
The Modern Soul as Gregor Cleane (GOT) (ASOFAI)

[Long Chapters] [Add this fanfic to your library for more chapters] --------- Gregor Clegane was one of the worst people to have ever existed. But what if someone else lived his life? What if a modern person of sound mind and honorable character was reborn as The Mountain? How would his rational and reasonable mind impact the ultimate outcome of Westeros? He just might be able to change the world for the better... --------- A young American federal agent is killed in the line of duty. He is reborn into his favorite fantasy world… as one of its most feared, most hated, and most notorious characters. He quickly discovers that he can make that work to his favor, and to the favor of many others.

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Chapter 30


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Name=A Bet with Mighty Evil Being!

Link= http://wbnv.in/a/8ehLZ5b

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"Iron Captain Victarion," Dagmer Cleftjaw corrected him.

Victarion gestured for the Cleftjaw to hold his tongue, and then he turned to Gregor and pronounced "Your greetings are noted, but needless."

Evidently, Victarion was not one for Smalltalk. Gregor decided to cut right to the point. He folded his arms and inquired "What brings you to Moat Cailin? You're not here for conquest, I gather."

"If I was, you and I would be clashing steel right now," Victarion bluntly remarked, "As for why I'm here… why does anyone come here?"

Gregor could not tell if that was a rhetorical question or if it was an actual query. He raised an eyebrow and muttered "I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me, Mountain," Victarion grimly mumbled. He looked around at Dacey, Oberyn, and Ser Rodrik, and he murmured "What reason do they have for being here?"

"They're members of the Legion without Banners," Gregor responded straightforwardly

"There you have it," Victarion said drily, "My men and I will soon join their ranks."

It was then that Gregor knew what was going on. "You plan to enlist in the Legion?"

"We're going to enlist in the Legion," Victarion contended.

"Lord Gregor has the final say on who enters this company," Dacey Mormont interjected.

"He would be a fool to reject us," Dagmer Cleftjaw gruffly observed, "Then again, he may be one already, if a woman must speak for him."

Oberyn looked disgusted by that slight, and Ser Rodrik grimaced angrily. Dacey merely scoffed. She had put up with sexism long enough that it no longer bothered her. Especially when it came from maritime savages like Dagmer Cleftjaw.

Gregor retained a calm facial expression, but he sternly stated "This 'woman' is one of my most trusted officers. She has fought by my side for months and never once has she let me down. On any given day, I would pick her over the lot of you."

"Then you are a fool," Victarion commented.

Gregor abruptly stepped forward, gripped Victarion by the clasp of his cloak, and pulled him closer.

Dagmer and the other Ironborn reached for their swords, but before they could be drawn, they were surrounded on all sides by armed Legionnaires.

The Ironborn tentatively stood down, but they kept their hands around the hilts of their blades.

Gregor stared Victarion down intently. Then he mumbled crossly "I've heard it said that you'd beat a man to death for calling you a fool. I do not tolerate that sort of insolence here. But unlike you, I do not reassert my authority through killing. I am not one to hold a grudge, either. So I will allow you that one slight. But so long as you are here, you will treat me and your future colleagues with due respect. Understood?"

Although Victarion retained his scowl, he lightly nodded his head. Gregor then released him and stated wryly "Good. We just may get along, Iron Captain."

Gregor and his companions then led Victarion and his crew back to the moat. On their way there, Gregor came up with a few possible hypotheses on why the Iron Captain had chosen to enlist in the Legion without Banners.

He was fairly certain it was not out of conscience. He doubted any Ironborn had ever done anything out of conscience.

He may have been drawn by the incentives Gregor had included in the first advertisement he had used to promote the Legion.

Among them were wealth, fame, glory, and universal adoration. Those were practically the Ironmen's calling in life.

When Gregor, Victarion, and their associates got to the Mountain's solar, he discovered the Iron Captain's true motive.

Despite how dim-witted he was, Victarion was not blind to how the world saw him and his people. He was very much aware that most Westerosi hated the Ironborn.

He saw the Legion as a unique opportunity for him to begin repairing his people's reputation.

Of course, there was no telling how much damage the Ironborn had inflicted over the ages. Some would say they had caused too much suffering.

But Gregor was willing to give them a chance. After all, if he was going to unify Westeros, he would need others who shared similar interests.

