didn't need to hold back anymore now that Shin was about to leave the Abyss.

Suddenly, something peculiar gradually protruded from her forehead.

Selena had a big secret, one that would shock the entire world if it were made public.

Even her adoptive family didn't know.

Fully materializing, a single obsidian horn had manifested, protruding on the left side of her forehead.

Selena was…

A half Demon.