
The Mommy Protecting Devils Flare Up:Tyrant Prince's Wife Is A Nymph

Do you believe in incarnations ??? Have you ever wondered what lies in the depths of the Bermuda Triangle??? Would believe if I said that your college crush was actually the Almighty herself??? Hardly, isn't it ??? But you're one those who do believe, than join me in my very first novel as I (Under_TheBlueMoon) take you through a dangerous but, heart warming journey of two die-hard lovers who found love in their quest for revenge. ............. A curse.... A boon.... A magical necklace.... And a pack of dare devils.... Brought Lia and Zhuang Gohan face-to-face with each other once again .But, if you think this was the start of their unrequited love story than your gravely mistaking, my friend. If anything Zhuang Gohan cared about was Lia's blood!! Bestowed upon him the title ' The Tyrant Prince ' by the business world, he was a real life prince whose name earned him more than just fear. Like every male protagonist, his life was also complex and enwreathed in conspiracies, betrayal and heart break until he met the Nymph of Infinity. His whole world shattered into pieces at that every moment and his own life became an absolute lie. As for Lia, oblivious of Zhuang Gohan's existence and his motives she was on a quest to find her memories and her origins. Born in the sacred and secret community of the Guardian Virgins she was meant to be another scarficial goat for the heaven above. Everything was set to stone for her yet, at the nick of time destiny played it's wild card. Her ,other's scarifice became her greatest boon. Thus, changing the course of her fate and that of the creation at large. Unlike many female protagonist, whose stories begin with miseries caused by evil step sisters, evil step mothers, uncaring father, trashy husband, or because they were illegitimate Lia had none of that. Yet, what she had for her miseries was something those protagonists could never imagine. So what exactly were Lia's miseries??? Why did her mother had to scarifie herself in order to protect her daughter??? Who were the Guardian Virgins and what was their purpose on earth??? Why was Zhuang Gohan out for Lia's blood?? Who was the Nymph of Infinity and what did she had to do with Zhuang Gohan???? The answers to these questions and many more lie in pages of this story. Hop on to enjoy a cliche story full of magic spells, face slapping gods and goddesses, super humans, mischief with and over dose of cuteness. ........... This is my very first story and English is not exactly my first language. So those with extraordinary grammar please bare with it. Also, while writing this story I'm side by side editing it as well so I request all my readers to kindly be patient. And please please please, if you like my theme and this story please add it to your library and leave a power stone votes. It helps a lot!! Lastly, please don't hesitate to leave a comment and review on your thoughts about the story. I would love to hear them. Thank you.. Hope you enjoy... P. S : CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY LOVING THE PEOPLE'S PRINCESS...

Under_TheBlueMoon · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Lianna Abraham (3)......

" Lia is not even her real name, her real name is Lianna Abraham. "

Liang Jie was thunder struck once again by this piece of information. Though he was able to conclude the whole situation, the name on the medical report was still a puzzle for him.

Zhuang Gohan's lips curled up in self mockery.

Sometimes humor is the most barbaric way of expressing one's pain and sorrow.

He closed his eyes in anguish and continued listening as Richard carried on monotonously.

" Lia is a nickname her closed ones gave her. She is an alumni of La Dres Alvilia Academy of Language and Literature and the youngest student in history of the academy to pass out with a triple masters degree. She entered the academy at the age of twelve and immediately became Prof. Acelin Donadieu's favourite. She had taken a keen interest in her after seeing her very first English assignment and personally trained her in the art of novel writing and poetry. She is the only student that Prof. Acelin Donadieu had taken to this day of her career. She was just seventeen when she completed her post graduation from the university which was exactly seven years ago. She was still five months short on being legally aged when you captured her mistakenly. "

Zhuang Gohan kept listening. Every word slashed his soul into million pieces. His pain today was at par with what Lia felt that night on the yacht. The only difference was that Lia was able to express it while he couldn't.

" She left Country E the night of her graduation and went to China to attend her friend's engagement party which was held the very next day. The party was held at the Ai family's private luxury resort on the same date as that of the investor's party. According to my sources someone purposely misinformed her about the venue and sent her to the investor's party. " Richard continued regardless of the raised brows he was getting from his audience.

