
The Modern Belle

In a small town, there lived a lady named Belle. She’s the unica ija of a merchant. She loves his merchant father dearly for it was her only family left. But one day someone knock on her door saying that his father is in trouble. Would she able to save his beloved father? Sure she will, no matter what happens. But she didn’t expect the consequences that might happen. She didn’t expect to marry a disgustingly handsome beast. A business tycoon beast who named William.

booklarvae · Teen
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1 Chs

Meeting the Beast

Flashes of camera nearly blinded my eyes as soon as my steps landed outside the extravagant building where the party was held. Men in black were now busy protecting me from the hungry paparazzi. One of the men in black guided me to the limousine and carefully secured me inside. When they think that everything is secured, they went inside the car and give a signal to the assigned driver to start the engine and go.

"Boss, she's already with us. I made sure that she's safe and does not have a single scratch." said by the leader of the black in men who named Gustav. I just made a face and scroll my phone instead.

"Yes boss. Right away." I hear him say,

"Ma'am, boss wants to talk to you." he says as he handed me his phone which I only ignore.

"M-ma'am, boss wants to talk to you." he repeatedly said in a nervous tone. I arch my eyebrow and glared at him.

"Tell him, I don't want to talk to him. He's an ass. Why would he left me on that freaking party?" I said in irritating tone. That's his freaking party! Dimwit!

I literally jumped off on my seat when my phone rang after a moment. And when I saw who's the caller is, I didn't have a second thought to decline it. Take that bastard! I turned my phone off and toss it in my bag. Gustav was about to protest but when he saw me crossing my arms over my chest wearing a sour expression as if saying dont-ever-try, he didn't dare.

"S-sir, s-she said she doesn't want to talk to you and that you're an a-ass for leaving her on that f-freaking party." he said over the phone in a very nervous manner. Hmm, obedient eh? I saw him winced and distance the phone from his ear.

By the way, we are traveling back to the place where I am currently residing.

Thirty minutes had passed before we arrived in an exclusive village where the beast reside. The two bodyguards who always on the front line hasn't enter the door yet when we heard a shattering of glass. They were horrified but even so, they still continue entering the beast territory. I also can't deny the fact that I'm a little bit nervous. I think the beast is already on the verge of killing someone. So help me Gods and Goddesses of Olympus!

When I enter, I saw a broken antique vase scattered on the carpeted floor. The househelps are on the far side of the corner trying to cover themselves from the wrath of their master. And there I saw the disgustingly handsome beast standing on the stair wearing a tuxedo. I really can't deny the fact that he is gorgeous. He is looking directly on me like he's a goddamn prince and I'm just a freaking mere commoner. How unfair!

"What a stubborn hard-headed lady you are." he said in a very serious manner. This time, he looks like a menacing dark prince. I felt chilly all of a sudden. Jeez! I think it's better to run away and hide!

"Put her on her room. And don't ever let her roam outside the mansion or else, you'll pay." he ruthlessly added as he turned his back on me.

Beast! Now, what?

Immediately, a househelp leads me to my designated room upstairs. I didn't have a second thought to follow the beasts' command when I saw how serious he is. I don't want to awaken the beast inside him. What he did a while ago is still his normal state. He is the most hot tempered man on earth I've known so far.

The househelp turn on all the lights inside my room and ensure that all the blindfolds inside are close before she leave. Then, I decided to take a warm bath. I badly need it right now. The bathroom is twice larger than on my own back in our house ranch.

Hayys! I miss the ranch, the smell of the wild flowers during my morning walk and of course, my horse named Panda! I am living freely in our ranch. Even if my papa always left me under the care of our househelps, its fine with me because I know they won't abandoned me. Now, I wonder how my papa cope up without me in our home. This is the first time that we've been away from each other which lasted for a month.

I still remember how a a trusted man of my father knocked on our door soaking wet because of the heavy storm. I am currently drinking a cup of hot chocolate on our living room while waiting for my papa to arrive when suddenly, the door burst open revealing not my papa but someone I know.

"Arthur! What happened to you? And where's papa?'' I ask confusedly while trying to look at his back silently hoping for my dad to show up. The car that they always use during business transaction is out of sight. I don't know why but I feel uneasy.

"T-there's a problem B-Belle.. Your f-father.." he stated while shivering. I let him in to have a cup of coffee but he refuses. "He needs your help right at this moment."

I am confused as hell to what exactly happen but then, I immediately change my sleeping clothes into a dark fitted jeans and a turtle neck long sleeve without thinking what would happen. Using my Raptor, we drove off to where my papa is.

"What exactly happened, Arthur?" I asked as I busied myself in maneuvering the car while he is busy drying himself from the towel I lend him. Arthur sighed and told me the story.

"Your father was being framed up by a businessman who felt threatened."

"What do you mean framed up? How? Do you have illegal business?" I frantically asked.

"Relax, your father did not engage in any illegal business, Belle. You knew him." he said. I nodded in agreement after hearing his reply.

"But why would someone framed him up? I mean, how?"

"He was being accused for being a traitor and for stealing millions on the company he was belong to."

"What? He won't do that! Papa won't steal even a single dollar! How stupid are those people to believed it!" I spat angrily.

