
The Moments I Owe You

They dated each others back in middle school and met after three years of separation "Liu! " It was her, Yi Liu "It's me, Ryu... Yu Ryu. " "Ryu." Murmuring the name for while," Sorry, I think I don't know you. " What made her said that? " Were you in a relationship with Liu during middle school". "Yea". "The thing is that she has forgotten about you, she had an accident". "What! Accident". Yes! A tragic accident changed everything. What would Yu Ryu do about his first love? Will Yi Liu remember back the past? "LIU, WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER, PROMISE ! " Status - Ongoing Author - Senjiro

Senjiro10 · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


It was pretty early, I walked slowly to school.

"Life has become this tiring! "

As I reached the gate, Yu Ryu and I, both of us came upon each other.

"Looks like you made some friends now finally", Yu Ryu.

I finally understood why many people keep crush on him. With that warm smile that always covers his handsome face and at the same time, being perfect in everything. Who won't like him?

I smiled back at him. After all his smiles are always contagious. I don't why most people called him cold. Maybe I haven't done anything or annoyed him to him make cold and indifference to me.

"Yes! ",I gave a heartily bright smile. I can't help myself from that smile and looked at him.

He stared at me as if he was lost some where in my eyes for a while. Coming back to his sense, he quickly turned away.

" Oh! I got to get the books from the teachers' room", and he went away.

I was called by my art teacher.

"Yi Liu, there is an art competition next month. Your painting are quite good. Would you like to join? "

"Ummm, let me think about it", I politely told her.

I came out after some discussion with my art teacher. I saw Yu Ryu with two of his friends coming to the art teacher's room.

Seeing me, he waved at me and suddenly turned away talking to his friends.

It was clear that he was avoiding me. Why would he?

Then, they went inside. He must also be selected since he was damn good and very talented.

At classroom, Kui Graxy was waiting for me, seeing me, she came running.

"Oh Yi, I must have pissed Yu Ryu this morning", panicking.

" Anyways, are you sure there is nothing going on between you two. Yu Ryu never talks to other girls but only to you".

"Yes, nothing is going on (sigh)".

Kui Graxy smiled,

" Anyways, let's go and hang out at my home. My father came back from Thailand and he brought many things for me ", Kui Graxy said to Yi Liu and others around her.

Yi Liu could feel the tones of boasts and keep quiet.

During the lunch break. I went to the cafeteria with Kui Graxy suddenly popping out of nowhere.

Today, Yu Ryu was there alone. Kui Graxy ran towards him dragging me.

" Ryu, let's have lunch together ", Kui Graxy being cheerful as usual.

He looked at me.

" Sure".

She sat facing Yu Ryu  kept talking to him leaving me out alone. I ate my lunch without caring what she blabbing to him and so was Yu Ryu.

I glanced at him and saw his disappointment towards Kui Graxy. After all, she kept talking giving headache to people around her.

Out nowhere, between her talks, she suddenly grabbed his hand but he shook it off. And more to my surprise, he wiped his hand.

"Next time, please don't touch me. I hate being touch by people like you", he said to her giving the most coldest vibe.

Seeing him, I knew he was not in a good mood, annoyed and felt very uncomfortable. But the words were too harsh that Kui Graxy began to cried.

Coincidentally, my mom called me some minutes ago and kept nagging me and with his behavior, I got very angry. And, once in a while if I get angry, I can't keep my cool.

"Hey! What do meant by people like her? ", I said to him irritatedly.

I was right, he was not in a good mood.

"I am a person and I can tell what I like and dislike and it got nothing to do with anybody", he picked up at my lines.

" You just got a handsome face and is popular doesn't meant you be cold and rude towards anyone ".

Both of us stood up and looked at each other. I then, realised that we were catching much attention around.

I helped the crying girl to get up and went to our class leaving him alone.

After the class, I went to see if Kui Graxy was feeling better after crying for a long time.

Then, I saw Kui Graxy with some girls. I stood behind the the wall dividing us

"Finally, that Yi Liu bitch fought with Yu Ryu. It was paining to see her with Yu Ryu. That poor girl, she should know her place".

It was Kui Graxy.

" Yes! You did a great things. Now, things will go bad between them", one of them replied.

"That bitch, really thought that I really wanted to be her friend. Huh, I got close to her only for Yu Ryu".

I was not surprised but disappointed. This is the human society after all, people will like and respect if you stand on a firm spot. Nothing happened to me before because I had money protecting from all sides. I shouldn't trust anyone. Only some are truthful to them while others go for the majorities. I was careless because I longed for a accompany and and was blind to the the visible facts.

I was really sad and left the spot in gloomy thoughts silently.
