
The Mockery of Fate

"The Mockery of Fate" is an enthralling tale of two characters, who find themselves embarking on a mysterious journey. When they reunite after a long separation, they discover that they have been unwittingly drawn into a high-stakes competition with an elusive prize. However, it's just the very beginning of the adventure that awaits them.

Narashie · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Welcome to Eclaté, a charming city

<I>9 years ago</i>

It was a picturesque day in the enchanting city of Eclaté, nestled in the southern part of Lagrand. Everywhere one looked, the city exuded an atmosphere of timeless elegance. Stately buildings, their façades adorned with intricate carvings and wrought iron balconies, stood as proud testaments to a bygone era. These architectural marvels, with their tall windows framed by cascades of billowing curtains, basked in the sunlight, casting long shadows that danced playfully along the cobblestone streets.

As the city bustled with life, a young girl adorned in a sky-blue dress, her golden curls dancing in the wind, darted through the crowded streets. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she spotted a sign advertising the tantalizing allure of strawberry cocoa.

"Mama, look! They have strawberry cocoa!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with childlike wonder.

Her youthful energy contrasted with the grace of her companion, a young blonde woman who struggled to keep up in her high heels.

"Now, Crystal, my dear, young ladies don't run," the woman gently admonished, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Eclaté's streets were abuzz with activity. The city was renowned for its historic library, a haven of knowledge,and the keeper of legendary archives rumored to hold secrets of the ages. However, it being a sunny Saturday, the city's residents and visitors alike were out, reveling in the delightful weather.

Amidst the cheerful ambiance, two unfamiliar figures navigated the bustling streets. A slender, brown-haired man in his thirties, his eyes hidden behind a pair of spectacles, scrutinized a map he held in his hands. Beside him stood a little girl, no older than five, with raven-black hair cascading from beneath her bucket hat. She observed her surroundings with wide-eyed curiosity, everything around her seem a wondrous revelation.

Buildings, people, and the very air felt new to her, each captivating her attention. She marveled at the sight of city guards, their comically oversized hats causing her to giggle in amusement.

The guards were wearing funny hats. They were really big. Don't they limit their vision? The girl found it funny. Seems like not only guards are wearing such hats. That man was wearing a similar hat as well, but he didn't have the uniform on; moreover, he didn't even have a shirt. The girl was staring at the man. Tall, fit, long blond hair in a ponytail under the hat, tattoos on his right arm, right under the elbow, a simple earring in his ear, and very bright turquoise eyes. The man was getting closer and closer, but he didn't look at the girl even once: he was focused on someone else.

Finally, a cry pierced the air.


The girl with the freshly procured bag of cocoa turned to face the source of the call, her expression transforming from joy to fear. Alongside her, the woman following her gaze wore a look of sheer disgust.

"Hey there, Captain!" one of the guards pointed, a sense of recognition coloring his words. "It's... him again!"

The guard captain, leaning lazily against a wall while enjoying a leisurely cigarette, seemed irritated by the sudden disturbance. She barely glanced at the man, the woman, and the girl as they approached.

"Let me finish my cigarette, for God's sake," she muttered, taking one last drag before discarding the spent remains.

The man with the tattoos, his face illuminated with an infectious grin, waved excitedly at Crystal. His voice exuded a mixture of anticipation and familiarity.

"Did you miss me, Crystal? Ho-ho!"

Meanwhile, the man with spectacles continued his quest to decipher the map. Lost in concentration, he failed to notice that it was upside down. The girl in the bucket hat, while momentarily intrigued by the man's navigational mishap, found herself captivated by the unfolding scene before her.

"Hey Vlad, you seem to be enjoying that hat," the captain remarked casually, her tone betraying a hidden amusement. "Who did you steal it from?"

The captain's partner, his focus unwavering, interjected with a more serious tone. "Will you come with us willingly this time, or shall we resort to the usual measures?"

Vlad's jovial demeanor remained unshaken, even as he was met with the prospect of confrontation. A mischievous smile adorned his face as he addressed his pursuers.

"Come now, you two, I thought I made myself clear before. Or did you not understand?" His smile widened, mischief dancing in his eyes.

"Uaaa mommyy! This man again!!" Crystal, torn between recognizing the man and the fear welling within her, ran to her mother, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The captain nonchalantly lit another cigarette, her demeanor suggesting a certain level of familiarity with such encounters.

"Oh, Crystal, dear. Daddy escaped from prison to see his beautiful daughter. Isn't it so cool?" The man's words trailed off abruptly as a swift strike landed in his chest, incapacitating him. The captain's partner swiftly caught the falling "daddy."

"Who do you think will carry him?" the young guard grumbled, clearly displeased with the sudden responsibility.

"I kick, you carry," the captain responded without a hint of hesitation.

"People usually discuss before taking action," the guard retorted, his annoyance evident.

Meanwhile, the man accompanying the girl in the bucket hat, finally realizing his navigational blunder, triumphantly exclaimed, "Ah, I've got it! We turn right here!"

Glancing around at the scene that had unfolded during his obliviousness, he added with a hint of appreciation, "A charming city, isn't it?"