
The Modern Soul as Gregor Cleane (GOT) (ASOFAI)

[Long Chapters] [Add this fanfic to your library for more chapters] --------- Gregor Clegane was one of the worst people to have ever existed. But what if someone else lived his life? What if a modern person of sound mind and honorable character was reborn as The Mountain? How would his rational and reasonable mind impact the ultimate outcome of Westeros? He just might be able to change the world for the better... --------- A young American federal agent is killed in the line of duty. He is reborn into his favorite fantasy world… as one of its most feared, most hated, and most notorious characters. He quickly discovers that he can make that work to his favor, and to the favor of many others.

Game_of_thrones · Book&Literature
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67 Chs

Chapter 9

"Unless…" Gregor said in response.

He had no intention of finishing that sentence; he just wanted to ensure that Elia would listen to him closely and take him totally seriously.

That single word had that intended effect.

"Speak your mind, Ser Gregor," she bade him.

The massive knight debated "By combining the Targaryens' polygamous relationships with your… Dornish tolerance, as you might call it, you and Rhaegar would in theory have the most open relationship in the entire country."

Elia shrugged and supposed "One could make that argument."

She may have seemed calm, but Gregor could see that she was becoming a little tense. He remarked bluntly "I must ask you a personal question, Your Grace."

Princess Elia nodded in approval, and Gregor inquired in a very straightforward tone "Was your husband the only one who took an interest in Lyanna Stark?"

Elia's eyes widened in astonishment. She looked as though her voice was caught in her throat.

Her silence was enough for Gregor. That and Rhaenys' reaction to that question.

The little girl had looked up from her toys when she heard Lyanna Stark's name. Evidently, she recognized it, but she seemed giddy.

"You do not have to answer that question, Your Grace," Gregor hastily declared, "Just tell me this: am I getting somewhere?"

"Yes, you are," Elia proclaimed.

"That's all I need to know," Gregor murmured.

There came another long pause, and at the end of it, he stated "As soon as we dock in Sunspear, I must go somewhere, Your Grace. I would like you and your brothers to accompany me. And your children, as well; if at all possible."

"Ser Gregor, we continue to draw breath because of you," Elia contended, "If you wish it, we'll go with you all the way to the Wall."

"We needn't go that far," Gregor told her, snickering, "We do not even have to leave Dorne. I only ask for you to ride with me to the Red Mountains."

"Very well," Elia conceded, "Might I ask why, though?"

"Because the lives of several good people are at stake," Gregor replied, "Including someone whom I believe you care deeply about, and who cares deeply for you in turn."

Despite the vague nature of Gregor's statements, Elia could fully understand the true meaning behind them.

In response to it, she merely nodded her head in both acceptance and confirmation.

Shortly before noon the following day, the Diligence pulled into the docks of Sunspear. Once more, the Stormlander crew was summoned below deck.

Then Princess Elia and her children disembarked, along with her ladies-in-waiting, Ser Gregor Clegane, and his men-at-arms.

They were received rather warmly by Elia's brothers. They had already been informed of what the Mountain had done for her sister.

A raven from King's Landing had arrived a couple days beforehand. It had contained details of how Elia's children had been savagely murdered by Ser Amory Lorch, but Ser Gregor Clegane had saved Elia by slaying his own ally.

Elia's brothers were delighted to see that Rhaenys and Aegon lived after all.

They were also impressed by how Gregor had gone to great length to ensure their survival.

Especially since in the process, he had knowingly defied his liege lord at his own risk.

Just as Elia had foretold, Prince Doran had approached him and shaken his hand.

He was already in his mid-thirties, but it would be over a decade before his affliction with gout. At this age had a very firm, vigorous handshake.

Elia's other presumption about her other brother proved true, as well.

While Oberyn also shook Gregor's hand, he looked as though he wanted to show his appreciation even further by kissing him on the lips.

Gregor was just glad he stood a foot and a-half taller than the Red Viper.

At any rate, once pleasantries were exchanged between the Martells and the Mountain, Prince Doran offered to hold a small feast in Gregor's honor.

The Mountain claimed that while he was grateful for the offer, celebrating would have to wait.

He and Elia jointly explained that it was urgent that they all ride for the Red Mountains.

Fortunately, it took little convincing to win Doran and Oberyn over in this proposal. They agreed to leave at once.