" While I was searching for Lia around the globe, my assistant stumbled upon the idea of searching for Lia in the hospitals of the countries. His perspective was that because she was subjected to such brutal torture under you she would need treatment after escaping from us. And because I had ordered him to continue looking for Lia in Dubai, that's why he started his search from there. But who would have thought he would hit a trillion dollar jackpot on his very first attempt. He started his search by hacking the server of this hospital in Dubai and he found the first footage. It was this footage that lead me back to India with some solid ground ; her real name. "

Richard paused to look at the two men sitting before him. He knew both were thinking the same thing but there feelings were miles apart.

How could it not be, after all it was Zhuang Gohan's very own flesh and blood that they were talking about.

No matter how concerned Liang Jie was, his concerns nowhere close to that of a father. 

Zhuang Gohan vowed to himself that he would be a better father then that monster who calls himself his father. Little did his naive self knew back then that fate would be so sadistic towards him.

The footage of the hospital and memories of Lia began to overlap in his mind. He remembered how brutally he had tortured Lia after making out with her. At that time that tiny life was already into existence and suffered along with Lia. This fact was bleeding his heart.

He tortured his own child even before he or she was born along with the woman who bore his child. 

How ironic???

" In spite of her name, I must warn you that the girl's at par with you Gohan when it comes to being mysterious. " 

Richard's words pulled him out of his thoughts.

  " What do you mean? " Zhuang Gohan asked before Richard himself could react to what he said. This was the first time Zhuang Gohan interupted Richard.

Richard was not at all offended instead he tried to explain in the best possible manner.

" The fact is that no one including Lia herself knew her true identity. As per the records found in India, Lia was found in an unconscious state on a private beach in Goa three days after ' the ' accident in the Indian Ocean. " Once again his audience was shocked. 

" A nun named Rajesh Abraham found her and adopted her by giving her the name Lianna along with his own last name Abraham. When they found her, she had absolutely no recollection of who she was and where she came from. Her only possession was that necklace which the agent used to escape from us and the part of which is currently in your possession.

" Richard.." Zhuang Gohan's voice cracked in fear. " Do you mean to say that Lia... Lia could..."

Richard understood Zhuang Gohan's unsaid words very well. "  I wouldn't say I'm hundred percent positive but, from what I found in the record that's gotta be her. The girl child found was also around six years of age and her body was infected by the sea water. My assistant is currently working on reviving old pictures of her. " Richard answered after carefully choosing his words. He didn't wanted to ingnite any false hope.

Liang Jie felt a bit assured by Richard's words but nothing could've prepared him for what was to come next. 

" Why bother? A DNA test would be enough to prove everything in a much easier way. " He commented splashing a bucket full of ice cold water on Richard's efforts.

" Keep your eyes to yourself Richard. Liang Jie is right. We can kill two birds with one stone. Let's go..."

Zhuang Gohan said and got up when he saw Richard glaring furiously at Liang Jie for his suggestion. Zhuang Gohan's last words were a bit too forceful.

Liang Jie was also slightly taken back by Richard's glare as he remembered this used to be his very own style of work.

' Don't blame me if you changed your work style. '

" DNA test is out of option for us as it involves not just us but also the Li family. And I would suggest that you don't involve them in this matter especially, with Elder Li's current condition." Richard tried to change the track while giving subtle hints to Liang Jie, hoping it would click his fused tube light.

Sadly, at this point Liang Jie was beyond just a fused tube light.

" But Sir, Elder Li would be fighting fit when he will know that his granddaughter is still alive and has given birth to his great grand child. We should let them know about our findings and get them to convince Miss Lia for the DNA test. Also Miss Lia has given birth to the heir of Zhuang family, so they still have a duty to protect her even if she is not their granddaughter. "

That was it....

Richard literally dug his own grave but, it was too late to even regret. Liang Jie's words made prefect sense except for the things between the lines.

Sensing his friend's desperate attempts to change course of the conversation made Zhuang Gohan suspicious.


Zhuang Gohan was at the end of his patience. He wasn't in his right sense of mind anymore and Richard words were simply adding fuel to his already burning flames.

Whereas, Liang Jie's words were like a quick sand. The more Richard struggled to get out of it, the deeper he sunk into it.

