
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


"Now I have this."

I looked at the floating orange orb above her head a confirmation that she is a part of my group, but that's definitely something I'm not complaining about.

Regarding the issue of her losing her powers, I think I might have a clue. Usually, everyone should be level one, but after our kiss, it seemed I absorbed some of her powers. Kind of like doing a side quest, like when you deliver something for an objective and you gain Exp. And it seems kissing Seph gave me some experience.

But regarding her powers, her losing it entirely is very unusual. I took another look at my stats and to my guess I was right.

[User Name: Luke]

[Level: 14

[Class: Monarch]

[Title: Commandment of Sin, Lord of Shadows]

[Bloodline: Human?, %*#&*#*

[Health: 14,000/14,000]

[Mana: 2,000]

[Innate abilities: Will of the Monarch (1.5/5), Blade of Entropy (1.5/10), Skin of Eternity (1.5/10)]

[Skills: Soul link, Mana control, Enhanced senses, Anti-Mana, Creation, Eye of the beholder, Mana absorption, New skill: Dual Cultivation.]


[Strength: 54]

[Stamina: 94]

[Agility: 64]

[Intelligience: 214]

[Dexterity: 214]

[Dominance: 1,000,000]

[Storage: Empty]

[Summons: Leviathan, Smaug, Trigon, Eternal army (Unable to summon)]

I gained another 4 levels and my obvious guess has to be Dual Cultivation. I clicked on the new skill and a list of words explaining it popped up.

[Dual Cultivation: Upon engaging in a sexual act with your partner consensually. Both individuals will gain stats correlating to the strongest individuals. WARNING: Incompletion of sexual orgasm, the stronger individual will be hindered until both are satisfied. Skill: Currently Active {Seph, Miya, Laura}]


"What's wrong Luke? Did you find out the reason why?"

"Yes, and it has to do with my question for you."


She tilted her head in confusion then her head turned red again.

"Oh…t-then, I suppose we have to do it then."

"As much as I want to, let's head inside first and figure things out from there."

"O-oh, un okay."

Seph twirled her golden blonde hair with her finger while fidgeting with her feet.

"U-Um, nice to meet you by the way."

The blonde girl from earlier, Samantha turned out to be the last group member. But last I recall she wasn't a part of my class.

"Oh, nice to meet you Samantha, but can I ask you a question?"


"By chance, do I know you?"

Seph said she was going to pair everyone with people they know, but I don't think I've ever met a blonde girl named Samantha before. Granted I've met people named Samantha but I know I haven't even seen this person in campus.

I'm able to remember things to the smallest of details yet her face just doesn't match with anyone.

I looked at her once more trying to see that maybe I'm just missing something.

Under my heated gaze, Samantha couldn't help but hide herself in her hands.

Hahh maybe I'm just overthinking this, I do have a habit of thinking too much whenever I can't seem to figure things out.

Perhaps I did know Samantha, just not enough for me to remember I guess? Well, that's a first, I can even recall every name in a city from that time I had to do a project.

However I'm probably using my brain too much. A lot of things did happen before I even had my eyes open.

"Um, I'm sorry if I came out as rude. Just forget I said anything, it's nice to meet you, Samantha. I'm Luke, this is Miya, and this is Laura, oh and of course you know Seph."

I quickly introduced both of them to Samantha, their greetings simple and brief. But even after introducing ourselves, Samantha was still covering her face.

"Um, Samantha? You okay?"-Luke

"She's kinda weird Luke…"-Laura

"Laura! You shouldn't say that about people! S-sorry she didn't mean that."-Miya


At this point, even I'm starting to get freaked out. A few seconds later Samantha started breathing heavily. Her bountiful chest heaved up and down as she breathed in and out.

"Umm Seph, by chance, do you know her?"

"No? Before I lost my powers I saw a very distinct connection between you and her. I simply thought you two knew each other and I just paired you guys together. Although I did find it kinda weird why she's not part of your class."

I looked at Seph a dumbfounded look on my face. Hold on, now that I'm thinking about it, there was someone named Samantha.

