
The Model’s Handsom Husband

Mandita_BookWorm · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Beginning

11:01 P.M May 15, 2018

It was black and stormy outside my house. My step- mother kicked me out trowing a rough kick making me fall face first into the cold wet concret floor. I stood back up and tried to get back up. Then my step mom grabbed me by the shirt and started to slap me. The door then slamed as hard as it could. Tears running down my rosy checks. I stood back right up waving my rough cold hands past my knees.

I turned to my house… that's not right, my old house, staring attently to see if anyone would come out and bring me back in. Suddenly I heard shoes clatter inside the house a little bit. I walked closer to the door and trying to open the door shaking the knob agresvly. Then the clattering shoes soon stoped. Soon the door creaked while it was trying to be pushed opened. A little head peaked out turning side to side. I grabbed the knob and pulled the door closer to me.

" Nia-chan!" My little sister said with tears in her eyes. " Sisi-chan, come here," I said opening my arms and getting down to her level. Sisi came runing to me almost knocking me down the front door stairs.

" Sorry Nia-chan! Everything is my fault!" Sisi said crying and sobbing on my drees too." No, no,no. This isn't your fault, it was mine for not doing what they said." I said trying to cheer her up. I stood back up and grabbed her hand leading her away from the rain to the house door.

" Sisi, take care,okay?" I said rubbing my hand on her rosy red check whipping away her tears. " Don't leave Nia-chan!!!" My little sister said pulling me closer to her. " Don't worry I'll come for you soon or later. We will always together!" I said giving her a tight warm hug.

"Can you go bring me my suitcase, pls," I said looking straight into her eyes. Her eyes where green with a little brown making it a silver color.

She nodded and walked towards the door closing it as she passed through it. I stared at the plain white golden big door with tears in my eyes. I walked to the edge of the concret stairs and sat on the first step since there is only two. I started to crying remembering what happened a moment ago with my stepmom and father.

How could he see his daughter that he raised, get beaten and treated bad by his horable wife.

He was leaning right next to the white with golden doors. His arms were crossed wrinkling his white plain shirt I gave for his 50th birthday with a pair of black pants. His killer gaze he gives when he's disappointed or furstrated with you, he gave it to me.

More tears ran down my checks and chin. The creaking sound was once again heard. A big bright light shined showing a big tall shadow with a.. suitcase? I heard shoes clattering like mini high heels. I knew it was Sisi because of the way the small high heels sounded like. I whipped my tears and stood up facing my sister. Tears came running down her checks too. I took my sisters hands of the suitcase slowly and grabbed it.

" Can you be here for my 14th birthday this year older sis, pls?!" She sobbing and coming closer to me. " Maybe!" I said crying a little. I gave my sister a huge hug! I untied my arms from her and put one of my hands on her head rubbing it slowly making a mess in her hair. I stopped rubbing my hand on her hair and put my hand on her rosy red check and whipped tears away.

I walked away from her to a chair right next to the door where there was a a brown sack with a hood. I let go of the suitcase and slowly put the sack on. In my opinion it looked nice with what I was wearing. I was wearing blue short ripped shorts with black army boots and shirt.

I put the hood down on me and walked down the stairs with my suitcase. I almost got to the street when I heard crying. I turned to my sister to see her crying. I look at her and waved goodbye smiling at her. She looked at me and made a small wave making a small smile.

I turned back to the street starting to cry of sadness because I left her with those horable people, but it was for her own good.

I soon heead the door open and slam shut! I started to run in the street while it was raining to the street to get a job and a house as quickly as possible.

It's been 5 years since I've seen my sister Sisi, my father, my stepmom and step sister. I left that life a long time ago and started a new one .....

This story wouldn’t be what it is if I hadn’t read great books from many people that created them and gave me fantastic ideas for plot twists and great characters!!!!! Your story’s give me good ideas!!!!Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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