Doran hurriedly assembled a small company of knights and servants. At the head of the company was his captain of the guard, Areo Hotah.

Between Gregor's men-at-arms and Doran's retainers, there were about fifty people in their party. Each one had his or her own horse.

Gregor made sure that Maester Caleotte joined them. That was critical, as a maester's services would most certainly be needed when they reached their destination.

Rhaenys and Aegon were brought along, as well. Elia bundled up Aegon and carried him close to her chest as she rode. As for Rhaenys, her Uncle Oberyn shared his saddle with her.

The party rode across the vast deserts of Dorne for thirteen days.

They generally restricted their movements to the late morning and the early evening, as it was usually too hot to travel in the middle of the day and too cold to travel by night.

Finally, at the end of an exhausting 400-mile trek, the party came within sight of a majestic stronghold. There were three figures standing watch at the base of the building.

They were clad in the white armor of the Kingsguard. They were Ser Oswell Whent, Ser Gerold Hightower, and Ser Arthur Dayne.

Gregor had his men-at-arms remain behind. Doran did the same with his soldiers and servants.

While everyone else set up camp five miles away, Ser Gregor Clegane, Prince Doran Martell, Princess Elia Martell, Prince Oberyn Martell, and Maester Caleotte galloped on to the Tower of Joy.

When they reached the top of the hill that overlooked the Tower, they brought their horses to a halt. By then, the three Kingsguard knights had noticed them, as well.

Elia proceeded onward by herself. Her brothers, the maester, and Gregor watched as she galloped down the hill and approached the Tower of Joy.

They observed her as she spoke with Ser Arthur, Ser Gerold, and Ser Oswell.

Gregor could not discern anything they said, but he could imagine it was a fairly heated discussion.

More than a few times, one of the four of them raised his or her voice. Evidently, a lot of personal feelings and thoughts were being brought into the matter.

Elia did pull through in the end, however. After nearly an hour of trying and failing to reason with the three Kingsguard knights, they yielded to her logic.

Subsequently, Elia turned back to the others and waved them over.

Gregor noticed the look of skepticism and disdain the Kingsguard gave him as he neared the Tower of Joy.

He did not believe that was due to anything he personally had done. He assumed that the three of them were simply mistrustful by nature.

After all, he had done nothing to warrant their antagonism.

Still, Gregor was hoping he would not have to fight them. He himself was a very adept swordsman, but the skills of these three were well-known, particularly Ser Arthur.

Once Gregor, Doran, Oberyn, and Maester Caleotte caught up to Elia, the Princess and Maester Caleotte went up the stairs to the Tower of Joy.

Elia brought Aegon and Rhaenys with them. Gregor would have liked to have gone with them, but he was not about to interfere in what could be regarded as a family affair.

For several days, Gregor waited anxiously as Elia Martell and Maester Caleotte tended to Lyanna Stark.

The wolf girl's screams could be heard for over a mile in any direction.

Gregor wished he could have done something to relieve her suffering, but he had no idea how to ease the process of childbirth. He could only stand by and hope for the best.

For once, the best actually came about. Eventually, Lyanna's screams subsided. They were replaced with the wailing of an infant.

That was when Maester Caleotte allowed the others to enter the Tower. Doran and Oberyn accepted the offer to enter, but Gregor decided to wait.

Another prominent group was about to arrive, and Gregor was not going to be absent when they turned up.

Just a few hours later, he spotted seven riders approaching from the north. Quite appropriate, considering their origins.

One-by-one, he identified them all. Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Martyn Cassel, his captain of the guard. Ethan Glover of Deepwood Motte, the only member of Brandon Stark's party to survive the Black Cells.

Lord Willam Dustin of Barrowtown. Theo Wull of the Mountain Clans. Ser Mark Ryswell of the Rills. Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch.

Only two of them were originally destined to survive. Gregor was determined for all seven of them to.

As the Northmen trotted closer to the Tower of Joy, Gregor stayed out of sight.

He did not wish to give them the wrong impression by appearing to be on the side of the three Kingsguard.

So he went up to fetch Elia. The Dornish princess was able to pry herself from Lyanna's side long enough to avert this needless loss of life.

Soon enough, the Northmen dismounted their horses and approached the Tower very slowly.

Gregor and Elia stood at the top of the steps and witnessed the confrontation between them and the Kingsguard.


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