
The Monarch's POV

Artorius Castus often had this thought. Was being a King worth it? After losing everything as a vengeful king, Artorius Castus gets a chance for a new life after forming a contract with a Deity named Noctis. Reincarnated in a new world as Shin Nocturn, the former King has a second chance to relive his life. But fixing past mistakes isn't all he faces. As secrets continue to unravel, they jeopardize all he's built, leaving him to question his purpose and existence. ---------------------------------------- WSA 2024 ENTRY This is my 3rd book, hoping for some support on this ambitious project!

takechi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Aftermath [3]

Laying on her bed as her hair scattered all over the pillow, Alea blankly stared at her phone. Scrolling through the messages of a specific boy.

From: Shin Nocturn


We're about to enter another Gate, I won't be able to respond.


To: Shin Nocturn


Hey, Shin! I just started attending the Academy, it's been pretty fun so far. Can't wait to see you soon!


To: Shin Nocturn


Hey, Shin! Why aren't you responding? Is something wrong? You haven't replied since two days ago.

She scrolled even more down.



To: Shin Nocturn


Shin, please don't ignore me.



Alea could only let out an exasperated sigh.

She had a bad feeling that something happened to Shin.

But she couldn't find time to visit the Nocturn estate, with all the Academy backlogs keeping her occupied.

She regretted not asking Camilla for her contact information.

But today was a free day, a weekend. She could finally visit the Nocturn estate and see Shin.

Excited, she got up out of bed and went outside her room, heading towards her Father's office for permission.

Knock, knock.

"Father, it's Alea."

In a muffled voice, due to being separated from the door, her Father responded,

"Come in."

Greeting her Father, Alea clasped her hands behind her back.

"Father, as you know today is a weekend. So I'd like to visit the Nocturn Estate."


Jerome sternly stated.

Alea was surprised by her Father's rejection. In the past he had no problems with it.

So what was so different now?

"Father! But why?"

"No is no, Alea. Please just listen to me."

"I don't understand? Did the Nocturns do something?"

It was an absurd question. The Nocturns and Aubades were long time allies, as both Patriarchs were best-friends.

But Alea couldn't think of any other reason as to why her Father didn't want her to visit them.

"It's not that. It's just…"

Somehow, it seemed like her Father was reluctant to say anything.


As if he had just figured out what to say, her Father admitted,

"...Souzen told me their Estate is off limits for now. So you aren't allowed to visit, okay?"

Alea couldn't believe any of the words her Father was speaking.

She could tell he was hiding something, and Alea had to find out why.

"Okay, fine."

"Good, thank you, Alea."

Alea left the office, heading back to her room.

'Sol, what do you think?'

She called out to her Contractee, Solis, the God of Sun.

[It seemed like he was hiding something, from his gestures, to his facial expression.]

'So you think so too, huh?'

[You should just listen to him, Alea. Whatever your Father is hiding, it might be for the best. He's not usually the type to be all stern and serious in front of you.]

'I know that, but… I need answers. Shin's ignoring me, something is definitely wrong.'

[Why do you even care about that boy so much? He's not even that handsome.]

'W-What are you saying, it's not about that. Shin's just a friend, of course I would be worried if something happened to him.'

The two would engage in conversations like this all the time.

It was obvious to Solis, but Alea would keep denying her feelings.

'I don't like him, he's just a friend… and as his friend, I would have to deny your statement. Shin's… above average looking, okay?'

Plus, he's really strong.

[Whatever you say, Alea.]

'Should I ask my Mother?'

[Go ahead.]

Alea retrieved her phone from her pocket, scrolling through her contacts.

'Christina Aubade'

Ring… Ring… Click-

 'Alea dear?'

"Mother, do you know what's going on in the Nocturn Estate?"

'The Nocturns? What about them?'

"I wanted to visit today, but Father told me the place was off limits, do you know why?"

'Hmm… let me ask, Vanessa.'

"Okay, thanks.'


Alea waited for a while, scrolling on her phone on the bed.


An hour had passed, and her Mother didn't seem to call her back.

'That's weird.'

Opening her contacts, she decided to call her Mother again.

Ring… Ring… Ring…

"Damn it, she's not picking up."

She decided to call her again.

And again…

And again…

But her Mother never picked up the call.

"ARGHHH! Why won't anyone tell me anything?"

[Just let it go, Alea. That Shin kid will reply sooner or later when he feels like it.]

"No, it's been a week. Shin has never replied this long before!"

Despite knowing how stoic Shin was, he had never failed to reply to her every day.