"Wait… Gwen?"

And to everyone's surprise, the girl jumped into my arms causing both of us to fall to the ground.

"Fufu~ Hi Luke! It's me, Gwen! Did you miss me~ Cuz I missed you~ heh heh~"




All three looked at me their eyes cold and empty.

"Wait, I can explain."

Before words can come out of my mouth, Gwen stole my lips.


Without care, Gwen shamelessly stuck her tongue inside my mouth. The taste of her saliva was sweet nearly addicting. As the kiss deepened her body began to move, her wide hips started rubbing against my crotch.

I can distinctly feel the slit of her pussy grinding against the bottom side of my shaft. What's worse is she's wearing a skirt and I'm wearing track pants, the sensation of her pussy rubbing against my cock was like there weren't anything between us at all.

"Ahn~ Luke~"

A seductive moan came out of her lips whilst her tongue continued to delve deeply into my mouth.

A pleasurable experience yes, but I can't enjoy it as much with the gazes of my three ladies burning through my skull.

However Gwen seemed to enjoy the jealous looks of my girls as she sucked on my lips even more. Her gaze turned that of a predator devouring its prey.

Although I'm enjoying this, I have to stop before the girls will actually kill Gwen themselves.

I grabbed hold of Gwen's arms then pulled her into a tight hug. Her firm breasts pressed against my ches incidentally pushing my shaft further into the crevice of her pussy.

"Ahn~ Lukey~ me likey~"

My dick is reaching it's limits as my body unconsciously started to grind against hers, but as I looked behind Gwen.


The three women no longer seemed human, like a demonic being of wrath possessed them.

"Wait wait wait! Before you guys get mad let me explain who she is!"

"Speak X3"

"U-um before you say anything, Gwen is someone you all know besides Seph of course."



"Hahh, you all know who she is."

I grabbed Gwen's chin and turned it around her expression unperturbed by my treatment. Within a few seconds a moment of realization struck their face. Their mouths agape from shock.

"You mean…"-Miya

"It can't be…"-Laura

"What's going on?"-Seph


I paused for a moment while I flipped her around.

"Our dorm cat… Samantha aka Gwen."


"How is that possible?!"-Laura

"Well magic is real, I mean I'm a goddess"-Seph

"Yeah, but I thought magic doesn't exist on Earth?"

"Hahh, it doesn't… it seems she snuck in."

"How is that even possible?"

"Well, magic does exist on Earth… just humans can't use it."


"In simpler terms, she's not human."

"Well we've already established she's a cat, but what is she."

"Hmm I think she's one of the guardians sent to Earth. You guys would've known if you went inside the portal, but anyways there are people on Earth that keeps your families safe. And if my guess is right Gwen is one of them."

"That answers that, but… how did she come with us?"

"I'm not sure… it's the system made by Daedalus that organized everything. Someone might've tampered with it."

"I see… with that explained… GET OFF OF HIM!"

Laura took hold of Gwen who was straddled on top of me. I would say thank you, but somehow I was irritated instead.

"Grr let go! I want to kiss Luke more!"

"Nope, you may be the dorm's beloved cat, but you messed with the wrong soririan!"

Laura easily held Gwen back, her strength abnormally stronger than a level one's, and securely held Gwen in her place.

I stood up from the ground dusting the dirt off myself before walking toward them.

"Laura, let her go. She's not doing anything bad."

"Hmm fine… but don't let her kiss you again."



As soon as Gwen was free she blew her tongue on Laura's face.

"Why you!!!"

Before things could get ugly I picked them both up as I held them to my sides with my hands on their stomachs.

"Okay, that's enough. Miya, Seph let's go."




"Stupid cat…"


"Hmph X2."

Hahh, today's gonna be a long day.

Hey everyone! Just a quick update, I added new pictures for Miya, Nyx, and Gwen on the first chapter comments. Go check it out if you wanna have a clearer idea of how they look!

Luke_Gnormincreators' thoughts