
The Monarch's POV

Artorius Castus often had this thought. Was being a King worth it? After losing everything as a vengeful king, Artorius Castus gets a chance for a new life after forming a contract with a Deity named Noctis. Reincarnated in a new world as Shin Nocturn, the former King has a second chance to relive his life. But fixing past mistakes isn't all he faces. As secrets continue to unravel, they jeopardize all he's built, leaving him to question his purpose and existence. ---------------------------------------- WSA 2024 ENTRY This is my 3rd book, hoping for some support on this ambitious project!

takechi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Family Bonds

After Shin finished his meal, he walked down the hallway towards the throne room.

This was the first time Souzen returned to the main house after two years.

He left for a mission in the Kingdom of Ardenia when Shin was six-years-old.

This was the first time they'd seen each other for awhile.

Step, step.

Shin could finally see the throne room. 

Souzen was seated, waiting for him to arrive.

Shin walked carefully towards Souzen with his posture straightened.

As he got closer, Shin took a knee to pay respects.

"Lord Souzen, apologies for not greeting you earlier, but welcome back."

"Thank you Shin, you may rise."

At Souzen's instruction, Shin stood up.

"You've grown from the last time I saw you. How is the assimilation process going?"

"It's been going at a steady pace, I could assimilate for a total of 40 seconds now."

"40 seconds… incredible."

Souzen's eyes widened in awe.

40 seconds may not seem like much, but Shin was an eight-year-old Contractor.

He had only started assimilating for three years, 40 seconds was an incredible feat for him.

If he could, Shin would demonstrate the assimilation in front of Souzen.

But he had to save up his energy for the events held tomorrow.

The assimilation process would take a toll on his body.

Regardless, Souzen was very impressed with Shin.

If he could, he would give Shin the position of Patriarch.

But that wasn't possible, there would be opposition within the family. 

Worse, a civil war might ensue.

Shin would have to prove himself if he wanted to become the Patriarch,

"Shin, do you have any plans of being the Patriarch in the future?"

Shin pretended to ponder for a while. 

He had already foreseen this happening ever since he was given special treatment.

He already had the answer to this…

"Lord Souzen, if I have to be honest, I don't plan on being the Patriarch."

This was a lie.

In his past life, Shin and his mother stayed a bystander in the battle of succession.

Yet they had still gotten involved, there was no escaping it.

Thus, Shin decided to not make the same mistake.

If they were going to get involved anyway, regardless if they wanted it or not. Then Shin could only take the initiative.

He only lied because he doesn't fully trust Souzen.

If his fears were realized and Souzen wasn't completely on his side. Then the same tragedy would unfold in this life.

And Shin would do anything in his power to not make the same mistakes.

Thus, Shin decided to hone his strength first. 

Enough to the point where no one in the Nocturn family can oppose him, not even Souzen.

If needed, he would not hesitate to destroy the entire Nocturn family.

"I see… that's a pity, but whatever decisions you make going forward, I will always support you. You're like a son to me, Shin."

"Thank you, Lord Souzen.

Shin couldn't fully accept Souzen's words, he could only pretend to nod.

"Enough about that then, how is your ascension training with Seiya?"

"Besides getting beaten up everyday, it's been great."

"Haha! That Seiya still hasn't changed."

Shin could only sigh, everyday he'd get battered by Seiya.

But the injuries were dealt with precision, just enough to where it won't swell.

It would heal the next day. It wasn't magic, Seiya was just skilled.

"Uncle Seiya told me that if I kept up the pace of my progress, I would soon break through the First Star in a couple of years."

"I see, make sure you keep up with your training. But don't forget to rest when needed."

"Yes, Lord Souzen."

If Shin kept up his pace, he would become a First Star Ascender by the time he turns 10-years-old.

The only known record in history to have achieved this feat was the First Patriarch, Shinei Nocturn.

Even Souzen, who was the current Patriarch, had only achieved First Star when he turned eleven.

The more he sees Shin, the more he believes that Shin really was the second coming of the First Patriarch.

"Okay Shin, you are dismissed, make sure you rest up today to prepare for tomorrow."

"Understood, Lord Souzen."


Step, step.

After Shin was dismissed he approached his parents' quarters.

Knock, knock.


After knocking, he was greeted by little sister, who opened the door for him.

"Brother's here!"

"Ah, Shin, where were you? You disappeared in the middle of the banquet."

"Sorry, Mother, the Patriarch called for me."

"I see… that can't be helped then, come inside."

At his mother's instructions, Shin made his way inside the room.

"Mother, Father, how was the banquet?"

"It was great Shin, the other branch families were very generous."

Shin's father, Saul, responded to him with a smile.

This was a lie. The entire time, the other families kept trying to put them down.

Since Shin's family was of the lower-class, they were always alienated by the higher branch families.

Shin noticed this from way before, and he could only grit his teeth.

There weren't any benefits to provoke the other families, it would only cause trouble for Shin's family.

But tomorrow, this will soon change.

And Shin was counting on that.

"You don't have to lie in front of me, Father, I promise it will soon end. No longer will they look down on us."

"Don't worry about us Shin, just do your best, we will always root for you."

Shin felt his chest tighten at his Father's words.

In his past life, he grew up without a family to support him. This was all new to him.

The alienation his family dealt with gives pain to Shin's heart.

He would do anything for the family he had now.

After their conversation, the family gathered in a circle. With smiles on their faces, they embraced one another in a heartfelt group hug.

Shin narrowed his eyes.

'Even if the whole world would go against us, I will not lose my family again.'