"I know but there's a solid evidence that would point out that your father did it which made me confused. Someone made it meticulous. And no one could ever do that scheme aside from Mr. Chang who always opposed your father. Chang wanted to eliminate your father so that he would monopolized the supply of the meat products all over the region. The two of them were the great rival when it comes to that field."

"And what do you think could I do to help my papa?" I asked him eagerly. He sighed and nevertheless said.

"We will try to talk t-to someone I know. Honestly speaking, we only have one percent chance to pursuade him help us but he's the only one I knew who surely have the means to help your father." he said with strong determination. I nervously nodded as a response. I silently hope for the better result.

A towering wall and a group of black in men who surrounded the castle-like mansion welcomed us after a long drive. I stop the car when some of the black in men prevented the passage. I can't hide my uneasiness on the situation. I glanced at Arthur who's now swallowing nervously as he open the car's window. He then showed them a card with a color combination of black and gold .

"We need to talk to your boss. I already called him one hour before." he said as he tried to maintain his deep and strong voice. The man turned his gazed at me and signaled to show off my face which I nervously obliged. His scrutinizing eyes bored deeply on me before he tap his phone and call someone over it. This is seriously scary! Never in my wildest dream to have an encounter with this kind of men!

"Open the gate." I heard him order the other bulky man. I sighed in relief when we finally entered the premises. And much to my surprise! Not even a single black in men are being scattered on the lawn of the mansion. But surveillance cameras are everywhere! Well, what should I expect? Jeez! I parked my Raptor at the front yard of the extravagant mansion.

"Let's go Belle." Arthur said. He tried fixing his appearance. I exhale before I get off the car. A househelp surprisingly comes towards us and guided us to the exact room. I secretly looked at the inside of the mansion. There I saw the most elegant and grandiose chandelier which located at the center top of the hall. And there's an opposite staircase upstairs! I can't see any other things other than the antiques and expensive figurine that was being displayed. And of course, the grand piano which located at the right corner.

The househelp came in first after she knocked three times. We waited until she signaled us to come inside the room. Then, she left us without further notice. We gave our thanks, but I doubt if she heard it.

"We can do it." I cheered. Arthur nodded and eventually comes inside. I immediately followed him inside and hide from his back. Good thing he's tall and macho! I can hide forever at his back! Oh, how I wish!

"Good evening, Mr. Cavanaugh." Arthur greeted.

"Let's skip the formality. What can you offer in exchange of Mr. Magno's freedom?" someone interrupted directly. What a deep voice he had! "And why is that little Miss hiding at your back?'' then there's a menace in his voice when he asked.

I don't feel like showing up but I know I need to! I gulped and slowly showed myself. I tried to hide my facial expression after seeing his face. He's a gorgeous man! He had a thick eyebrows, striking nose, and a sensual lips paired with his squared jaw. He's so tall that I think I did not reach on his shoulder level! He's the epitome of a freaking Greek god! He's more like Hades of underworld or he can also be a prince! A prince who turned into a beast on the sleeping beauty fairytale. Jeez! What am I thinking!

"G-good evening." Shit! Did I just stuttered? He looked at me from head to toe like he's examining a specie under the microscope. Those scrutinizing eyes made me flinch.

"My bad. I forgot to offer you the seats." he said as he motioned the couch which is facing his very own table. I stayed silent while occupying the big couch. I feel like we're on a freaking principal office that awaits the severe punishment!

"She's Belle, the daughter of Mr. Magno." Arthur introduced.


"Mr.Cavanaugh, I know that we only met twice and I know that those are not enough to ask you for a favor but I am trying my luck. You're the only one I know who surely have the means to help us. I already talked to sir Magno and he agreed. He compromised a partnership with all his business to you. And here's Belle his daughter to signed the contract, he's the only daughter and the sole heiress of Mr. Magno." Arthur in his pleading voice. I tried to take a glance at the man in front of us. His expression didn't change even for a bit. He still wearing his stoic and serious expression. What should I expect?

"M-Mr. Cavanaugh." Arthur's nervous tone can't be hidden.

"Do you think that would be enough?" the man ask seriously.

Arthur was kinda surprised by his sudden reply. He remained silent and couldn't find the right words to say. What should we do??

"Hmm, since cat got your tongue, I have a proposition to make with Miss Magno."

I immediately turned my gaze at him while wearing my curious look. Proposition? What kind of proposition?

"You may leave now." Mr. Cavanaugh added. Arthur looked at me like it's a big problem. The worry on his face is obvious. He shook his head in protest trying to make a point.

"B-But Mr. Cavanaugh." Arthur protested.

"Leave or you both gonna missed this chance." cold and dismissive voice answered him.

"It's okay, Arthur. Just wait for me in the car." I said before Arthur could make any other protest. He hesitated but then went outside.

I don't want to miss this chance! Even if I would deal with this beast in front of me, I don't give a damn. I'm not scared! Hell, yeah!

I'm not sure but I think I just saw the man in front of me smirk knowingly. Creepy!