So on that day, Victarion Greyjoy, Dagmer Cleftjaw, Nute the Barber, Longwater Pyke, Burton Humble, Rymolf Stormdrunk, Wulfe One-Ear, Tom Tidewood, Ragnor Pyke, Steffar Stammerer, and the rest of the crew of the Iron Victory became official members of the Legion without Banners.

At long last, the Iron Islands were adequately represented in the Legion.

Shortly after Victarion and his men became Legionnaires, Gregor began concentrating on some of his long-term plans.

So far, the primary reason he had been able to improve Westeros was because he had an advantage no one else possessed: he knew the actual timeline of the world.

Of course, his meddling in the affairs of the realm complicated matters. Gregor was not blind to the repercussions of his actions.

He was well-aware that every change he inflicted – even the smallest – would yield vastly different changes in the outcome of the future.

Luckily, Gregor had the means to compensate for those changes. Those means could be found in his mind.

Gregory Welch's job at the Central Intelligence Agency had heavily involved scenario analysis. In other words, he was tasked with determining all the possible ways a situation might end, as well as subsequently devising appropriate strategies to counter or follow up on each outcome.

He was very proficient in that line of work. He could look at any dilemma – any dilemma – and envision all its possible endings in his head.

If any unforeseen hindrances cropped up along the way, he could easily account for them as well and compensate for them.

Thanks to Gregor's interference thus far, Westeros was already turning into a better place. For the present, it was more or less at peace.

But that peace would not be permanent. Sooner or later, some individuals who would shatter it for their own personal gain.

One of Gregor's top priorities was to deal with those individuals accordingly.

Like Arya Stark, the Mountain had compiled his own hit list (or shit list, considering the people on it). Several times a day, he thought the following:

'Petyr Baelish… Roose Bolton… Euron Greyjoy… Walder (and almost any other) Frey… Tywin Lannister… Janos Slynt… Ramsey Snow… Ludd Whitehill…'

He could handle Euron during the Ironborn Rebellion. He had planned on that, even before Victarion joined the Legion. Now that Victarion was on his side, his goal to kill the Crow's-Eye would be all the easier.

Ramsey, he could put down before he was even grown. That would be the only time in his life when he would have no qualms about killing a child.

Once Ramsey was dead and Domeric Bolton's survival was guaranteed, Roose Bolton might remain loyal to the Starks.

If not, his death would be easy enough to stage as an accident. If Domeric proved more loyal than his douchebag father, Gregor might not even have to contend with Ludd Whitehill.

Littlefinger and Janos Slynt could be eliminated quietly and discreetly. Slynt would have to be taken out in case Gregor ever needed to seize King's Landing. But overall, he was the least of Gregor's worries.

Baelish, however, was a class-A risk. Littlefinger had yet to gain any influence in King Robert's court. In the long run, he was primarily responsible for the downfall of the Starks. Gregor was determined to make him suffer for that.

He would have to be careful about Walder Frey; that ancient weasel had a habit of outliving far more honorable men. Plus, staging his death without drawing attention would be complex.

Then again, he had more of a personal hatred towards the Late Lord Frey. He would not allow his personal feelings to cloud his judgment, but if at all possible, he was going to ensure that Walder Frey did not live to see the Long Night.

The only true problem was posed by Tywin Lannister. He was King Robert's goodfather and the liege lord of the Westerlands.

There was also a strong possibility that the Targaryens would be endeavoring to return to power sometime in the future.

As long as his daughter was Queen, Lord Tywin would never consent to that.

Regardless of who needed to be eliminated, Gregor knew that time was a luxury he could not afford. As such, he figured that he may as well begin narrowing down his list while he was still ahead in the game.

Gregor realized he could never share the full extent of his knowledge of Westeros with anyone. Even so, he knew he could never accomplish his objectives without aid. He would undoubtedly need some assistance.

Consequentially, Gregor formed his own inner circle. It was composed of nine Legionnaires; one from each of the nine regions of Westeros.

Specifically, they were Dacey Mormont of the Northmen, Brynden Tully of the Riverlords, Victarion Greyjoy of the Ironborn, Osmund Kettleback of the Crownlords, Lyn Corbray of the Valemen, Allard Seaworth of the Stormlords, Gerion Lannister of the Westerlords, Garth Hightower of the Reachmen, and Oberyn Martell of the Dornishmen.

Other than Ser Brynden, none of those people were more than ten years Gregor's elder. They had all been in the Legion for various amounts of time, but Gregor had come to trust all of them.


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Name=A Bet with Mighty Evil Being!

Link= http://wbnv.in/a/8ehLZ5b

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