Richard signed, giving up trying and decided that truth would probably be the best course of action.

" How do you plan on doing the DNA test of someone who has vanished herself from the face of earth? Mind explaining that to me please! "

Zhuang Gohan was thunderstruck. 

He understood Richard's hidden meaning but, couldn't accept it.


Zhuang Gohan grabbed Richard by his collar as he yelled at him.

He was completely out of control....

He couldn't care less about the trouble he would be in after the Li family finds out what had happened to their granddaughter, but in all cost he had to find Lia and his child. 

" I mean exactly what I said Gohan. " Richard said without a hint of sympathy. " She was last seen on twenty nineth of December seven years ago which is that footage. After that she was kidnapped by Xing Yuan from the hospital that evening and she was never seen again. Xing Yuan died on thirty first of December in that terrible calamity. He was having a private party on his yacht out in the ocean and never returned. The was no trace of the yacht either. Until eleven fifty nine that night the yacht was still in radar and maintained radio contact with Dubai but, after that the yacht was probably gobbled by the sea. Some said that their was a beautiful young girl held captive and brutally tortured by Xing Yuan and his men on the yacht.

Gohan, you have to accept the fact that Lia is no more ; she is dead and so is your child. There's no point in dwelling in the past. What's done is done. No one can change it now. This is a reality you have to accept. " Richard said truthfully.

" NOOOO!! LIA IS NOT DEAD!! MY CHILD IS NOT DEAD!! YOU'RE LYING. " Zhuang Gohan got really worked up. Barbarous heart break paired with too much of alcohol was making it difficult for Zhuang Gohan to control himself.

" Gohan, it wasn't Lia's fault that you fell in love and repeated assaulted her. It wasn't her fault that she got pregnant. It wasn't her fault that she was sent to that investors party. It wasn't her fault for everything that happened with her. I know that right now you care about is Lia and your child but know this Gohan, they had no scope of survival. Lia died seven years ago. And far more brutally then what you have given her. And besides, let me warn you, Gohan. In your fight for baseless revenge, you have completely lost all sense of morality. Remember you're not above the Almighty. Lia is dead and so is your child. " Richard didn't even bother to console his friend. Instead, he brutally pointed out Gohan his mistakes.

" No!!!... They are not dead!! They're not... Its you who don't know that. " Zhuang Gohan was an absolute reiterate.

" Even if Lia survived, what guarantee do we have that your child still exist in this world?? " Richard tried to reason out with Zhuang Gohan. He knew this was not time to do so but it was the need of the hour.

" What do you mean, if Lia is alive than she'll have to give birth to my baby. What nonsense are you spouting??? "

Richard gave another dry laugh at his friend's outrageous audacity. " Then what about abortion? "

Zhuang Gohan : " !!!! "

" That child is not just yours Gohan. It's Lia's child as well and she has all the right to decide whether she'll give birth or not. "


" Life!! Really Gohan? After everything I showed you. Unbelievable!! " Richard had no words at his adamantness. " Fine!! Let's forget about abortion for moment. You tell me about miscarriage. What would you do if she suffered a miscarriage??

" Miscarriage?? " Zhuang Gohan mumbled the word dreadfully.

" Yes!! Miscarriage!! I doubt Lia had any chances of survival against Xing Yuan's torture. Especially with Xiao GoChang on aboard. " Richard felt sorry for Zhuang Gohan but at the same time, he had confidence in him. 

He understood the battle Zhuang Gohan was going through. 

this was something he had brought on himself. He understood where Zhuang Gohan was coming from but, this wasn't the path that he should be heading.

" I'm begging you, Gohan. Lia is no more nor is Li Lanying... Just accept this reality and let go of your revenge. She's not the one Ai family had hired. She has nothing to do with the Ai family. She too is a victim of their schemes. "

Zhuang Gohan didn't once responded to anything Richard said. He was lost in his own world however, his rage did subdued a little.

" If you feel that strongly about what happened to you that year and about the mix up with Lia. Then do me a favor and avenge for them all. Not just for yourself. " Richard said his last words and left the office dragging Liang Jie with him. What remained in the office now was Zhuang Gohan along with his unbearable pain.