Sometimes there was a gap in hours with his replies, but the reply rate would usually spike up late at night.

"Just what is everyone hiding from me?"


Seated in his office, Jerome was speaking to a certain someone on his phone.

'Are you sure you don't want to tell her, Jerome?'

"Of course, Souzen. I don't want my Daughter depressed when she just started attending the Academy. I know it's selfish, but it isn't the right time to tell her yet."

'As a Father, I understand. But your Daughter still has the right to know.'

"Yeah, I don't plan on keeping it from her forever. Just until, she's completely settled in the Academy."

'And how long do you think that would take?'

"Maybe three months?"

'You're crazy, you know that? But alright…'

"Changing the topic, how's the investigation going?"

"We were able to confirm that there indeed was a Spy who was able to infiltrate the Monolith."

"I see, that fucking bastard. How dare they do that to Shin."

"We're currently trying to track down the Spy's whereabouts, and to see if he's affiliated with a third party."

"Good, let me know if I can help with anything. It's the least I can do for Shin, I was quite fond of that boy."


The door suddenly burst open, revealing Alea, wide eyed and mouth trembling.

"Father, what do you mean, 'the least you can do for Shin'. Please, tell me everything, no more secrets."

'Jerome? Was that Alea I heard?'

"Uhm… let me call you back, Souzen."



Alea decided to eavesdrop on her Father.

Since no one would tell her anything, this was the only solution she could think of.

And it seemed like she came at the right time, as Jerome was engaged in a phone call with the Nocturn's Patriarch.

She had heard her Father say, 'How dare they do that to Shin'. This statement alone shook Alea.

She had to know what her Father meant by that. But she decided it was not the right time to reveal herself yet.

Alea already had a bad feeling.

She had to know more…

It was only until her Father said the last statement, that Alea couldn't control herself anymore.

The door was locked, but Alea was a First Star Mage. Unlocking doors was an easy feat.


At Alea's sudden appearance, Souzen seemed to jump from his seat. As if he was just caught doing something wrong by his Mother.

"Alea, what can I do for y–"

"NO MORE SECRETS! Please, tell me, Father. What happened to Shin?"

Alea had enough, something was clearly up.

No, Alea already had an idea what it was. But she didn't want to admit it.

"Okay, sit down Alea. This is gonna take a while."

Alea nodded and followed just as her Father instructed.


Her Father told her everything that he knew from Souzen.

Everything, down to the last detail, while trying to explain why he decided to hide everything from her.

Of course, Alea was furious. Her Father hid something so important for her.

It wasn't right.

'There's no way Shin's dead right?'

Alea wanted to deny it, but circumstances proved otherwise.

The timing was right, from Shin's sudden disappearance, to his last text.

Alea wasn't stupid to connect the dots.

The whole week Shin didn't respond, Alea could admit she missed him.

No, she longed for him.

At first, she thought she did something wrong, that's why Shin ignored her.

She pondered about this everyday, even distracting her during lectures, unable to focus.

But she realized later that Shin had never actually shown any signs of being annoyed with her.

He only remained stoic. But this was fine for Alea, Shin was indifferent towards anything.

It added more to his charm. She could admit it made Shin seem more attractive.

Finding out about Shin's current predicament left Alea heartbroken.

It hurt her a lot knowing what Shin went through.

And it hurt her even more when her Father kept it from her.

'For a whole week…'

Her Father knew how much Shin meant to her, and yet he hid it anyway.

All because he didn't want her to be depressed and skip the lectures.

'How selfish.'

Alea was furious at her Father.

She got up and ran out from his office. Heading towards her room.


She locked the door and slumped down.

'Sol, what should I do? My heart can't take it.'


It seemed like Solis didn't know what to say.

But Alea didn't care. She just wanted someone to talk to besides her Family.

No, the one she wanted to talk to the most was none other than Shin.

'But it's impossible.'

She didn't want to admit it.

She wanted to deny it with her whole being.

Deny the fate of Shin Nocturn.

[Alea… I'm sure he's still alive, he has that basta– he has Noctis after all. He'll do anything to keep Shin alive.]

Alea could only laugh at Solis' statement.

She was already informed about Solis and Noctis' previous arrangement.

It seemed bittersweet for Alea. But nonetheless, she admired what they used to have.

'But Shin could be dea–'

[Believe in him Alea. I've seen him fight, and as I Deity, I will truly admit that he is one of the strongest people I've ever seen.]

Solis' words pierced straight through Alea's heart.

'That's right, I should believe in Shin.'

Believe that he will come back to her.