"He's a good actor." I drastically glared at the man after hearing him said that. "I should ask him if where did he learned that acting skill ." he added while pouring a wine to the two goblet. He handed me the other one which I accept hesitatingly.

"Let's get married Miss Beatrice Lleigh Coron Magno."

Shock is understatement after hearing him. Is he out of his mind? He just drop it like a normal thing to do for goodness sake!

"Pardon Mister?''

"William. I'm William Cavanaugh." he answered. I am not asking for your name, dumbass!

"Marry me and I'll help you."

"And when did the marriage became the solution to resolve my father's problem?" I asked frustratingly.

"How naive." he taunted. "You do not how lucky you are to my proposition? And besides, how can you just trust a man? Does your father forgot to tell you to never trust just anyone?" his eyebrows creased.

"You mean, including you?" I sarcastically answered. A sly smile came out on him. Oh, shit! Why do he have to look so hot? This is not good.

"Unfortunately, I am not just anyone Miss Magno. I'm gonna be your husband so soon and gonna be the father of your child."

"You're unbelievable Mister! And how sure are you that I will accept your ridiculous offer?"

"Let's just say that you don't have any choice but to get married to me in order to freed your father. I have my means and power to do that." he said casually.

"Why me? I mean, we just met and now you're asking me for a marriage."

"Oh! Don't flatter yourself Miss Magno." he said and give an insulting laugh. He look at me from head to toe while arching his eyebrow then grinned. Now I feel conscious! What's wrong with this man! How disgusting his attitude is! Brr! I badly want to give him a hard blow straight to his jaw.

"Frankly speaking, you're not that hot Miss Magno. And you're too young and looks so naive for my liking." said he while shaking his head. Did he just insulted me?! And who's naive, huh?! " But I need a wife and an heir. And I just can't pick one on my harem. They're not suitable to be a mother. And I'm sure that fucking old man won't just approved a city girl to be his daughter in law. He's fucking picky. What a headache." he said in a firm voice, wearing a creased on his forehead.

"So, you see? It's a win-win situation. You're gonna help your father and I'll gonna get that old man his last wish." I blink upon hearing all the words he said.

"Do I still have time to think?" I was surprised by my answer. I don't have a choice do I? This is giving me headache. I didn't know life is so hard not until this time.

"Unfortunately, none. And besides you don't have any other choice, frankly speaking. Either you agree or let your father suffer. " he ruthlessly said. I closed my eyes in defeat and slowly nod my head in agreement. I just can't let my papa suffer. Not in a million years. I am calling the Gods and Goddesses for help!

"Good. Drink that wine and I shall call my lawyer."

After that night, I'm already Beatrice Lleigh C. Magno-Cavanaugh. I didn't know how he manage to do that. All I remember was there were papers that I signed held by a lawyer. And after an hour I received a call from my papa saying that he's alright. I also heard that Arthur was the one who helped Mr. Chang to put the blame on my father. I didn't know why he'd do that. He's my papa's apprentice and I treated him as a family! Now, he's in prison with that sneaky businessman.

William did not let me to went home. Instead he let my papa went to his mansion.

"Belle!" papa screamed my name when he saw me waiting on the porch of the mansion. William's men picked him up. I don't know where and I didn't bother to ask. I am still adjusting with their intimidating aura!

My papa's too emotional. He hugged me tightly and said his apology. "I thought I won't see you again my Bella. I'm sorry for making you worry." he said as he lovingly caress my face.

"It's alright papa. I'm fine. I'm glad that you're here beside me." I said as I hug him back as tight as I could. William's just standing in the corner watching us like we're in some kind of ridiculous movie. This man doesn't have any sympathy! Goodness!

I don't want my father to know about my current situation but I don't want to hide it as a secret either. So I don't have a choice but to tell him the truth.

"P-papa, I have something to tell you." I nervously said,

"What is it, Belle?" he ask with an assurance in his voice that it's alright.

I was going to tell him the whole story but William cut me off.

"Excuse me, but I think it's better that I'll be the one to tell you. Let's go inside my library to have a serious talk." he guided my father but before that, he turned to me, "Go upstairs, your room is already ready." he said. He motioned his right hand to one of his househelp. The househelp immediately went to my side and take the lead upstairs.

"Belle? What's happening?" papa asked confusedly. He then started to panic and comes towards me.

"Papa, it's alright." I said as I give him a genuine smile. I hold his hand and slightly squeezed it.

"I don't have the time of the world. Enough with your drama's and let's get it over with before I lost my string of patience." the beast said in his most irritating voice.

"No. My daughter shall go with me." papa said in stern voice. "You can take all my business away but not my Bella."

"Don't test my patience." William in his serious voice.

"Papa! I'm fine. Just go and talk to him. I promise that I'm going to be alright." I said in pleading tone. Papa look at me with hesitation. "I'm gonna call you from time to time, I assure you that." I added.

"Time is running." the beast in his menacing voice. Oh gosh! How I want to kick his gut!

"Alright." papa answered. I sighed in relief.

"Make sure to bring my papa home safely." I said pertaining to the beast who just cocked his eyebrow. "Please." I added.

"Fine. Whatever. Let's go, old man. You both are wasting my precious time." he said as he drag my father away from me. Beast!