
The Moments I Owe You

They dated each others back in middle school and met after three years of separation "Liu! " It was her, Yi Liu "It's me, Ryu... Yu Ryu. " "Ryu." Murmuring the name for while," Sorry, I think I don't know you. " What made her said that? " Were you in a relationship with Liu during middle school". "Yea". "The thing is that she has forgotten about you, she had an accident". "What! Accident". Yes! A tragic accident changed everything. What would Yu Ryu do about his first love? Will Yi Liu remember back the past? "LIU, WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER, PROMISE ! " Status - Ongoing Author - Senjiro

Senjiro10 · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


It was the art class but the painting room was under maintenance for that day. So, we went to the playground with our painting books.

Class 3-5 was having their PE. The teacher left after assigning us. Many of my classmates went rushing towards the basketball court and caused a ruckus. I followed them to see what was going on there.

The girls were screaming. Like keep some voices down, you will catch the attention of other teachers.

"Look at  Yu Ryu. Isn't he so cool and handsome. I wish I could be his girl friend".

" I heard he hasn't dated or dating anyone. Isn't that great?! "girls squealed.

It didn't took a while to notice him. He played well and stood out too much.

I stood there for while. Being tired of watching, I sat down leaning on a tree, getting a good view of the well grown flowers and scrubs. I began to draw them.

Students began sit down in groups and started to chat and draw together as the match end up, leaving me alone at the side.

Maybe because I am a transferred students for a while and I don't have that much of a good background to them, they are distancing from me.

After all, this is one of the most privileged school. So do many with good background ones come here.

"Now, I can see my life without my parents' names backing me up", said with a sad face, "..... it's the same. I got distanced  by others because I was rich and now being left out as I am poor now. Or maybe I am just anti social", angrily.

I was rather happy to be alone instead of being surrounded with fake friends who don't like me.

In due of the thoughts, I almost completed my drawing.

But that boy just keeps popping in and out.

" You are good at painting".

I didn't know he sat behind me for some times as I was lost in thoughts. And I also felt the jealousy behind me as the girls were jealous that the boy whom they worship sat besides me and spoke to me.

"But it looks so dull I meant sad", Yu Ryu giving it a closer view.

" Then you draw it! " in my mind.

I couldn't help but to be angry because I was pissed off as he was attracting too much attention near me.

It was true that my drawing was so dull due to the negative thoughts I carried while doing it.

But I didn't know what to say so I kept silent.

"May I? ", Yu Ryu taking my book.

He began to scribble on it. I keep staring at he was doing.

He gave it to me after he finished it.

I don't know how but that dull drawing turned into a pretty realistic one. It was so eye-catching.

" Here, now it's a bit better ".

" Wow, it's so beautiful ", I can't help but to praise him.

He grinned happily hearing that and I was also smiling. Forget about those jealous cats!

Yu Ryu's friends called him. He got up and walked away. I kept looking at the painting.

{Yi Liu flipped the page. Between she found the same drawing. She clenched it with a sad face".}
